0 points
Just looking on General guidance or someone to steer me in the right direction on information on using a RNG. I’ve been experimenting with one and I know I’m misapplying it. I guess I need to start by understanding my frequencies and then applying those inputs. The problem is I don’t know what my frequencies are in a spot or when to use the RNG. Basically when I’ve been using it is in a spot there say HJ opens, were in sb with A3s, I think 3betting 50 percent and folding 50 percent is ok. Not sure. So I’ll 3b anytime the RNG says 51 or over and then I’ll fold when it says 50 or under.
Also if I’m using a hud and the fold to 3b stat is 67, then Is it fine to 3bet 67 or under and fold 68 or higher?
Also if someone can steer me in the right direction on how to interpret hud stats that would help a great deal.
April 25, 2020 | 1:56 a.m.
Watching this for the first time but about 7 min in I have a little confusion as to what the author is explaining. When talking about 70% being to high of a Cbet percentage I think it’s a little misleading saying “70 is to high, just float flops and know that the player will have a weaker range on turns and rivers”. While this is true I do think it is very important to consider the player type the has this high betting frequency. If this is a taggish player, or close to a nit, then they will be starting with a strong range to begin with, so their range will be betting a lot of flops a high percentage of the time. I think the player we are looking for here is a bad aggressive reg, this player will be opening much wider to begin with and then will be cbetting his high frequency and this is the player with the weak ranges on turn and rivers. Just food for thought.
April 16, 2020 | 3:31 a.m.
I think we can just jam turn, there’s 46 in pot and we have around 71 behind if my math is correct. Also we can bet large on flop so our turn jam doesn’t look like as big of an over bet. You’re against a nit with a semi strong range and a fish who I assume calls too much. A bigger flop bet size seems best. Also there’s a boatload of equity that we are happy with denying on turn. AJdd ATdd JTdd, T9dd and AK, also if he’s a real nit he might not always 4b AA, many nit don’t have a 4betting range because they know that they won’t generate much value because everyone always folds to their cold 4bets. They compensate for this by cold calling 3bets with big pairs. Yes when we jam we could lose but I think the positives of jamming outweigh the negatives.
Totally agree, any references I can look at that will help me learn?
April 26, 2020 | 4:40 a.m.