7 points
I think your range has more 7x combos here than sb so I doubt he's bluffing if he's aware of that and if he is bluffing than it shouldn't show a profit long term. I'm not sure how he views you but if he thinks you're likely to stab with missed draws or go for thin value he could very well have gone for a check raise without the nuts since you capped yourself on the turn. You mentioned that he's been catching you bluffing all session so that's why I say that.
March 23, 2017 | 8:16 p.m.
Reports. Cash results graph. Orange line is your all in EV. There's an options box on the bottom left you might need to toggle on the EV line.
Dec. 14, 2016 | 11:54 a.m.
I don't see how it would ever be -EV for BU to 4b aces here at this stack depth. He's pushing equity pre and almost always has the equity to go with any flop that comes because of the spr. In your head you are thinking that sometimes he will get it in on the flop as an underdog vs you but you should realize that he doesn't need to be a favorite to be +ev at this spr even as the underdog. At 1 spr he would need 33% equity to break even. In this example it's even less.
I think this makes a good check back candidate. You block his range that misses this flop completely and any savvy opponent is going to put some floats and pressure this board vs your 3b range.
Sept. 2, 2018 | 8:19 p.m.