I am extremely pleased to see this post from you and to know that you are working towards it. I am from India and am part of Start-Up ecosystem here. I have been playing poker on stars and some of the Indian sites and all of them are focused on making quick money rather that truly promoting the game. A couple of weeks back, I had a detailed discussion with my professional poker friends in India on what a Poker site should be like and a lot of ideas that we discussed resonate with your post here. Would love to share those ideas with you and help in what ever way possible. All the best!
Sept. 1, 2016 | 6:01 a.m.
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Hi Phil,
I am extremely pleased to see this post from you and to know that you are working towards it. I am from India and am part of Start-Up ecosystem here. I have been playing poker on stars and some of the Indian sites and all of them are focused on making quick money rather that truly promoting the game. A couple of weeks back, I had a detailed discussion with my professional poker friends in India on what a Poker site should be like and a lot of ideas that we discussed resonate with your post here. Would love to share those ideas with you and help in what ever way possible. All the best!
Sept. 1, 2016 | 6:01 a.m.