12 points
With 350bb deep his range preflop is really wide and would not exlude many things cause he limp/reraise which is kinda funny considering stacks.Standard play until the river which is really surprising from him.He has a lot of bluffs like top pair plus fd and/or turned higher straight draws that missed on the river so he definitely have to shove basically any full house.It is possible that he put you on some semi bluffing hand on turn considering he did not have clubs.When he checks he can have some overpairs that might call rarely as well as straights without redraw on turn.Maybe even some trips,anyway I think you re basically obligated to shove with this spr.
June 5, 2018 | 3:12 a.m.
I have asked before regarding automatic seating when we don`t want to play hu,3 or 4 handed.I think this solution from MPN can be implementable. https://gyazo.com/4d65a3e11010e58c2d2308c9b9be3529
So basically we can choose number of seated player,for some players like me this feature is very important.
May 30, 2018 | 7:10 p.m.
Let's say i would like to open 4 tables, but don't want to play shorthanded, only 6max.Is there an option that allows joining table only when there are already 5players?
May 24, 2018 | 4:47 a.m.
I understand that one of main purposes of not allowing huds is protecting rec players
from getting target and exploited by regs,but i am not sure recs prefer anonymous tables.We all know that currently biggest site allows huds and their player pool is even increasing.I would say more important questions are going to be how is RIO going to attract new players to site,and not just ones from the RIO training site.Rake structure also
very important.What about idea of rakefree play for 30 days or something in order to attract large number of new players?I am looking forward to hear more about strategies and general policies in next articles.
May 3, 2018 | 3:12 a.m.
You have good odds,but bad hand to continue multiway.No need to 3bet this pre.
March 20, 2018 | 9:39 p.m.
Main point when playing without stats is finding out optimal or gto strategies against unknown opponents .For example when we get raised on 489j cc board by btn optimal play may includes calling with 7ttx without a club type hand,and folding ac7tcc if it is pot sized bet.Looking at his 86%ft stat is not according to to theme of this video.Second thing would be remembering relevant things from our opponents play.For example when we see that maniac 3betting 2245ss we can conclude next time that kkt8ss is strong enough hand to 3 bet or 4bet that player.Next we see him stacking off on 2flush board with a wrap no pair,which is super bad,and we remember that and try to apply that in future situations.Anyway good play generally,calling aq8jds 4bet is debatable,closer to fold,and against aggressive opponents i prefer folding utg a99tss.
Feb. 1, 2018 | 12:45 a.m.
Any updates from new challenge?
Jan. 28, 2018 | 9:39 p.m.
That sounds nice!Just hope you won`t change your mind again:).
Jan. 6, 2018 | 2:29 p.m.
This is my favorite comment of all time.Don`t understand a word,it looks neither Phil Galfond,probbably neither jonna102,but probably means something.
Jan. 2, 2018 | 9:37 p.m.
1.Yes we are completely without sets.
4.Give credit to opponent for top full house after c/back?Nonsense.
5.We balance our j97 bluff by adding more bluffs?Rofl.
Lastly are we really raising turn if we have somehow a fullhouse?Very rarely if ever.
Jan. 2, 2018 | 9:21 p.m.
569qcc play on k96hh board with spr of 3 was very interesting.I agree that shoving club turn specially 2 was the best,but would it be easy to play our hand if we just bet the flop?If we check back we risk of getting bluffed on every heart by ace blocker,and calling on half of deck that brings a straight doesn`t feel good.I would pay 168$ to see why is he betting 168 instead of 216$ on river lol.
Dec. 31, 2017 | 8:39 p.m.
I would be interested to see some hands that you c/fold and had some equity.For example if i open utg ak89ss on 9tjcc with a pair,gutter and bdfd against aggressive button who will float our cbet close to 100% with various stuff i think its just better to give up or hope for free turn. Also i think there are arguments for checking back more on tt6r board with qqtx type hand.Yes we need some protection,but we dont really want to get raised and against some opponents who are barreling 100% when we check there is more value in inducing bluffs.
Dec. 31, 2017 | 7:28 p.m.
Maybe you are right.Anyway i saw P.Galfond open folding akcc64ss in utg+1 playing plo200.I know it matters having 2 high suits,but its similar hand.Very important factor is do we have very aggressive players behind us.If our opponents are 3betting us very wide,blocking a and k doesnt help us much. We very often have marginal hand on A high boards,and it`s very difficult to to call multiple times.
Dec. 29, 2017 | 3:57 p.m.
I think its not appropriate to call this playing without stats,when you use 3 stats. How would you approach Microgaming games where no stats can be used?I think your reasoning for opening ak42ds type hand has some serious flaws.AK42ds is top 10 hand according to ppt,but 6789ds is not even top20!So are we really open folding this?If we talk about playability its too obvious.Getting 3bet with ak42 is really awkward, while we even don`t mind getting 3bet with second hand.When we flop something we can rarely be confident we have the best hand,while with 6789ds we pretty much know when we have strong hand or strong draw.
Dec. 27, 2017 | 10 p.m.
Good video and very good play in this tough lineup with at least 20 very strong regs!
My suggestion would be not to filter hands,it would be very valuable to see what hands are not good enough to open from various positions.Quick questions:on 345cc board you raised your opponent blind on blind with k956 bdfd after he cbets 1/2 pot.If he checked on board pairing river was the plan to jam?Also what should be the play if our opponents bets large or even pots it on flop instead of 1/2 pot?
Dec. 23, 2017 | 9:28 p.m.
-`I am going to play 250k-300k hands the next six months and as an RIO coach and etc I do think it's right to post that end of year--`.
Should we expect graph soon?
Dec. 14, 2017 | 11:53 p.m.
Depends on your winrate.If you are crushing,you can go with 20.Otherwise i will recommend not less that 50bi even if you are marginal winer.
Dec. 14, 2017 | 11:42 p.m.
What is our plan with at88 hand on 467ss board on nuts changing card on turn?Are we going to continue bluffing board paring card and straight cards and check/fold spades?Anyway great series!Is it going to be part 9?
Dec. 12, 2017 | 10:07 p.m.
I have doubts about c/calling blind on blind with aq82 on akjr.What is our plan on brick turn and rivers?Can we even call if we hit an Ace?Isn`t making villain to fold any pair or random gutshot good for us and hand just plays better if we bet the flop?Anyway,great series,keep it up!
Dec. 12, 2017 | 12:45 a.m.
Very interesting! Looking forward to hear about this
problem with having over 20 straight winning sessions.I have similar mental problem when I move up the stake and cannot crush like in lower stake.What do you do now to improve and how important was having a coach?
Dec. 11, 2017 | 1:38 a.m.
If someone is 3betting 30% is t974 good hand to raise in sb?Against this kind of maniac I would prefer to have wider 4bet range and absolutely avoid this kind of marginal spot oop.
Against almost any player calling with T high flushdraw has big reverse implied odds,i would
just let this one go,no need to raise or any kind of tricky play against this opponent.
3 betting 43/16 player who is probably opening on the button over 60% seems like a only right move preflop.Regarding river bet sizes 1/3pot doesn`t work here almost ever,and potting to fold possible lower straight is too ambitious.I think 1/2 will work fine ,cause intention is to fold 2 pair hand.
June 8, 2018 | 1:55 a.m.