Becks's avatar


44 points

Agree with MrSneeze.

July 22, 2014 | 1:23 p.m.

Why exactly is this an easy value squeeze? Only Info on Villain is that he is a good Reg and absolutely no info on CO.

July 22, 2014 | 6:33 a.m.

Hi Sam,

liked the Format of this Vid.

AK Hand: I kinda thought the River shove was close, since you raised UTG and 3 barreled in a 3 way pot. As you said yourself, the King improves your Range pretty hard and there are not so many hands you can be bluffing with. You still need at least another 18 Combos of worse hands that will call your shove to make your shove profitable. So ingame you just assumed he will be calling often enough with worse and shoved?

July 19, 2014 | 10:35 a.m.

Ace River doesnt change that much imo, its even slightly better since it improves AA AK AQ A4dd A5dd in Heros Range. It only improves Villains AJ, similair to KJ on a K River.

July 19, 2014 | 10:27 a.m.

I would just fold a brick River. We cant c/r much for value anyway. JJ being the best Hand we get to the River with. I personally dont call 55 33 pre and also dont think you make money calling these low pockets in that Spot. Not sure if we should c/shove AJ, we do need 50% vs. a callingrange. 

May 28, 2014 | 12:37 p.m.

Will definitely be there again this year. Looking forward to it.

May 13, 2014 | 2:44 p.m.

Why is this a good Spot to lead ott? Which Bluffs would you lead on the Turn after c/c Flop? Your Range contains a lot of pair + draw hands. Would rather c/c Turn to protect my Range. Dont see him calling down wide, since you cant be bluffing much. But he could potentially bluff some Rivers since you will have a hard time calling with JT 9T 89dd A9dd AJ KJ.

May 11, 2014 | 12:59 p.m.

Min 11 87s

You make the assumption that he checks back overpairs or better 7x on the Turn. Why would he check back an overpair on this turn? You almost dont have any 4x in your range apart from A4s. I doubt you are calling 74s 64s pre. He has 67s beat and there are a ton of draws he can get value from and wants to protect against. Plus he gets value vs. 7x and depending on his overpair he gets value from worse pairs.

If you want to valuebet this River you will need 50% vs. a callingrange. But under your assumption that he checks back Overpairs and 7x i dont think you get called often enough by worse. 

I still like the bet on the River though, cause I disagree with your assumption that he is checking back overpairs ott. That leaves him with some A highs or A6s 68s kinda hands that can bluffcatch.


May 9, 2014 | 12:35 p.m.


min 2 AK

You said you would rather bet small since you block so many Kx hands. So you would be betting big with bluffs to fold out Kx hands? Are you just exploiting him cause you dont play Zoom? If you would be playing somebody, where you wanted to balance, i guess you are betting big?

March 1, 2014 | 5:59 p.m.

You should start off by giving him ranges on flop turn and river and also consider your own range. I´m not so excited about the 9 pairing on the Turn since a lot of his c/c hands are 89s 9Ts Q9s A9. I dont see him c/c draws too often and with the Kh you block some FD combos. 

I´d still bet the Turn since he can call with 88 TT JT. Dont think you have 50% vs. a callingrange on a blank River. Also would not be barreling 22-66 since they have no equity and you have much better hands to barrel in your range.

Dec. 23, 2013 | 9:41 a.m.

Hey Jason,

nice vid. Also hope you are able to make the vid with Brian Rast on your Premierleague play.

min 36 T8s: You said you would raise the Turn. Would you also be doing this with sets or stronger 2pair? And would you also be doing this as a bluff, if so which hands? What worse hands do you expect to be called by? When i am in UTG shoes, i would percieve this raise as pretty strong. 

Dec. 22, 2013 | 7:41 p.m.

Hey Brian,

thank you for reviewing my vid. Looking forward to the next parts. Hope you are able to make the vid with Jason Koon on your Premierleague play.

TT Hand: Another thing that hasnt been mentioned ist that Hero is pretty capped on the River. Hero will be betting his KQ and his nutflushes on the Turn. And if we have AdQx i gues we are semibluffing it. So if we check back the Turn we rarely have a good hand that can comfortably call a river shove. Maybe QQ but we would have to discount that since we are probably getting it in pre.

Dec. 22, 2013 | 7:32 p.m.

Ben already explained this. I´ll post his answer:

@Ah9d- The hand does well checking down vs weaker A highs and strong K highs, but does badly against turn betting ranges that include thin value hands.  Syous already vbet A9 on 5525 after flop xx, and vbet T4hh after 863cc xx Ac xbc T, so I made a slight adjustment that he's likely delay cbetting a fairly capped and wide range.  In those circumstances xc loses value as a line relative to xr and xf, and I just decided to go for it. 

Dec. 9, 2013 | 5:58 p.m.


nice vid. Thought your explanations were good.

min 9 AK:

- you say that your range is strong since you call in MP vs. UTG and BB can be peeling wide and therefore has a weaker range. But do you have nutted hands like 22 33 55 A4s? I guess BB can have these hands. Are you assuming that he c/r these hands on the flop and therefore you barrel turns and rivers vs. his weak c/c range?

min 15 KK:

- you said that in villains situation you would c/r hands with equity on a Tx6c7c board. So you are c/r your whole range? What do you do with AT-JT? 

min 22 KTo:

- you said that KTclubs can have big pairs. You think he occasionaly flats KK+ on the Button vs. MP?


Dec. 4, 2013 | 8:10 p.m.

I think we should bet. If we look at our Range AK is def at the Top. 88 JJ KK KJ and K8s being better. 

Villain only beats us with 88 and KJ and we block some of his KJ combos. Since we also block his other Kx hands he will have less of them in his Range. So percentage wise he will have more Jx 8x and draws than Kx. These Jx 8x and maybe AQ AT hands will potentially check back, whereas if we bet they would call. Plus if we check the Kx hands wont always go for 3 streets depending on the boardrunout. 

We do let him bluff 9Ts QTs Q9s but i would rather choose Kx with a weaker kicker that can´t go for 3streets value. We still beat all his busted draws and block some of his Kx hands that can go for thin value.

Nov. 8, 2013 | 7:39 p.m.

Post | Becks posted in NLHE: C/F C/C C/R Frequencis as PFA


it recently came to my attention that many Regs seem to c/f 70% as PFA on the Flop(i play NL200 SH). 

So for example, we raise 3BB in MP and BU calls, blinds Fold. Flop is A72r and we check. BU bets 5 BB into 7.5 BB. So he is risking 5 BB to win 7.5 BB. B= 5/7.5 = 0.67. Thus, A = B/B+1= 0.4. So our minimal defense freq. should be (1-A)% = 60 %. 

Somehow i doubt we have to be defending 60% of our checks as PFA. So where is my error in reasoning?

Is it because we have a stronger Range than BU?

How should we construct a C/C range as PFA? Only include Bluffcatcher Hands? Or also Hands that can c/c all three streets comfortably. Problem is we always weaken our cbetting Range.


Nov. 7, 2013 | 8:35 p.m.

Do u think Villain should have folded KQ, since he blocks QT and has some Jx and mabe AK in his Range? Are u calling a 3bet in CO vs. BB with QTo?

Oct. 8, 2013 | 9:22 p.m.

Comment | Becks commented on Extended Hiatus from R1O

I´m sad to hear you are leaving. Always liked your vids. Wish you all the best for the future.

Sept. 3, 2013 | 8:53 p.m.

So many punters, thats funny cause i was punting in Oxford last weekend :D. Nice vid, looking forward to part 2.

Aug. 13, 2013 | 6:17 p.m.


min 6: U 3bet QJs in SB vs. UTG and say it is a good hand to have in the garbage 3betting range. Why exactly is that? I imagine that if we hit a Jxx or Qxx Flop we kinda cbet for value but cant go 3streets since UTGs callingrange will be quite strong and has us dominated often. Dont see him calling worse. Wouldnt 89s be a better hand?

min 20: U overcall 56s in BB and 24T r Flop gets checked around. After sb donks u say u feel u cant draw to our hand. Why is that? Or do u just feel raising has a higher EV than calling?

min 39: U defend QTo passiv in BB vs. BU. Flop comes QJT and u decide to lead since he has a weak range and will check behind some part of that range but will call a donk. What is your plan vs a raise? Our range is pretty capped, we dont have QQ JJ TT AK. Our best hands are K9 9T QJ. Villains range is weak but uncapped and vs. a raise and barrels i think our range has a problem. Or dont you see villains taking advantage of that?


Aug. 5, 2013 | 4:08 p.m.


min 40: You decide to 4bet A6s vs. the squeeze from loco. Do u think loco is bluffing here often? Seems like his squeezingrange is strictly for value cause of the recreational player or do u think he has some FE in that spot?

Would you ever be 4betting QQ+? Wouldnt it be better to call with QQ+ and give the recreational player the chance to overcall with his weak range? Are you 4betting AK TT JJ?  Do u think it is necessary to balance in this spot?

min 42: Are u checking to c/r or to c/c with KQs? Would you be doing this with some semibluffs too?

July 22, 2013 | 4:21 a.m.


min 17: u fold 97s on the BU. Misclick?

min 22: what do u think about his shove with his set of 66 on the turn? doesnt make much sense to me. ur line kinda looks bluffy and if u picked up a draw on the turn i guess u are setting urself up for a potsize rivershove?

OT: Chelsea did loose out on Cavani but looks like ur getting Rooney. Would rather not see him move to another Premierleague Club :/


July 19, 2013 | 5:01 a.m.

Comment | Becks commented on Run It Once WSOP Lounge

Absolutely love it. Just a great place to hang out. Free massages are the best. Special thanks to Mikey who made me and my friend feel very welcome. Finally got to see Phil in real life :). 

July 10, 2013 | 1:39 a.m.

Jason, you the man. Really enjoy your vids.

May 22, 2013 | 11:05 p.m.

Enjoyed the vid. Thought Sam Grafton asked some good questions and made some funny comments, although i did not understand everyone^^.

March 21, 2013 | 10:19 p.m.


ProPokerTools does not seem to discount Combos due to the board runout. Doesnt this change his Equity with say AQ vs. ur shovingrange?

You said you might not always shove A6s on the river but always should, mainly cause you think his value hands are AK AQ. But if we want him to fold these Hands then why shove A6s? Is it purely for balance sake and because we dont exactly know if he is calling or folding AQ AK?

March 21, 2013 | 6:30 p.m.

Feb. 17, 2013 | 9:47 p.m.


min 15: You plan to c/r the TTQ rainbow Flop with KTs. What if he had bet 34/50 and SB would have called leaving him with 150 behind. Would you still be raising? It would look awfully strong since you would be commiting yourself vs. SB. But i guess Momess is still not getting away from AQ?

Feb. 6, 2013 | 4:51 p.m.


min 31: You say that the QJ7 board is not a board where people would assume you were c/f a bunch. Since its a decent board to cbet and alot of your hands have equity he should expect you to c/c often when he bets. But doesnt this board hit his callingrange pretty hard? AQ AJ ATs KQ KJ KT K9s QJ QTs JTs 9Ts. Wouldn´t you just be giving up hands like 56s 45s 22-55 A2s-A5s or K6s (given you 3bet them pre) kinda hands?

Hand 3:

I kinda struggle with these hands in these situations. I agree that 9Ts plays pretty well in 3bet pots but like in this hand when i hit TP i feel i am loosing a lot of money. Do you balance this c/c on the Flop with stronger hands? It seems your hand is so face up and vulnerable. What would you do on a Q K A River?

Jan. 30, 2013 | 8 p.m.


min 2: You say that weak suited Ax and suited Kx are good hands to have in a junk 3bet range. The situations i struggle in is when i hit TP, say we have K6s and 3bet in SB vs. BU minraise. BU calls and Flop is K73 rainbow. We would usually cbet with air so we cbet with TP. Turn is a 2. Do we have another valuebet? Or do we c/c? And if Villain calls what do we do on a T River? I know this also is highly Villain dependant but maybe you can give me some tips and give me something to think about.

min 16: You c/c KQ on KJ5 A 4. Do you think Villain should be valuebetting the River with A7? There are absolutely no busted draws and the only draw got there so that would not speak for vbetting thin, but i guess he should have the best hand here very often.

Would like to see some 6max vids or Hand Reviews. Not much action on the FR tables :).

Jan. 21, 2013 | 10:13 p.m.

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