0 points
Hey guys
I have been more often, over the last few weeks, in spots like described as follow:
stake between nl 100 - 500
Stakes arround 150bb+
Hero on MP with AKo
Villain defend his blind
We raise preflop 3bb and getting called, flop shows:
We bet the flop arround 2/3 and getting called. The Problem now is my turn desition. Even if there comes a blank like a random 8 i am not sure what to do. Generally for our opponend it's pretty simple to just c/r any turn and we have a taff decition. Said that, i feel we loose to much value with a c/behind and we dont wanna give free cards right?
I feel very uncertain how i should play against more agressive player's on those types of situations.
Thanks for your ideas.
Kind Regards
edit: correted boardsuites, sorry for the missinformation
I just shorty step in to tell you, that our flop is a monoboard or in other words:
ps: i misswrote this in my initial post. sorry for the inconvenience
March 19, 2015 | 2:22 p.m.