23 points
by far the enjoyable type of video you you make imo. thanks!
May 27, 2017 | 2:19 a.m.
No offense to Ryan but i agree with all the comments above. This would be fine as a essential video but certainly not what i pay my 100$ per month for. Sorry.
Dec. 9, 2016 | 1:24 a.m.
Great vid Phil, would love to see the earlier coverage too!
Oct. 21, 2016 | 10:28 p.m.
This video stop starting for anyone else?
Sept. 28, 2016 | 10:11 p.m.
Phil, great series. Really puts things into perspective. Just wondering what you think your avg buy-in was for this 66 hand sample? Do you think this kind of strategy becomes more and more viable as an MTT grinder moves up? Looking forward to more videos.
March 11, 2015 | 12:08 a.m.
KJ 14:00
I am a little confused about this. Many of our bluffs realize equity on this river, I agree. You are saying we can not valuebet KJ which should also mean that villaign shouldn"t be valuebetting, very often with a weak hand, the hands that valuebet, will be hands that usually call a bet by us.
I think its very reasonable to asssume that villaign cbets his FDs on the flop close to 100% of the time, even all his As-range should be cbetting which should be roughly A8o+ and AsXs. Also bc the K is a spade, otherwise he could be checking his top pairs that have a FD cause they have the whole board locked.
So I think his ranges is capped. Top of it will be usually something like K8s K9-KJ, very sometiems KQ, rivered 77, no KK cause he raises turn with it. (idk his opening tendecies to well, but on this board I think we can perceive him to check atleasat some top pairs)
What that means for me is, that I will be attacking his range aggressively. I will be betting the turn with most of my gutshots that will be a quarter also FDs, bc I assume we are defending close to 100% 3x and 5x suited. We also cant x/c a weak 5x or 3x imo, for many reasons.
So on this river our hand is really strong imo and I think I can valuebet it, therefore I will also include more bluffs. That is what you want to do by turning 7x into a bluff, so basically you are targeting almost his whole range, as I understand it, which I think is fine, giving his board coverage and the way his range looks like, its capped and not strong.
I would check very weak Kx here on the river, so my riverrange is a little protected against bluffs from a hand like A5s or incase he decides to thinly valuebet a 99, f.e.
My concern would be, that if we start betting to many rivers he could start bluffing huge with As bc of his blocker, but bc I think that his range doesnt have this hand oftern enough, bc it will be betting flop very often to put pressure on Kx and a naked As usually won"t call the turn, we should be valuebetting this KJ here, for value and still get called by the hands he might valuebet on the river like a KT.
According to your logic about our river range he should be checking the weakest part of his Kx, so I would force him to call with it. I would have different sizing on this river depending on my blockers and what I want to accomplish.
A low set I would bet big as well as my busted gutters and then with this hand I would pick a sizing where KT could still hero, f.e.
March 9, 2015 | 12:18 p.m.
Really enjoy your videos but the flag of Palestine In your Avatar , poker players should be realistic no ?
Feb. 28, 2015 | 5:03 a.m.
Great vid phil, love the format. Need more of these.
Feb. 14, 2015 | 4:29 a.m.
new mic is needed
Nov. 22, 2014 | 4:38 a.m.
Some of the best content on run it once!
Nov. 3, 2014 | 2:39 p.m.
@9:25 QTs
On turn, do you will c/r lower made flush more frequent then higher (especially with K diamond as blocker), because his bet/call range now contain more Kd or other hand with high diamond so we get additional value from them by c/r, if we have Kd in our hand ourselves we don't get that extra value from c/r?
Oct. 25, 2014 | 8:04 a.m.
@9:25 QTs
I suppose our assumption is that BTN (villain) messed up his range by not having enoght flush draw/straight draw combos and now having way too high bet turn/fold or bet turn/call fold river freq. and you as said will do this with almost any hand in your range? So i suppose to defend vs us in BTN shoes (not allow us to raise turn/bet river and autoprofit with our whole range) villain should check back some more balanced range with some more draws additionally to other hands we check back so our assumption "he cbet all his flush/straight draws on flop" become false and our river bet become closer?
Oct. 25, 2014 | 7:57 a.m.
agree with comments above regarding video format
Is this your default strategy to fold q7o bvb at 24:16 ? Thought I would see you 2.3x so it got me curious maybe its only q8o+
April 17, 2018 | 6:31 a.m.