BlackHand's avatar


31 points

Nester or RIO Admins, can you fix the category of this video? It's currently listed as NLHE, not PLO.

March 21, 2018 | 2:14 a.m.

I think your own play would be better in this case, since the preflop ranges are much wider in HU and your play is more complete (in the sense of paying attention to balance, playability on future streets and correct bluffing/bluffcatching frequencies) than a low stakes HU reg, who's playing a lot of spots "by ear".

Thanks for the reply Phil, I don't mind waiting, your content's great.

March 13, 2018 | 1:12 p.m.

Hey Phil, I was wondering if we could get an Essential HU PLO video in the spirit of a more introductory(-ish) approach you did in Bradley Chalupski's review videos. Thanks.

March 12, 2018 | 11:17 a.m.

It's the very same session as in Pt.1, played in a single sitting.

His stacks are the same size and he's holding the same cards on the right table.

Jan. 10, 2018 | 4:08 a.m.

Hey Leszek, quality content. I've enjoyed this as well as pt.1

That said, I don't think any more videos of this format are necessary.

1)As another guy pointed out in Pt.1 comments, you are not playing completely without stats.

2)You replied to him that you still play regs (or other familiar opponents) whose game you understand even without stats, but that kind of proves his point - you already know their stats.

3)Against unknown opponents you[1] are by definition playing without stats, so playing stat-less doesn't accomplish anything extra against them.

[1] I don't mean "you" specifically, I mean anyone who attempts to replicate this approach, playing without stats.

I appreciate you talking about the advantages of stat-less play in Pt.1 and bringing this value to our attention, but multiple videos of this format seem too excessive to drive that point home.

Now as for more interesting part, at 27:00 I'm a bit surprised there doesn't exist software that can calculate EV of a 4-bet call for you in 2018.

Or is this simply the method you prefer to use out of personal convenience?


Jan. 8, 2018 | 5:10 a.m.

At 23:00 with KK72ds on QsJs59 board. In case where we do get called here I think potential rivers merit discussion.

I think any non-spade river (Except maybe "K") we have to jam if we get checked to. Overpair can't be good enough often enough on the river here.

It's quite obvious he doesn't have KT at this point, so I think his most likely hand if we do get called here is something like AsTs8x where he has a bottom straight and a flush draw which we would like him to fold.

On a spade river even though we kind of arrive, if he donk shoves we actually have to consider folding as one of the options.

It's quite hard to believe he could call Turn with just As blocker and bottom straight.

He might have had a Set with As blocker which he thought about turning into bluff if Flush hits but that also seems a bit farfetched. And I don't really see him just jamming a 3rd flush or worse here.


Jan. 6, 2018 | 12:08 p.m.

At 14:55 you say and I quote "Top 2 is very often going to be the best hand here".

I find it utterly perplexing how Americans (I'm not talking about you here specifically) can complain not being able to play on Stars, etc. when you have a player pool (according to Nick Johnson) where top 2 is often good in that spot.

It's just bizarre - I know z50 regs that would give their left nut to be able to play in pools where 3 out of 4 other players (not counting yourself) at a 5-handed table are recreational, both by their stats and their actual play.

If the 3rd guy doesn't tag along after a pot lead by SB you're lighting money on fire, because a pot lead is almost always at least a combo draw here, which you are about even against:

40 trials (Exhaustive)
board: 8sTc4cKh
Hand Equity Wins Ties
AsTsKs6d 47.50% 19 0
Kc9cJd7s 52.50% 21 0

And you're looking at 5 to 10% equity against sets here:

AsTsKs6d 5.00% 32 0
TT23 95.00% 608 0

AsTsKs6d 10.00% 192 0
4427 90.00% 1,728 0

My point is: Without at least a Gutshot and/or a club blocker this is a dubious play, especially since SB has Reg-ish stats.

Other than that great video as usual, you're doing excellent work and I appreciate your content.


Jan. 6, 2018 | 9:20 a.m.

Good vid, Nick.

You briefly mentioned live PLO and it got me wondering a bit whether the higher rake in a live setting is worth it since equities run much closer in Omaha than in Hold'em and you have to play a lot more hands in Omaha since the tables are so loose you should be able to play many suited aces with some connectivity, certain hands with gaps, etc.

What are your thoughts on live PLO?

Aug. 27, 2017 | 5:51 p.m.

Ok, thanks.

My montior is too large so I didn't notice it in the top right corner.

Aug. 23, 2017 | 4:09 a.m.

I've tried looking for a "Search by video's name" in the Full Library, but found none.

But with google searching by site I found what I looked for.

Have I missed it or does it simply not exist? It's trivial to make from a programmer's PoV and it seems very useful given that the site has thousands of videos (and will hopefully have thousands more) and you don't always remember who made the video or when the name itself piqued your interest.

Aug. 22, 2017 | 9:18 p.m.

Hey Nick, great vid. I was wondering if you could perhaps make a video some time later with Hand Review, where you illustrate a concept you've mentioned in the video

I'm talking about spots where after they check on certain board textures you pot turn and pot river too (if necessary) to blow them off a hand with mediocre equity.

Aug. 12, 2017 | 9:11 p.m.

leBresil: If NLH villains play like that they will quickly go Busto. And then they will either learn to play PLO properly or stop playing it. Thus your point is invalid.

Aug. 4, 2017 | 8:39 p.m.

Hey Phil, I'm playing these exact stakes in this very room and was excited to see a video where I recognize people that I have at my tables.

That said, if you wish to do more videos with footage from this session I would really hate to see more of the same. From what I've seen in this video Bradley would currently be one of the worst regs even at these stakes, as virtually all of them understand how much equity that Aces wrap had in the penultimate hand.

I understand that this is an essential video, but teaching how equities run in very common spots (a few hours of self-study with Poker Juice or PPT) and that naked KK is not the greatest hand preflop is best left to other essential pros.

I don't want to sound too negative, but my point is - if you include into your range of Essential videos the videos from people that basically just learned the rules yesterday (even if they might be amazing NLH players, no offense to Bradley) then that leaves too little value videos for people that have learned the very basics and are trying to get "from here to there", i.e. those trying to advance from micro stakes to at least 1/2.

P,S. Bradley, you seem to be a bit of a hostage to the buttons of the standard sizings (i.e. those odd 1/4 pot bets) - you can customize the default bet sizings on those buttons in either the table settings or the account settings in the poker client.


Aug. 1, 2017 | 8:46 p.m.

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