All4Gambling's avatar


1 points

You need a pro, I know about 6 max but HU PLO is so hard ;)

Feb. 27, 2014 | 11:47 a.m.

This is a excelent hand for paly hu and position. In this spot I fold preflop.

Feb. 26, 2014 | 11:48 a.m.

I love this line (11$ flop) but for me is perfect.

Feb. 26, 2014 | 11:45 a.m.

hihihi thanks a lot!!!!  ''you justified your nickname in this hand I think'' hehehehe sure

sorry if you didn't understand me I'm improving my english.

I gonna try, if you don't analyse the hand untill when the both are allin I need to put 10$ for win 30% and in the worst situation like now I have 25%.

And if only CO goes allin I have 30% and (AAxx is his top range), I put 4.25$ and he has 16$

The problem is I have AKxxds and CO can have KKxx/AAxx/AKxx (if he 4bets me) if he has KKxx and A comes in a flop he don't put more money if he is not absolutly commited.

the hand is vs 2 villans middle stack with a premium hand and out of position, 

I think I have the best hand a several times and I wanna put a lot of money preflop (3bet) and if the flop comes with TPTK, FD I can play a easy hand (out position)  and if the flop comes like 226 i can do cbet....

If I do call and A comes in flop, I check he bets and I call??? raise??? fold???? I think with a premium vs middle (deep can be the same) if he aren't a good players and I don't have a position I think goes allin pre or put all the money you can preflop is EV+ IMO.

Sure I'm playing bad a several hands with several players in a several spots but I don't know if it's EV+ play so agrresive preflop with premium vs weak players (they have a lot of times bullshit, and yes this is poker and they sometimes have AAxx ;) )

PD: I don't know if it's understandable, sorry if it's not I will try another time SORRY!!!


Feb. 25, 2014 | 12:51 p.m.

HI!!! thanks for analayzing my hand.

Well, yes If CO 4bet is scary for me but I think he has AAxx/KKxx a rarely and if it happens I have 33% vs AAxx and 55/45  60/40 vs KKxx. (the worst situation)

But when the both are allin I need to put 10$ in a 30$ pot and I have 25% of win, the call it's close but call.

If I play agresive AAxx/KKxx I think I need to play AKxxds like AAxx and KKxx. 

How do you play AKxxds??? vs who and when do you play like premium???



Feb. 21, 2014 | 1:32 p.m.

I don't like pay here if he have AAxx with spades you're dead and if your draw complets many times you will haven't reward.

Feb. 20, 2014 | 10:33 p.m.

Hand History | All4Gambling posted in PLO: std hand vs middle
BN: 23.42
SB: 15.13
BB: 31.01 (Hero)
UTG: 69.46
HJ: 26.02
CO: 16.05
Preflop (0.35) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A K 3 T
UTG calls 0.25, HJ folds, CO raises to 1, BN folds, SB calls 0.90, Hero raises to 4.25, UTG folds, CO raises to 14, SB calls 13, Hero raises to 31.01, and is all in, CO calls 2.05, and is all in, SB calls 1.13, and is all in
Flop (67.94) 5 8 Q (3 Players)
Turn (67.94) 5 8 Q 5 (3 Players)
River (67.94) 5 8 Q 5 9 (3 Players)
Final Pot
Hero has A K 3 T CO has 9 A A 9 SB has Q A 2 K CO wins 43.64 , CO wins 1.84

Feb. 20, 2014 | 10:20 p.m.

the most important is attack river you can play slow with 7 but I think you didn't know about villain hand or you were afread. If you wanna attack this spots I don't like the line.

But is very interesting hand becouse we are in a lot of times in this spots. And it's fine try attack but vs a particular player and with a good line.



Feb. 20, 2014 | 2:20 p.m.

Ok my opinion is I prefer 3 bet pre.

If you wanna attack this kind of spots you need to attack well. Pot flop bet turn and bet river IMO this is my line. 

Feb. 20, 2014 | 11:31 a.m.

I think it's better pot preflop the agression is CO (good position=low hand) the both are deep and you have a premium I don't like call preflop now you don't know anything about the villan hand, and you are thinking about AA, KK, 35, AQJT or nothing this is the problem of call preflop. 

I prefer 3bet pre! and after is a diferent hand.

 It's very dificult put all your money with a good expectative if you don't do a big pot preflop it's like AK (NLholdem). 

Think about CO if I am CO and BU 3 bet me if I have AA I wanna play (4bet) with all the table but if BU 3 betme I have a ugly spot vs BU (deep) OP.

The most scary player for CO is BU you're BU with premium and deep. I would do POT!!!!



Feb. 20, 2014 | 11:23 a.m.

I think the best line is POT preflop and cbet in flop vs 1, vs 2 probably check.

You play raise preflop, check flop, and bluff turn vs 2 players. if he pay in turn normally pay in river if he has staight probably pay you small bet in river and if he has set he have full now.

I don't like you'r line sorry :)


Feb. 20, 2014 | 11:04 a.m.

Comment | All4Gambling commented on play well??

Hello thanks all!!!!

Sorry I forgot to say BB is not so weak player (but when he bets he have). HJ (middle) is a fish and yes I wanna isolate with him and if someone without position pay is not so bad, only if BU call but is tight tight.

Yes probably I do continue bet with my huge% of my preflop range (Txxx, AAxx, KKxx, 5678, pairxxx....), becouse is extremaly dry flop and I have position if they call me I have a good spot in turn but if they raise me probably with AAxxds I pay HJ but not BB(he dont raise me with his monstar hand I know I have played several hand with him).

But when he calls me and HJ goes allin I was thinking about BB hand and I thought Txxx or draw like me. But in the both situations I wanna do pot. 

 if I play this kind of hands preflop and you have this flop you wanna put all your chips in!!! 

HJ T4xx is his top range.



Feb. 18, 2014 | 1:42 p.m.

Comment | All4Gambling commented on VS FISH

Thanks all we will have more spots to discuss, 

I think it's pretty close the options and the answer maybe in how do you play AAxxh,JJxx, 2345, 5678.... but this considerations are good vs good player maybe for weak are better fold (but for only a couple of $$$$ hehehe XD if in the turn are 15$ insta call)

Feb. 17, 2014 | 4:51 p.m.

Comment | All4Gambling commented on VS FISH

I'm agree that a good player can try to use this scary card (but I know he don't have 99% was mistake) but Good player never have anything.

The both have straight, 2pair, pair+fd in the range. but I think weak player have more weak hands (and it's true when the fish bet the fish have normally)

I don't know only a seconds for click fold/call/pot hehehe

I don't want to allow a lot of hands worst than me check check in river (like 2 in river and he has Q4)  or check fold (Q+FD).

I wanna try to bring his weak hands at SD.



Feb. 17, 2014 | 3:56 p.m.

Hand History | All4Gambling posted in PLO: play well??
BB: 51.11
HJ: 12.56
CO: 25.77 (Hero)
BN: 8.90
SB: 8.90
Preflop (0.35) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt 6 7 8 5
HJ calls 0.25, Hero raises to 1.10, BN calls 1.10, SB folds, BB calls 0.85, HJ calls 0.85
Flop (4.50) 4 5 T (4 Players)
BB checks, HJ checks, Hero bets 4, BN folds, BB calls 4, HJ raises to 11.46, and is all in, Hero raises to 24.67, and is all in, BB calls 20.67
Turn (69.30) 4 5 T K (3 Players)
River (69.30) 4 5 T K Q (3 Players)
Final Pot
BB has 6 5 4 7 Hero has 6 7 8 5 HJ has 4 A K T BB wins 26.42 , HJ wins 36.88

Feb. 17, 2014 | 3:40 p.m.

Comment | All4Gambling commented on VS FISH

Hehehe thanks for '' I'm certainly a fan of your play thus far''  and for review the hand.

Was funny I bet pot and he had staright end to the chapter hahahaha. I had a 35% in the worst escenario!!

But if I call turn I can lose value that hands like Q2xx / Qxxxh  /FD he had a lot of hands he is losing I think (is a blinds fight vs fish). He can't have set becouse he calls me in flop.

PD: I allways think about play more save vs fish and don't give them % but I like play a lot of 65% vs 35% and I allways have a nice escenarios in a big pots with a weak hand with position and normally vs fish hahaha (with weak hand)

My finally reasoning was if he is a good player call (close to 99% nuts) but if he is a fish pot (30% nuts) 



Feb. 17, 2014 | 2:55 p.m.

Comment | All4Gambling commented on VS FISH

I reply before read Tom. I'm reading

Feb. 17, 2014 | 2:49 p.m.

Comment | All4Gambling commented on VS FISH

Yes yes sure pre is standars vs weak player and I have POSITION.

In general I like play a bigger pre flop pots vs weaks becouse they play very bad big pots (but sometimes you have a funny decisions), and if you play small pots you need to have monster vs monster in a big pot you can win with a weak hand vs weak player. 

In flop I think is POT becouse the both are close to be commited and I think I have the best hand more times.

Thanks I don't know which is the best line

PD: Sorry for my english


Feb. 17, 2014 | 2:46 p.m.

I can't understand he calls pre 17/10 in UTG is 5/5. He only can have 89TJds/9TJQds  or something like that.............. it's this or KKxx with scary whats your stats in BB??? if you have a nit in BB KKxx it's possible if not the first option.


PD:Sorry for my english

Feb. 17, 2014 | 2:01 p.m.

Comment | All4Gambling commented on VS FISH

thanks XD

Feb. 17, 2014 | 1:51 p.m.

Hand History | All4Gambling posted in PLO: VS FISH
HJ: 25.67
CO: 11.24
BN: 21.39
SB: 24.42
BB: 36.52 (Hero)
UTG: 20.42
Preflop (0.35) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 4 6 Q A
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, SB calls 0.15, Hero raises to 0.75, SB calls 0.50
Flop (1.75) 4 6 Q (2 Players)
SB bets 1.42, Hero raises to 5.50, SB calls 4.08
Turn (12.75) 4 6 Q 3 (2 Players)
SB bets 11.86

Feb. 17, 2014 | 1:40 p.m.

Comment | All4Gambling commented on Hello I'm new!!!

Hi, thanks good welcome. I'm going to post hands in plo the next days.

Feb. 16, 2014 | 1:50 p.m.

Comment | All4Gambling commented on Hello I'm new!!!

Sorry but I dont have any email. I will wait


Feb. 15, 2014 | 3:21 p.m.

Post | All4Gambling posted in Chatter: Hello I'm new!!!

Hello this is my first post here and I wanna know, how I can paste a hand in the foro. and the second is how I can pay the essential pack, only with credit card or it's possible with paysafe card or something like that.


PD: Sorry for my english!!!

Feb. 15, 2014 | 2:32 p.m.

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