30 points
Hi peter for the second hand dont we block ak and aq. i understand it also blocks some bluffs but dont we also block opponents main calling hands in ak and aq(they have suited wheels as well obviously which would be better to call with but i would imagine they are supposed to call down with ak and aq as well.
Aug. 25, 2022 | 6 a.m.
you dont use a hud in mtt with only a few tables?
May 15, 2022 | 1:29 a.m.
needed this right now. thank you
May 14, 2022 | 8:15 a.m.
great content. keep them coming. learned a lot. 40bb and 30bb would be an interesting series.
May 14, 2022 | 6:47 a.m.
i guess also an easier way to put it(at 34 minute mark) is if we have to defend 40 percent range here from mdf perspective then i cant possibly understand how villains bet is not printing money here and how he has to be good 96 percent of the time. Because obviously his holding is beating way more then the top 40 percent of our range we have to defend here.
April 19, 2022 | 8:30 p.m.
But if he is likely to barrel spades wouldnt we want to unblock that unless you are implying we are blocking qq with Qs specifically
April 19, 2022 | 8:09 p.m.
Can you also please explain at 34:36 why if you bet 1.5x pot you need to be good 96 percent of the time. I am very confused at the model you used for this. Wouldnt you need to call around 37 percent of the time since 130+130+87= 347 and 130/347 = 37.4%....also even if we are calculating ev of the 1.5x shove assuming hero is calling 37.4 percent of the time the ev would be 83.79 if were good 96 percent of the time and 70.94 even if we were good 80 percent of the time both which is plus ev. Using the ev formula F(%pot)+C(%W$W)-C(%L$L). So im just very confused at how you calculated and very interested. I guess the most confusing part is what ev are you comparing it to that v needs to be good 96 percent of the time? Are you comparing it to the ev if it goes x x or v uses a smaller bet ect. because obviously the river bet ap is going to be plus ev regardless if v is good 40 percent of the time or 4 percent of the time ect. So the statement that he needs to be good 96 percent of the time before its negative just simply isnt true in case of course you are comparing it to other evs such as smaller bets or checks ect which could potentially be higher ev. Just a very confusing statement to briefly say without any explanation and would love to pick your brain and hear your thoughts explaining it more in depth. Thank you so much. Actually I should of used mdf in formula so .4 not .37 but still its plus ev according to my calculations. Again thank you so much for your videos.
April 19, 2022 | 6:41 p.m.
Can you please explain on the first hand how the q of spades is a positive to bluff catch here? I did not really understand your explanation to this. Intuitively i would think if he is going to barrel spades on turn then this is a bad blocker since we block some of his bluffs.Thanks!
April 19, 2022 | 5:55 p.m.
Im so curious as to why the 43dd combo prefers a bigger bet and the solver prefers smaller bets with the other 43 combos. Very confused as to why spades and clubs are lower ev bluffs on this river compared to diamonds and hearts. I understand the blocker effects of 93hh and 83hh ect and how we need pull way more bluffs here from our hearts to balance against our huge range advantage on this river; but still very curious about the blocker and unblocker effects of the different suits on this particular river runout. Why are spades and clubs lower ev bluffs? What gives diamonds so much better ev here as a bluff on the river?
Alex the 99 jam out of bb to utg open and sb flat is actually too thin with 10 percent field left considering icm according to my sims. if it was 20bb then it would be fine. please feel free to dispute this if you have different sims you would like to share. just not sure if you looked deeper into this spot and figured it was "a very easy gii".
Nov. 20, 2022 | 12:53 p.m.