1 points
I found the videos where you explored ranges in pokerjuice very informative and entertaining, the GTO approach videos. More of those please! Other than that just standard zoom videos are great, I do prefer commentary over a recorded session to a live session though, but both works.
Some sick plays in this video, especially hero-call vs CTS at 39.40 :) Keep it up!
July 15, 2015 | 11:39 a.m.
9:11 "cool"
March 4, 2015 | 7:39 a.m.
lol @ possibly making a mistake or getting in to a tricky situation and just skipping the video forward where you I assume 3b folded 8's vs the button judging by stack size when the video resumed??? What was that? I had to rewind like 3x to see what was going on.
You're looking way too much in to tiny samples on that huge hud for sure.
I'm glad you reduced the table count mid way through though as I think there's too much going on for a live video to explain anything in any sort of detail, 2-3 zoom tables seems ideal.
Nov. 27, 2013 | 1:39 a.m.
65cc doesn't look to be anything more than "he probably doesn't have a boat, so I'm all in"
Nov. 27, 2013 | 1:37 a.m.
An example of that would be around 30 mins in on the top right table where you mention jazzman's 18% CO open as a reason to flat JJ in the SB vs CO. With there being an assumed recreational player in the BB I think you have to expect that to be considerably higher than 18% unless he's not adapting to the table well.
In this hand in particular it probably is better to flat more often than not but because of the stack depth, not some hud numbers.
I took this hand as an example to show how numbers can be very misleading because it was taken from a larger and truer sample size than most of what you were making use of.
p.s I'm sure you know all of this
Nov. 21, 2013 | 6:42 p.m.
Around 21:00 you are donk bet in to on flop & turn and then you don't realise this, thinking that he's c/c then bet. Probably doesn't change the hand too much though.
Also lol'd when you paused and thought about pronouncing the big blinds name at ~23:00 (top right) for a moment haha :)
Enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the game again but I do think you rely a little to heavily on your hud, especially small samples.
Nov. 21, 2013 | 6:26 p.m.
At min 30 the Qh should go middle ainec
Then if you pull the K then you can still hit the 3, not to mention running 5s for 2p too.
34.30, you can control-click the fold button to keep observing hands in zoom
April 29, 2016 | 9:07 p.m.