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Nov. 27, 2016 | 12:55 a.m.

I agree with the others, you combined a good subject matter with such a nice tempo. I guess there's always that balance where you want to be clear to those unfamiliar with the subject without boring the ones that are, and you struck a perfect middle ground :) Looking forward to more! 

Oct. 15, 2014 | 7:01 a.m.

I think the very reason why Tyler is great and refreshing is the same reason the videos can get tedious. Pretty much everyone can improve by paying more attention to every spot rather than just saying "meh, standard" and move on. 

Oct. 8, 2014 | 10:44 a.m.

Thoughts on how to improve your poker game while hiking? 

March 9, 2014 | 10:47 p.m.

Love your background, love your sense of humor and the way you have responded in this thread. I'm genuinely excited for future videos! 

March 6, 2014 | 1 a.m.

I suppose my biggest gripe that I might have worded poorly with the second paragraph in the first post is that you have shown in earlier video threads, as well as throughout your videos that this whole balance and range building thing isn't an exact science for you. You have even admitted to as much yourself when defending your case. It's all a bit arbitrary and up in the air in a sense. 

With that in mind I find it in pretty bad taste to plug your coaching with the motivation that you will show people their range imbalances with that history of criticism. I humbly think it's below par for any video on RIO, let alone a hsnl one, and where would I voice this concern other than in the actual video thread?

I do agree with your sentiment that being heavily math oriented isn't the only attribute needed to be a strong HSNL reg, but my concern is not helped by the fact that you and I played together daily for about three years starting from late 2011. You play well, no doubt, but the context of your monetary achievements is not exactly transparent to your audience.

I hope that clears what I was getting at, even if you don't like my opinion. Nobody has to, off course, but I see no reason not to express it being a paying customer of this fine site. 

I wish you the best of luck.  


March 4, 2014 | 7:47 p.m.

Well, yes, but I would argue the solution in those cases isn't to stop betting hands that beat the majority of villains bluffcathers. Adjusting our sizing accordingly is by all likelyhood the better alternative as it actually forces villain to make a decision with his middling hands, rather than him getting to play close to perfectly against our checks. 

The last sentence is a bit ironic as you just a few comments up called a guy sarcastic and crass (for no valid reason I might add) and yet you now resort to the same? 

March 4, 2014 | 2:24 p.m.

Peter, I think you are a bit confused with a concept you keep coming back to in this video. In a few spots you say that we shouldn't valuebet because we don't have enough bluffs to balance with. This is obviously just bad logic and I think you would agree if you spent some time thinking it through. It just means we ran into a really good situation where we can really put the hurt on villains range. 

Other than that, a pretty nice video, though it was definitely a "Yikes!" moment in the beginning where you plug your coaching by saying you can show bluff/value combo imbalances, something every competent viewer can tell is your biggest weakness. At least in terms of being accurate and specific. I think your strengths lie elsewhere.

I suspect you will take this post as an attack but it's really not my intention. It's just feedback.


March 3, 2014 | 1:53 p.m.

One of the best videos on the site so far imo, great stuff Ben! Looking forward to the following parts.

Feb. 26, 2014 | 12:04 p.m.


Basically I think this kind of topic caters a lot better to a powerpoint style presentation, with maybe showing some of the more mind boggling hands that don't fit into any general areas in real time.

For starters, it would save lots of time if we were to take a look at preflop in isolation. A lot of the hands go raise/fold or raise/huge 3bet/fold and we could break down the preflop game down in a simple slide, something like:


limp: (xx, xx..)

2x: (xx, xx...)

3x: (xx, xx...)

15x 3bet: (xx. xx...)


same sort of breakdown...

This would allow you to spend less time reminding us of what combos have previously been played in a certain manner. Same kind of brief overview could be done for different bet sizes, bluffraises an so on. 

With all the little pieces laid out in front of us you would be able to instead get started with some deeper analysis within a short time. This would avoid a lot of the "Oh, this happened previously with x y z holding, this could mean this or that, we'll have to wait and see if this play is balanced further within this sample". 

I think the perfect start to this video series would have been you saying "Go watch the video on youtube, then come back for the analysis". If you would stay at the same detail level as the above video I think the same findings could easily be covered in, say, a single 50-80 min video. What would be even more interesting, off course, is a miniseries where the supposed strategies employed are broken down in a deeper, more structural way.  

Just my 2 cents, and I don't want to come across as attacking, it's just my personal opinion that the approach to this theme could be done differently. I also realize that this isn't the most fun and worthwhile thing for you to be constructing, but I'm sure runitonce has access to high quality minions that would gladly aid with stuff like this :)


Nov. 10, 2013 | 9:21 p.m.


Kanu series is great. As always it doesn't matter much if you feel that you're rusty at NLHE and don't make the best play in every spot, it's always great to see you balance between range play and intuition and the longer the tangents the better the video.

Nov. 10, 2013 | 2:15 p.m.

Ben, Im signed up to this site because of you, and being able to watch Phil's back catalogue. 

Making this a 3 part series would make me pause the subscription. It's not that the bots aren't interesting, it's more that the disclaimers you yourself made at the start of the video make the information that can be drawn out of this pretty non applicable to our own poker games. 

I would have expected a video producer at run it once to at the very least have watched the entire footage beforehand and condensed the findings into either a speedier live video or more of a powerpoint style presentation. 

I'm looking forward to future videos, and I hope the message comes across the right way.


Nov. 9, 2013 | 3:31 p.m.

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