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YOU KNOW NOTHING! My PFR from every position, especially BTN, CU, if you looked at the other comments I tell that they are not realistic. in BTN I open around 45% of hands, in CU around 25 %. Now why they are so low at the positional stats, it means only one thing, it is some very bad variance. And about bluff cathing river I haven't told it but I was doing some weird stuff in a good portion of these hands that's why it is as it is. I am bluff catching as It needs to right now. My whole idea of the post was about bluffing, I shouldnt have post the stats since they are very unrealistic because of variance and the way I play now(like cbetting more since people fold too much. What I want to ask is just about BLUFFING, THAT'S ALL. IF YOU KNOW TO ANSWER THEN GOOD, IF NOT THEN GO COMMENT ANOTHER THREAD. AND DONT TRY TO SHOW YOU ARE CLEVER TO ME BECAUSE YOU ARENT, NOOB.

March 31, 2016 | 5:53 p.m.

are u joking me? Not bluffing enough? Did you read my post? For these hands I posted yes I wasn't cbetting enough but I fixed that.

March 30, 2016 | 9:42 p.m.

and for CU too, more hands I open, around 25%

March 30, 2016 | 9:36 p.m.

BTN vpip/pfr is way behind than my range. I open 40%+ of hands in BTN. It seems it's some variance here.

March 30, 2016 | 9:35 p.m.

And also don't see my 3bet percentage in the positional stats, I 3bet as much as it needs. Perhaps it is that low because in half of these hands I was 3betting less in blinds and also it can be some variance too. And from what I see now BTN VPI/PFR is not correct. I open all of these hands I've shown. perhaps some really bad variance.

March 30, 2016 | 9:34 p.m.

In BTN vs CU I 3bet JJ+, AK, and for bluff, all other suited acec, maybe 54s sometimes, AJo because of blockers. Vs CU also QJo, KJo, ATo.

March 30, 2016 | 9:32 p.m.

BTN range. I open more hands that I show here. Hands like 74s down to 52s, Q7s, K8o, K7o, 98o to 65o

March 30, 2016 | 9:29 p.m.

For there stakes maybe but this only can't turn me into a losing player.

March 30, 2016 | 9:27 p.m.

It's 9max not 6max

March 30, 2016 | 9:22 p.m.

Stats are not 6max but 9max. If it was 6max yes I would be a very big nit I agree

March 30, 2016 | 9:21 p.m.

March 30, 2016 | 9:19 p.m.

My calling range vs CU open in BTN. If it's from earlier position it becomes tighter. Range is from Jandas book. Also I flat more hands if there is fish etc.

March 30, 2016 | 9:19 p.m.

That;s My Cutoff Opening Range. I open more Aces, Kings some times depending on the table.

March 30, 2016 | 9:18 p.m.

I am not a super nit. I can give you my ranges if you want to see. Well I am going to post them. Wait.

March 30, 2016 | 9:16 p.m.

March 30, 2016 | 9:13 p.m.

March 30, 2016 | 9:08 p.m.

Positional Stats:

March 30, 2016 | 9:07 p.m.

What I did in these 50k which I want to ask?

-1) Barreling often the turn, trying to not have a big gap between Flop Cbet and Turn Cbet(Barreling Turn, with a GTO approach, meaning I would cbet gutshots also in spots where GTO suggests)
-2) 3barreling
-3) Check Raising Flops, Turns with hands which contained blockers or Flush Draws, OESD etc.

A guy who we recently started studying together Poker after showing him one particular hand told me that he is not sure if what I was doing is going to be profitable at Micros. The hand was like this. Villain opens. I call in bb. He cbets. I call with flush draw. He cbets turn, I raise. He calls. I shove. He calls.

I know that people call too much in these stakes, perhaps I should stop doing things like this. That's why my winrate suffered maybe. What I have noticed is though that a lot of regs who are grinding a lot of tables, bluffs like this are going to be very succesful, I have made them fold a lot of times. But I do these things vs everyone(of course if I see someone to call lightly I won't bluff. ), vs unknowns(have taken a lot of silly calls).

So what I changed in my strategy, not sure if I am doing things correct is stop doing the 3 things I wrote before. I've played so many hands at these stakes and I still haven't moved up. I have read GTO concepts, and analyzed a lot of hands the way Janda and Ed Miller suggest. I know that GTO isn't good for Micros but even if I tried to not apply it, it seems that it affected the way I should play Micros. My graph:

Also I've compared my red line with other people's and mine goes down too fast, perhaps what I am saying to apply before(meaning the 3 changes I want to make) is correct. Please do not tell me JUST NOT TO BLUFF, be more specific in what spots I sould not bluff. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. (And stats are from 9max, not 6max)


March 30, 2016 | 9:06 p.m.

Hey, thanks for the response. I agree with you, I am overthinking. I am a perfectionist in what I do, a bad habit. Micros seem a bit difficult to me after all of this I had. Anyway, about overall strategy, if to bluff then when should I do this? I am bluffing with flush draws, oesd when oppenent's betting postflop. Sometimes I raise them in the flop, while other times in the turn. Should I continue doing this?

March 15, 2016 | 7:47 p.m.

I started playing Poker seriously since this June starting in NL2 by depositing 50$. After playing for some months nearly 200k hands I had a very small winrate (1bb). One of the things that killed my winrate was how bad I played when I was tilting( like bad big calls.) I wanted to become a very big player so I started reading about GTO strategies. I knew that these things aren't applicable to Micros and in Micros you should play in an exploitable way but I was interested in GTO so I couldn't say no (books I've read were Poker's 1%, most parts of Applications of NL by Mattew Janda, I started analyzing hands as well the way it was in Poker's 1%, analyzed nearly 50 hands most ending at the Turn and in general I was searching for GTO in forums etc.). I thought that trying to study GTO strategies might do bad for the stakes I am playing but I said to myself I am not going to apply these things so why worry? When at NL5 and having some unsuccesful shots at NL10 I decided to stop viewing my each day's results because I didn't like losing and this made me tilt and so blowing the money I was making. I saw my results after more than a month, it was 65k hands. At that time I tilted very rarely so this thing worked. I was at -3.5bb or -4bb. This made me lose any confidence for my strategy. I've run some calculations at variance calculator and for a 4-5 bb winrate this is very difficult to happen. After this I continued playing for some more days and took a break, it's 5 days today since that day. The stress of this failure had become very big. I've had thoughts like "Hey you started at June and it's almost a year and you are still here. You are not a good player". My lack of confidence was reinforced by the fact that most of the money I made (I've reached at one point at 350$) were from tournaments. I was playing some times for fun some mtts and won 1 and also a sng. From these 2 tournaments most of my money had been made. At NL2 at a sample of nearly 200k hands I had winrate of 1bb and at NL5 after these last 65k hands have been added my winrate was negative(150k hands in total at NL5). My winrate especially in NL2 would be bigger if I was not tilting. In these 65k hands I am talking about the GTO I was studying become to influence me. I started cbetting less, trying to play optimally at cbet pots in the flop. Another thing was that I increased my 3betting percentage at the blinds, 3betting hands I've read at Janda's Applications of NL Holdem. Hands like K4s, K5s, J7s, this may killed my winrate since I may not played them well postflop. Also I 3barreled some times since it's correct in theory and regs ain't gonna call you with a bluff catcher, I've got though some calls with bluff catchers from some people lol. And since I noticed that when rasing postflop people fold too much, I took advantage of it. Anyway I have got very confused with Poker. I don't know what strategy to use for micros. I'd be very thankful if someone could give me some help and tell me what expoitative plays should I make in general, I know some things like cbetting a lot and I believe that not doing this was the main thing that killed my winrate in my last 65k hands and also I know other things we should apply at micros like not bluff catching at 3barrels or postflop raised pots etc. I am asking mostly for the small details. I could analyze my strategy more but since I've written a lot I leave it here. I'll post some hand examples I am not sure what strategy to use if anyone replys. Thanks.


March 15, 2016 | 6:51 p.m.

Comment | BaneYwf commented on NL10- Weird Hand

His river all in was very quick also. This made me thought that he may be bluffing or that he is very strong here. I think I made the right decision folding since players at these limits won't bluff often enough

Jan. 2, 2016 | 12:45 p.m.

Post | BaneYwf posted in NLHE: NL10- Weird Hand

BB: $10.00

UTG: $5.51

UTG+1: $14.85

UTG+2: $4.45

MP1: $9.50

MP2: $19.43

CO: $8.27

BTN: $17.20

Hero (SB): $10.00

Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero is SB with K K

6 folds, BTN raises to $0.22, Hero raises to $0.70, 1 fold, BTN calls $0.48

Flop: ($1.50) J 8 8 (2 players)

Hero bets $0.85, BTN calls $0.85

From a sample size of 164 hands villain is 12/7 vpip/pfr.

In the flop I think he'd call here with QQ and KK but since I have one pair of KK it is very unlikely he has one. He may be calling as well with AK of diamonds. He may be slowplaying JJ sometimes as well or even AA. Also the rest of AK combos it is possible to be in his range. AJ no since I don't think he'd call pre with it.
Turn: ($3.20) J (2 players)

Hero checks, BTN bets $2, Hero calls $2

Here since J hits my mind goes immediately that JJ is very difficult to be in his range. Since I don't think I can't get any value here, I check. His bet seems to me more like maybe KK or QQ or maybe he's trying to steal the pot.
River: ($7.20) 2 (2 players)

Hero checks, BTN bets $6.85, Hero folds

River bet confused me, he must be having it here, maybe JJ, I folded. What do you think of my line in general? Is turn call ok?


Jan. 1, 2016 | 6:14 p.m.

Post | BaneYwf posted in NLHE: Micro Stakes Rake HELP!

Hello, I am playing at the microstakes, NL5, and although I am winning I noticed the other day that the rake which is taken is very big. Should this make me play tighter in general? I am saying this because I am playing at a vpip/pfr of 17.36/13.5 in 51k hands. I am defending more than most players in bb and generally ip. I've read that you should call less in such high raked games. How much calling ranges are affected in general and what other adjustments should I make? I'd really appreciate some help here. Thanks!

Dec. 20, 2015 | 3:27 p.m.

Comment | BaneYwf commented on Help on Studying GTO

Thank you! At them moment I am playing at NL5 and I'm at the point where I am about to move up in NL10. I know that GTO is pointless at these stakes but I want to study it more because I am curious about the theory behind the game and because it'll be helpful in later stakes. Also about the book, since I want to buy a new poker book soon if not for the mathematics of poker, could you recommmend any other more helpful option at the moment? I found 2 books that caught my attention, and these are the ones I am most willing to purchase. They are both written by Ed Miller. 1st is Playing The Player: Moving Beyond ABC Poker To Dominate Your Opponents and 2nd The Course: Serious Hold ‘Em Strategy For Smart Players. I'd appreciate any help ;)

Dec. 18, 2015 | 1:48 p.m.

Comment | BaneYwf commented on Help on Studying GTO

Nice, thank you. Also as I said before is it necessary to have any program at all? I mean if I want to understand GTO better can I do it alone, maybe with some videos and not with any program?

Dec. 17, 2015 | 7:32 p.m.

Comment | BaneYwf commented on Help on Studying GTO

This is something I was thinking to do since months now. I'd probably check it soon. Want to understand the maths of the game more deeply so yeah that's a good option.

Dec. 17, 2015 | 7:27 p.m.

Oh yes it's a call by me. I thought he just donked river and check called turn, I didn't notice he was taking the lead by the turn. Yeah, it's a call. My point strenghtens by the fact that villain posted big blind by the cutoff which is a very bad move.

Dec. 17, 2015 | 2:05 p.m.

Comment | BaneYwf commented on Help on Studying GTO


Dec. 17, 2015 | 11 a.m.

He was probably in a flush draw from the flop and made it in the river. I'd fold too here. Almost always at the micros this is for value, rarely bluff.

Dec. 16, 2015 | 8:28 p.m.

Post | BaneYwf posted in Chatter: Help on Studying GTO

Hello everyone, I recently started studying hands trying to build some GTO strategies. Is it necessary to have any program like GTOrange Builder or CREV to build a strong strategy as much as possible close to optimal? I can't afford any of these programs right now. I have read Ed Miller's 1 % book and he doesn't say anything about any program from these (just to write hands on paper and make ranges) so I think I could continue without them. What do you guys think? Also I'd like to ask if it's worth upgrading my account to Essential plan. Will it help me with GTO?

Dec. 16, 2015 | 8:16 p.m.

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