Anima's avatar


6 points

Thought provoking, thank you

ps : 1) Now that you've cooled down, 2) would you mind if I shared negative feedback?.. That's great, thank you : 3) when you and others (GTOwizard) use images they don't credit, it leaves me wondering "who's that witch who plays poker in a bra? why am I attracted to her? was she created by a fellow man? does that make me gay?.."

According to a discussion between Aristotle and Nietzsche which took place on Reddit a year ago, an "ethical way to credit an AI generated image" [would be to] "just say 'image generated by (your name) using midjourney' or something like that."

April 21, 2024 | 3:21 p.m.

Comment | Anima commented on Monaco Hands and Focus

Looks like the stack sizes are ten times too big in the first sim
Curious what kind of machine would run that sim (1000bb deep?) in 16seconds tho

March 21, 2024 | 2:51 a.m.

Comment | Anima commented on GTO/Exploit Hybrid 2021

Refreshing approach.

I liked your insights on these two top pros psychology and a small part of the video being about mental game.

Would love to see similar strategy reads against other player types : weaker mtt reg / weaker cash reg in sunday mtt / cautious rec / spewy rec,.. Live timing tell soulreads or population data.

Also interested in your warmup and cooldown practices. I get excited and can't sleep especially if I win and binge-eat after long sunday sessions myself.

Sept. 22, 2021 | 4:21 a.m.

Great series, thank you.
Stack sizes in BBs in PT4 would make it even better imo (dividing by 35 is hard)

Feb. 25, 2019 | 5:52 a.m.

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