Alienatu's avatar


1 points

it's not considered donkish at all to play for all your chips with AAxx double suited. it actually is recommended.

if you just flat a 4-6 bet you re setting yourself up to make mistakes postflop (like folding on 567 when you're opponent has KKQJds or something and he cbet shoves).
if you shove preflop you give your opponent the opportunity to make mistakes (like calling with 30% eq when he doesn't have correct odds, etc)

Dec. 21, 2012 | 3:24 p.m.

yea, i like to 4b in this spot versus an aggresive 3b'or and have the pot HU than flatting and let btn join the fun. we should take it down preflop a fair % of the time and in the rest we have pretty good eq versus a sb get-it-in range of AAxx and maybe KKxx.

thoughts ?

Dec. 16, 2012 | 9:56 a.m.

i think you played it fine. if you just call you're giving him the opportunity to check back the turn and miss a lot of value. also if a diamond comes that might shut him down.

Dec. 16, 2012 | 9:43 a.m.

yeah, 23.5$ is way too much. 14-16$ should be just fine. you want him to call hands you beat which he might fold versus bigger bets.

Dec. 14, 2012 | 9:19 p.m.

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