BigSlick_Holdem99's avatar


31 points

47:40. Annoying spot OTT, vs the large barrel. If your IP, could u basically barrel range? You are top of ur range OTT in BB (all better hands x/r flop), and u already are hating life sort of. Does that make u want to have some sort of unnatural very low equity bluffs when ur IP in this spot? Feel like we can just triple off super hard here vs thinking players, and get a lot of Kx to fold by the river.

Whats ur continuing range OTT? Any tx continue? does a K ever fold? on brick runouts, are u folding most of ur 1 pair Kx vs a jam?

interesting spot. Theres many exploits to be made here in both IP's and BB's shoes here. IP should overbluff and BB kind of forced to overfold cuz people dont find enough triple off bluffs in these spots.

Dec. 15, 2022 | 7:07 a.m.

15 min mark (QTo defend). Agree w how u range IP's flop x back range. The check tells me hes a rec, as pretty much every reg knows to c bet this board UTG v BB. So that is something to keep in my mind. Im interested in what your continue range is ap OTT? Are u folding some Ax? Say like A5cc/A4dd type hands? Feels like a spot we literally have no continues almost as this line/turn sizing feels like the nuts. His bluffs c bet flop, so he most likely had a nutted hand that checked back the flop to slowplay. Interesting spot. Think its a spot we just fold everything, but down to hear what u think.

Nov. 3, 2022 | 7:16 a.m.

Thanks for the reply Ryan. Really explained it well. Made some really good points that I overlooked. One being how the solver isnt trying top be balanced, just highest EV line. so tons of EV comes through the bot 2 betting our river block as a bluff or 'thin" value raise which population isnt finding. makes a lot of sense as u end up value cutting urself sometimes when blocking w strong hands as they just arent going to re-open the action at a high even clip. so if we do block nutted hands OTR, mostly player dependent (aggro vamo for example is a good candidate) or hasve notes etc on specific villain etc

Oct. 5, 2022 | 5:52 a.m.

24:51 defend 76s vs EP. As played, how often are u blocking river for 1-2bb w a very strong hand?(essentially a hand that is snap calling vs a villain jam vs ur block) i think population is so unbalanced blocking here to medium/weak hands, that if u jam over this river block, it will get through so often. Mostly curious if ur balancing ur river blocking range in these spots, or ur not too worried because population is underbluffing vs ur block bets u dont feel like u are going to ever really get exploited due to that.

Oct. 2, 2022 | 5:42 a.m.

its a $5 MTT, nobody is NAI min 4 bet bluffing unless u have the guy labelled as a whale. Think flatting Q9s vs the 4 bet has a TON of reverse implied odds. Dont see a reason to call there. the only way i could justify flatting the Q9s there vs the 4 bet is if u covered him, but you dont. Such a soft tourney, way easier/risk free spots to pick up chips than trying to battle in 4 bet pots when guys only have KK+

Sept. 27, 2022 | 7:24 a.m.

really good stuff. One thing i would mention is maybe strip out a few HRC sims, a bit too many. would rather hear ur thought process on the hands and makes the review flow a little bit better. Just my opinion tho

Sept. 14, 2022 | 10:14 p.m.

great stuff Adam. whats a typical weekday grind look like for u in terms of ABI, what sites, how long u play for etc? ur graph is very impressive and although ur obv a great player, think ur BR management and game selecting has helped that which just shows it takes more than just to be good if u want to make a lot of money in this game

Sept. 13, 2022 | 6:22 a.m.

Banic missed button open QTo 41:10.

37:56 thoughts on a possible triple off w 66 vs Banics A9s and what BB's calling range looks like w ICM vs a triple off here...and thoughts on the opportunity or Banic to block river ap.

I will put time stamp in next time for asking questions. If u could answer those questons I had in the 2 posts that would be sick :)

Sept. 11, 2022 | 6:46 a.m.

great review.
In the A9o hand i think u have a very obvious tell when u size to a full 4x here. I would assume u size down w QQ+. I feel extremely confident that you as well population does so as well. So imo ur range has more bluffs and unpaired hands, (AK,AQ,KQ,KJ etc) so vs a player who is paying attention, i think ur sizing isnt great. i think we can and should be using different 3 bet sizings as an exploit (sizing down w our nutted hands to get more calls, sizing up w bluffs) but imo a very slippery slope as i think u will get 4 bet jammed on more w ur sizing due to worse odds to flat and ur range is lacking nutted hands. imo would just be careful w ur 3 bet sizings on this stack depth. cuz i do believe the full 4x here is significantly lacking nutted hands and prone to more unpaired 3 bet bluffs

Sept. 7, 2022 | 9:09 a.m.

very surprised Banic didnt open the QTo OTB. Hes easily the best player at the table and blinds were not applying pressure.

So many mistakes, expect that from the Sunday Storm though. I think if were DonkPlayer we just open ATC anytime it folds to us in a soft field like this as CL, then keep doing so until were played back at like u said.

thoughts on the 66 hand vs Banic in BB? would u triple this off as the OR ap? flop sizing sucks like u mentioned so makes the SPR a little awkward. i think its a pretty good hand to triple off here. As played, not sure why Banic didnt block river, feel like its a snap fold if villain jams river w such high risk premium on us...Do u feel strongly either way on blocking river here ap?

great review, hope to hear back on some of the questions i had. cheers!


Sept. 6, 2022 | 8:47 a.m.

Ty for the response. 100% agree. Enjoying ur content, great stuff.

Sept. 2, 2022 | 9:05 p.m.

Nice session. WP. quick question... any reason why u roll in games this soft? i dont really think u need to be balanced vs these fish? is it more so ur hitting the correct frequencies just for yourself to know ur playing well, or force urself to 3 bet more for example?

Aug. 31, 2022 | 8:17 a.m.

Great stuff. I like your thought process on all the hands. Only thing I would mention is when you ran the 44 hand, your giving BB essentially a cEV BB defense range, and since its FT Bubble in a Scoop Event, there is absolutely no way he is/should be defending all suited hands and stuff like K2o, Q4o etc. I would expect your CO RFI too be very tight here, considering your covered from both button and SB, and SB has been 3 betting a ton so that should make BB even want to defend less since if hes paying attention knows u will be adjusting ur RFI due to this factor. I would expect BB to have very little 2x here due to this. So I think both the defense range and your RFI are way too wide for a FT Bubble spot. I would consider a larger c bet sizing here as well for protection. Getting like QJhh or a random Ace high to fold is kinda nice. Think he will play it more abc too vs the bigger sizing which will make ur life easier, less random x/r folds for example that put u in an annoying spot.
As played, I really like your fold w ICM. W risk premium, I do not think u can call here. I dont think checking back turn is the worst thing, actually prob my preferred play. Main reasons are I dont like re-opening the action here and having to bet fold and I think its pretty hard for villain to credibly bluff the river vs a bet/x line and theres just so many cards hes pretty well forced to x (any broadway). Also, the fact it is FT Bubble, think we see way less bluffs here as people will tighten up and its not a spot ur capping yourself as u can still have some Kx and pp's that x back turn.

So yeah guess main concern is having cEV ranges for a ICM spot as I think it effects the entire sim as he doesnt have as much Kx/2x/ f/d's etc.


Aug. 19, 2022 | 7:50 a.m.

Thanks the response Adam, appreciate it. Really liked your explanation of betting v checking w a club or not a club. Still being live having outs to redraw to nut flush when BB makes flush OTT is something I didnt consider enough. Thanks for tossing the sim in there as well.

20:24: Id still pure open this combo regardless of what the charts said vs population in a soft big field $109 but thats just me. Raising more BvB more than what GTO ranges are doing always something I like to do, cuz pop massively under 3 bets this node (Id say one of most underbluffed parts of MTT's is the NAI 20-300bb effective 3bet bluff from BB v SB open) and theyre going to x back too much as well. Obv one of main reasons GTO mixes and limps a lot, is there expecting to get 3 bet a lot, but its so rarely happening we dont have to be worried getting bluffed off our equity.

24:33: Interesting hand. Agree turn most likely behind for sure. These MW 3 broadway boards are tricky to navigate. If i c bet flop big and SB's x/r's me, im folding AKo. So I think x/r'ing these boards very aggressively MW is pretty good in these games atm cuz people usually just have it a lot when they do that and can get better hands to fold. Would attack the 1/3 sizings the most, people c betting like weak top pairs and shit, just taking like any f/d and x/r'ing gutters etc making them fold better hands seems quite good imo.


July 22, 2022 | 9:34 a.m.

WP sir.
Didnt love your line w the Aces OTB. Flatting pre is fine, but double checking MW seems meh imo. I think the opener def has some overpairs/f'ds etc that are planning to x/j vs ur stab. Kinda want to charge BB w pairs, f/d's gutters etc as well. Facing a x/r from BB is not going to happen all that much. I mean sure he can have some 2 pairs+, but thats obv something ur willing to live w when u trap aces pre. You said u wanted to x more w/o a club, and bet more w a club, to me i kinda thought of it the other way around (not saying im right) but imo would rather x back w a club as its a bit nicer when a club rolls off OTT we block flushes and feel a bit better about our hand facing a big turn bet from either villain. Down to hear ur thoughts on that.

20:44 Any reason not raising this BvB? Feels like a pure 3x-3.5x vs almost anyone, except a vamo sicko that is gunna NAI 3 bet or jam like nuts on us haha. I like postflop, just curious why u didnt raise pre.

24:23. Flop feels like a big bet or x. U did say u wanted to 1/3 a lot here, but going small means ur betting a large portion of ur range which to me doesnt make much sense. U have a lot of top pairs u dont want to bet here, like pretty much A2s-A3o- to A9o. Even like AT. Qx and Jx mostly checking, so not sure about the small sizing approach. Would bet polar here and w ur specific hand AK feels like 5-6bb. Id bet like AK/ 2 pairs+ and then like high equity draws K9hh and some hands like JT that im playing to triple off and then some low pp's 22-44 as my triple barrel bluffs, especially if it goes HU v button. I think SB/BB play super face up here vs ur c bet and x/r the top of their range OTF, so if u get a call OTF, ur AK could prob get 3 streets of value on a dece amount of runouts and ur bluffs yield so much EV cuz there range is so capped by not x/r'ing the flop. If hearts come in and dont have a heart blocker, prob my only give ups as I think hearts only strong hands they can have by the river that dont x/r flop.
down to hear some feedback on my thought process in these hands. Once again, obv not saying im right, just what I would do and respect ur opinion so can change the way I think if u dont agree w it.


July 20, 2022 | 11:17 a.m.

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