Kevin E
22 points
Stuff has been happening. I final tabled both WSOP events I played including a heartbreaking HU loss where I was about 75% to win my first bracelet. The second I had the chip lead going into the televised FT where I ran bad but was able to get 3rd. Kinda obsessed with winning a bracelet now so I think I’m going to do that
Oct. 30, 2021 | 1:12 p.m.
Today is Day 90 of my 90 straight days of 3 hours of PLO streaming challenge! Thank you RIO for all the support
Aug. 15, 2021 | 5:46 p.m.
After 7 months of playing, I've learned a few things. First thing is that having someone better than you help you really speeds up your progress. Second, doing it yourself is a tireless task. I've literally played/worked over 80 days in a row as a challenge and I still feel like I'm lazy. So much to do, so much to learn
Aug. 6, 2021 | 3:52 p.m.
Let me tell you about the donkey who dreams of being a Pegasus. Lets say, hypothetically, that a donkey, we'll call him Seven D, does a challenge were he attempts to play 3 hours of PLO a day for 90 straight days. This donkey is consistent but he's very much a donkey. Let's say his graph looks like the one below. The donkey started off playing PLO200 but after losing 30 buy ins, he dropped down to PLO100. Let's also say that he streams on twitch at Donkey's Twitch. Now, the donkey really wants to be a Pegasus and he watches Pegasus videos daily, plays with the Pegasus favorite toy called vision, and doesn't want to go back to being a Live Poker Donk. He's super creative but does donkey things that stop him from fully evolving. Now, the donkey has 30 more days left in his challenge and he's more determined then ever to be a top Pegasi but he's running out of time. Donkeys got bills piling up and it's time to grow wings or just look like an ass. If you'd like to support this donkey in anyway, he (me) would really appreciate it. Stop by the stream, reach out on discord or here, or simply leave a comment or a like on this blog. I love the RIO community and can't wait to be a fly Pegasi. Thank for reading and come say hi on twitch. I stream daily at 11am PST/2pm EST/8pm CET. Donkey out!
July 16, 2021 | 5:55 p.m.
At 24:14 you make a disciplined fold against the player who is under-bluffing (underbluffing? under bluffing? What is the correct spelling?). I really appreciate you highlighting that because I find myself calling these bets and losing EV. At anonymous tables, how many hands do you think it takes you to spot a player who is either under or overbluffing?
June 24, 2021 | 11:29 p.m.
At 14:30, You asked "Why is it only the king of hearts?" Does a smaller heart change our decision?
June 24, 2021 | 10:43 p.m.
Hello everyone, it's me, Kevin E back with another update.
Vegas was a success! I played 5/5/10 PLO at Aria and left a winner. I played super tight, made a couple hands, and left a winner. As nice as that was, I know I have to work harder on my game if I'm ever going to make live PLO profitable the way I want it to be. So, back online I go! My big brain came up with the idea that streaming poker on twitch will be a great way for me to make the money needed for high stakes. Like all good degens, I decided to do a challenge I instantly regretted. I'm streaming 90 straight days of PLO with a minimum of 3 hours per a day. So far, I'm 10% through and having a blast goofing around and telling stories. Each stream starts at 11am PST, 2pm EST, or 8pm CET and I'd love to see you all there. twitch.tv/KevinEpoker
May 27, 2021 | 5:43 p.m.
I stream 200 plo on Twitch at KevinEPoker. I’m going through From the Ground Up:PLO while getting coaching from Emty. My plan is to stream my progression from 200plo to 2000plo and I do my best to talk about my decisions. I look forward to seeing you at in the chat!
April 29, 2021 | 9:01 p.m.
Today's blog post is brought to you by water. Water is a fantastic source of hydration and a key component of moisture, which everyone knows is the essence of wetness. Drink water, quench thirst. Water
No doubt my influence has inspired billions to start drinking water. If you'd like to pay me to shill for your product to the dozens of readers, slide into my DMs
I'm off to Vegas to spend what's left of my cash while my crypto and meme stocks crash. I've acquired many IOU's from online poker and I plan to cash them in while playing way over my skill level at live PLO. If you are in Vegas, you'll find me at the Aria guarding my chips like my life depends on it while folding for upwards to 72 hours in hopes of getting a 60/40 to go my way. I've wisened up over my years and purchased my return ticket home before hand so my plan is fool proof. If I go broke, I plan to use my natural gifts as a street performer to white boy dance along the walkway bridges in hopes of getting back into the game.
I've been dominating the games as you can tell from my graph I posted. Mental game coaches have taught me that perspective is everything and results don't matter so I'm basically a crusher now. I've started coaching and I charge whatever you're willing to pay an hour. Adios amigos! High stakes here I come!
April 23, 2021 | 1:35 a.m.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. He then called the first 9 names on the list and started a poker game.
I'm Kevin E and I'm a professional gambler. I stream on twitch at www.twitch.tv/KevinEpoker
Playing professional limit hold'em for over 10 years has taught me that I'm kind of a dumbass. I've switched over to PLO and after 3 months of work, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the first person to beat Phil Galfond at the Galfond Challenge. I luck-boxed my way into surviving my 20s and now in my 30s, I've basically figured out life. Rounders taught me everything I know and RunItOnce is teaching me the rest. My biggest life accomplishments are successfully picking up a 7-10 split, being my Grandma's favorite grandchild, and realizing I wasn't going to make it to the NBA in the 8th grade. I plan on using this platform for shameless self promotion. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. - Kevin E
Nice video Paul. Two tables of zoom kept me interested.
For me, I found my BB defense is different than yours. I wouldn't have found the 3b with AJ96ds against the tight BTN open. I also fold the TT82ss against the BTN open so thanks for showing me I'm not defending enough.
In the hand where you defend the J755r (I fold even getting a good price multiway), I understand why you don't want to check call with the open ender flush draw blocker but I just don't see the flop stab getting through enough to make this profitable. Perhaps I play too passively and don't find enough weak hands to stab?
At 26:38 you flat MP vs EP 3x open with AK74ds. Is this an exploit against the non pot open from an unknown? I tend to play very tight/aggressive at 100 and would love to find spots like this to learn how to open up profitably.
Thank you for the video
Nov. 28, 2024 | 7:25 a.m.