12 points
Bravo Matthias!!! Great video and a lucky charm for me since that day I made two FT and won one. As for content it could be of interest, beside ICM which I do not think everybody understand depending on stakes, to go a little deeper on strategies ,dynamics and maybe mental game of being cheap leader (depending on distribution) ,since sometime it is easy to get carried away, and playing against big stacks, maybe some metagame when villains are known?? MTT I won , massive cheap leader entering FT that badly punted off getting into unnecessary pissing matches...
May 14, 2022 | 1:33 p.m.
Great stuff Paul, thank you. Very well structured and an amazing reminder on how proper, smart studying should be . Agree with previous user ,It would be great to see more spots ,personally I'd like to see opportunities/heuristics on responses as the caller.
May 3, 2022 | 1:59 p.m.
I have just joined RIO and watched a bunch of your videos including from the ground up pack.
This video is valuable as well , I have a question that is a little of theme , I have been searching , with no luck, on how to implement an RNG on PS. Could you or lambstockmix shade some light? Thank you
June 21, 2021 | 10:02 p.m.
Grazie Francesco, video interessantissimo. Sono un "vecchio" del poker , giocavo 20 anni fa, adesso ho tempo da dedicare per studiarlo e vedere se posso competere con i pischelli. Sono un membro recente di RIO ,nonostante non sia, o ero un amatore, e sto partendo dalle basi del poker moderno con preflop . Ottimi concetti per rafforzare preflop play .
Apologies to all other members , future posts will be in english , i was just excited to see a fellow italian as a elite poker pro. Cheers
Enjoyed this video as well as all your other content, however that shirt you wear for the solver reviews has to go pal , wrong side of the city
Oct. 6, 2022 | 3:04 p.m.