2 points
Need some help on how to play turns after checking flop IP as a PFR and the OP players checks again to me on the turn.
In this hand the flop is bad for me so I would use a polar betting range with a bigger size, QJo would go in my checking range. The turn is a Q, I think it's a better card for my range than his, I can have more strong Q combos like AQ, QK, QJ that he can't have since he would 3bet them preflop, After he checks for the second time it's unlikely that he has flushes, straight or sets. His range looks pretty weak so I think I can bet with a high frequency here. I'm not sure what size to use, betting big doesn't really make sense to me, strongest part of his range are weak Q pairs like QTs, Q9s, maybe 99, 98, T8 and I think he would fold those hands to a large bet, so betting something like half pot and extracting more value from those hands seems like a better choice.
Aug. 19, 2021 | 7:52 p.m.
Does it make sense to check back in this spot?
If I bet big here, I'll get called only with QQ, he can't have sets and 2 pairs here, and I think he would fold hands like AK, TT.
If I check, he can then try to bluff on the turn, he can also hit some top pair that is strong enough to go allin, also the pot is already big and my hand doesn't really need protection (only danger is a Q turn when he has QQ) so there's no rush to start building pot on the flop.
Betting small might also be good, like 1 third size or even less. It would force him to continue with hands like TT, AK, AQ. Maybe a better choice than a check, idk...
Aug. 18, 2021 | 7:27 p.m.
I would like to know how you guys play this kind of flops in 4 bet pots, does it make sense to bet here wider with a smaller size or would it be better to just use a stronger polar range with big size? If I could play this spot again I would probably use a stronger range, betting QQ+ (AQ are not in my 4bet range) and some A high flush draws as a bluff, check folding AK ? Both of our ranges are strong here so I don't think I have enough fold equity to bet with a wider more merged range
Aug. 17, 2021 | 8:48 p.m.
I don't think he should even have a raising range on this flop, since I have a huge range advantage over him and he's IP. Seeing him raise gave me a feeling that he's a bad player who can easily overbluff on this flop, that's why I just went all in, but calling also makes sense, thanks.
Aug. 16, 2021 | 6:04 p.m.
I think preflop AQs is an easy 3bet.
Flop is really good for me, so I would probably be betting my whole range here small size.
Villain raises, I think the only hand that can beat me here are QQ and that's just 1 combo, he would 4bet KK+ preflop and most likely fold 22 and 33, so his raising range is mostly filled with flush draws, that's why I decided to 3bet allin to charge his draws.
How would you play this spot?
Aug. 15, 2021 | 11:27 a.m.
flop misses both fo our ranges so I retain my range advantage, thats why i decided to just range bet small size, I think it's an ok play.
A brick. Villain's range is capped, I don't think he can have hands like KK+, A5s, A4s, so having an overbetting range here seems like a good idea.
I would shove QQ+, A5s, A4s and bluff with A high flush draws + QJs, QTs, JTs that are blocking his calling range (TT-QQ).
check fold with AJo on the turn.
what do you think?, thank you
Aug. 5, 2021 | 12:46 p.m.
After watching Henry Lister's video on Poker scientist I decided to start with it, it has a lot of solved solutions so it should keep me busy for a long time. Will also purchase stronger computer for GTO+ after earning enough money. Thank you all for your help.
Dec. 14, 2020 | 6:40 p.m.
Great video, would be nice to see you use this tool again in the future videos.
Dec. 14, 2020 | 6:27 p.m.
Hy, I'm planning on buying a solver but I'm not sure it can run on my mac. I've read that you need a pretty strong computer to do it so I assume I would need to replace my macbook. I still want to make sure because I previously saw Peter Clarke using it on a mac in one of his videos, here's a link: https://www.runitonce.com/poker-training/videos/025050-6-max-zoom-hand-history-revi/ (10:30, he is using an app that can run windows on mac os). I think he's probably just using some stronger desktop mac, but I would still like to know if it can maybe work on a macbook pro if anyone had tried it before.
If I need to buy a new computer, what specs are required and approximately how much does a computer like that cost?
I've also found a tool on the internet called poker scientist, it's basically a browser based GTO solver, you can check out how it works on their website, here's a link: https://www.poker-scientist.com and a video example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH0azNYHbWE
Could this be a good alternative to solvers like PIO/GTO+?
Dec. 12, 2020 | 9:58 p.m.
Hy, I'm looking for some solid preflop gto ranges, I mainly play zoom on partypoker where hud's are banned so it's hard to play without some default ranges. Where can I get/buy them?, Also what do you think of pokersnowie (PreflopAdvisor) ranges, are they okay, or should I get some other.
Dec. 7, 2020 | 3:08 p.m.
Its always kind of tricky to define a limp/raise range from the CO....
I agree, limp/raising rarely happens, so I'm always a bit confused when it does.
its fine to not know the result if we discuss hands as it influences our decision-process
Yea that makes sense, that's probably why replayer doesn't show the showdown when shared by link.
His overall line is super polarized (L/R and then shoving the A river). So i dont blame you for calling (blocking AK and unblocking hearts).
But my gut is telling me somwehat that this line (esp. with the check OTF) is kind of underbluffed in general. So i would tend to fold river....
Okay, I'll remove few of K combos from my calling range, thanks for help:)
Dec. 5, 2020 | 7:21 p.m.
for some reason replayer doesn't show the showdown. I called him and won the pot, he had TT.
no reads on villain
On this flop I would check back all my range, most of my value range are Kings with weak kickers, they're not vulnerable on this dry board so there's no need to bet for protection and If needed I can build a pot on later streets for value.
I'm calling with all my K pairs and stronger and also all my flush draws and open ended straight draws. Never raising.
He shoves, I need to defend 57%.
I come on the river with 59 combos: 99-55, A6s, AhQh-Ah8h, Ah5h-Ah2h, K9s+, QhTh+, JhTh, Th9h, 9h8h, KQo
I can easily fold my unpaired missed flushed draws and 66 and 99. I would also fold all my top pair AhXh combos because they block his bluffs and loses to his value part of the range anyway. I would call the rest(strong hands and mostly Kings as bluffcatchers): 88-77, 55, As6s, Ah8h, Ah5h, Ad6d, K9s+, KQo That's 34 combos and exactly 57%
What do you think of this hand?
Dec. 4, 2020 | 11:04 p.m.
HawksWin I was calling his turn bet with only A high FD, so I only have 3 combos of flushes on this river. But if I would also call turn with K high FD then I could fold AJ to his river shove since I have more flushes to call him down and I would still be defending close to 57%.
Dec. 4, 2020 | 9:47 p.m.
Mudkip That would be great, hand:
effective stack: 5.27$, I'm holding KcJc
I open raise in the CO to 2.5bb(0.12$), folds to the BB, BB raises to 0.55$, I call.
Flop: 3cJd6h, pot: 1.14$, e.s.: 4.72$
BB bets 0.36$, I call.
Turn: 5d, pot: 1.86$, e.s.: 4.36$
BB bets 1.19$, I call.
River: Td, pot: 4.24$, e.s.: 3.17$
BB shoves, I fold.
Dec. 4, 2020 | 9:35 p.m.
Thanks for replying:)
In your case, he needs you to fold 43% of the time to break even on bluffs. You have to defend 57%, so a little more than 1/2 your range. KJ is a significantly better call on the other Tx.
Okay, my mdf is 57% but do I really need to defend that much on such a bad river card? In theory can I defend more/less on different river cards, depending on whose range does the river card favours or should I always try to defend to the exact %?
On the off suit T I can defend 57% with more equity than on Td.
To reach 57% mdf on Td I would also need to call 3combos of AJ without Ad blocker, I think those hands are -EV calls, so should I call with my -EV hands just to reach my mdf?
Dec. 4, 2020 | 10:01 a.m.
no reads on villain
My 3bet calling range: JJ-55, AQs-A8s, K9s+, QTs+, J9s+, T9s, 98s, AQo-AJo, KQo
I would also 4bet some of those hands from time to time.
I'm not sure if I should have a raising range here, I'm IP in a 3bet pot, the board is dry, good for villains range so I usually never raise here, but he is betting small size probably with very wide range so I think villain would fold a lot to raises, therefore having a polar raising range makes sense to me, what do you think?
If I play this flop just call or fold I would call all my pp except 55, all my Jack pairs and most of my low showdown value hands with backdoor flush+straight draw: JJ-66, AJs, AhQh, AhTh-Ah8h, AcQc, AcTc-Ac8c, AdQd, AdTd-Ad8d, KJs, KhQh, KhTh, KcQc, KcTc, KdQd, KdTd, QJs, QhTh, QcTc, QdTd, J9s+, Th9h, Tc9c, Td9d, AJo
He bets 2/3 pot on a brick turn. He's probably just betting his overpairs, a set(JJ) and AJs, maybe even KJs(I'm not sure if he would 3bet KJs preflop). He's bluffing with his diamond flush draws, and A4s could also be there.
I'm calling with all my A high flush draws, sets and pairs (AJ,KJs for value, J9s,JTs,QJs blocks his value range and unblocks his bluffs and they can also make 2 pair): JJ, 66, AJs, AdQd, AdTd-Ad8d, KJs, QJs, J9s+, AJo
he bets allin, I need to call 3/4 pot.
All of his turn bluffs except non diamond A4s gets there, so I don't think he can have many bluffs on this river.
I'm definitely calling with all my flushes and AJo with A of diamond, the best bluff catcher. I think J9s, QJs, KJs can be easily folded, maybe even AJs.
The rest of my range, sets and two pairs (JJ, 66, JTs) call? If villains's betting his overpairs beside flushes then for sure, but I have no idea if he would actually bet with those hands.
your thoughts?, thanks:)
Dec. 3, 2020 | 11:26 p.m.
Good point, thanks.
Nov. 24, 2020 | 7:57 a.m.
Thanks for explaining.
My advice is though to use one betsize on flop. One betsize on turn and only do different betsizes on river. For now. Until you get a really good grasp on things. River needs multiple betsizes, lots of BB/100 to be gained.
Great, will do that for now.
There's one more thing thing I'm having problem with.
When we're only betting polar our checking range are mostly medium strength hands and air. So if we check and he bets our range is protected, we can call him with good hands(sdv hands and some drawing hands that we didn't put in our bluffing range) and fold air. Putting some nut hands in our checking range to trap doesn't make sense imo, since our range is already protected.
But what to do with our small size betting range if we decide to have one?
If it's only made of medium strength hands then it is very exploitable. Villain can then always raise with stronger hands balanced with bluffs and fold the rest. In that case it would be always better to just check/call those hands.
So how should we protect that range? should we balance it with bluffs or some stronger/nut hands that can call him down?
Nov. 23, 2020 | 10:02 p.m.
Okay, thanks.
Nov. 23, 2020 | 8:50 p.m.
zoom nl10, no reads on villain.
Im calling villain's 3bet with: JJ-22, AQs-A8s, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, 98s, AQo-AJo, KQo
Good flop for villains range, so I don't have a raising range here.
I'm calling with: JJ-55, AJs, AsQs, AhQh, AcQc, KJs, QJs, JTs, AJo
Turn is a brick and villain bets big again. He's probably holding an overpair, JJ and 66 are unlikely. I don't think he has enough bluffs here since the board is so dry, so I think I can fold here a lot.
I folded AJ in this hand, but I think I should call with them as bluffcathers. All AJ combos expect the ones with a club. They don't block villains flush draws but block AA.
I'm also calling here with 55, 66, JJ. I can only have 7 combos of those so I should probably only call 50% of the time with non club AJ, 4 combos.
I don't know if I should also call with AcQc, I'm not sure I would get value often enough on the river when I hit the flush.
Your thoughts?
Thank you:)
Nov. 22, 2020 | 6:26 p.m.
I didn't quite understand one thing in this video, so if you could please help me explain.
In the second example of the video he mentioned that we wanna bet 40-60%size medium strength hands for protection and at the same time still be betting big size with more polar range. Basically we would have 2 betting sizes, each for a different part of our betting range. Did I get that right?
Does this also apply for the flop c-betting strategy then? As I remember when we would bet polar, our medium strength hands would be simply check and not a smaller bet(for protection). So we would always have just one betting size (big or small, depending on the board) and the rest would be check.
So now I wonder if we should just always have 1 betting range like we learned with c-betting? should we have 2 betting ranges like it was shown in bet sizing video? or is it situation depending?
If someone could clarify this for me I would be very happy:)
thank you.
Nov. 20, 2020 | 6:27 p.m.
I'm having trouble posting partypoker's hand history.
I exported hands from partypoker to pokertracker4 and tried to copy a hand(RAW) to forum, but every time i try, it says invalid hand and I can't continue, I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with that.
Nov. 20, 2020 | 10:19 a.m.
thanks for replying:)
As our opening range tightens so does BB's range. So we aren't range betting on all flops. Only flops that connect well with your opening range. UTG for example we mainly have broadway cards and Ax. BB will have more middling cards (J-8) compared to UTG.
Yea I meant what I said only for the high/dry flops.
Okay, so the further the preflop raiser is from the btn the stronger his range is as well as BB's calling range. That makes sense, but that would still mean that the preflop raiser prefers high/dry boards and the BB's range is better on mid/wet ones, so if I'm correct the strategy shouldn't change that much from utg to btn.
Mostly OOP range cbetting isn't a thing. Range cbetting OOP is the exception, not the rule.
Do you mean that just for the range betting or for betting with any merged range?
Nov. 19, 2020 | 9:05 p.m.
preflop play. Solvers and AI are good for blindly picking a preflop range, but remember that not all hands are the same ev and you must be more advance to play lets say, ATo in UTG for a 0.01ev raise as oppose to something like AA. Just start by picking out hands you are comfortable playing and add in marginal hands as you get more experience.
Good advice. Currently I'm using RFI ranges from the ground up course, I think they're a bit tighter than what the solvers would recommend, so probably ideal for my skill level.
Dont give too much credit on accordingly defends in % at the micros! Noone will really exploit you for folding a little too much overall.
Agree, well I'm not planning to balance ranges to the exact %, but just to have an idea of how the ranges should look like. Also I don't want to learn a strategy thats gonna be useless after micros.
But if you play zoom it should be possible to get a somwehat reliable sample (for VPIP/PFR/3b) from most players pretty quick.
Focus mainly on players that have somewhat fishy stats (high VpiP/low PFR/3b or randomly high stats everywhere).
Attack these players with solid ranges and avoid "making moves for the sake of poker" vs regulars.
I just switched to partypoker because of the better rakeback deal and hud's are banned there, so other than pool reads I don't think I'll be able to get much more.
But I don't really mind it, as I said in the post I'm not really trying to focus on exploiting anyone right now. I want to learn solid default strategy first and after some time when I'll have a better feel for it, I'll switch back to pokerstars from time to time and just play regular tables with a hud to practice my exploitative play. And also focusing on fishy players of course:)
Thank you both for your help:)
Nov. 19, 2020 | 10:10 a.m.
Checking few flush combos on the turn makes sense. That would make my range on the river stronger and easier to play against his raise.
Nov. 18, 2020 | 8:28 a.m.
Need some help here:)
So I've started working on my default strategy last week(dont know if I should call it gto since I'm probably starting with some simplified version). It seems to me like the most important thing to have in poker, especially on zoom tables where it's hard to get reads on your opponents(except for the pool reads of course). I know playing exploitative is more profitable especially in micros where players have huge leaks but I'm just gonna ignore that until I get a good understanding of some balanced default strategy, it should be worth it in the long run I think. Also finding and exploiting other players leaks after learning that can't be to hard since you can quickly see where they deviate from the optimal line.
My first question is, what should I be doing beside training videos and hand reviews/constructing ranges to get better? is it to soon for solvers?
Basically what I'm doing now is: I go watch a video(currently I'm studying from the ground up course) and then I try to implement that strategy in my game when I'm reviewing my hands. If I learn that I should have a polar raising range on wet flops for example I would find those hands in hand history and I would create ranges for each group(raises,calls,bluffs,folds).
Thats where I have a few more questions.
- How to balance ranges? I know that if you bet pot size then 33% of your range should be bluffs (same as you would calculate pot odds), that way your opponent cannot exploit you, that make sense. I guess with calling you should just look at his breakeven %. If he bets pot then you should continue with at least 50% of your hands. If you fold more than he can just always bluff and make profit. That's all I know about balancing ranges so if you could help me with that please.
- When I'm creating ranges for my default(gto) strategy, should I ever think of villain's range? If so in what way? Putting villain on a specific range makes no sense, since we're not planning on exploiting him.
thank you.
Nov. 18, 2020 | 8:05 a.m.
The way I played I'm left without flushes on the river, so TT are my strongest hand. I didn't put any flushes in my turn checking range it's seemed like I would be missing value checking with them. Was that a mistake?
Nov. 17, 2020 | 9:25 a.m.
That's true, it should be a fold, but you mentioned to me in the other thread to start working on my default(gto) strategy.
What would the gto play be without any player pool reads?
Not having a calling range makes me exploitable, he could just bluff me every time since I'm never calling, right? If thats so then I think I should be calling with top of my range, in this hand TT.
Nov. 16, 2020 | 9:41 p.m.
If you are playing a GTO style you dont need to worry about your opponents being to passive or too aggressive. Just play your default strat and print from their mistakes. If you dont have a solid GTO default strat start working on one.
Yes, that's my number 1 goal right now, to make a solid strategy. I've started studying last week with from the grounds up course and it helped me a lot already. Also I've stopped focusing on hud's and started making decisions based on my strategy.
This reaction is irrational altho common among microstakes players. If they are deviating from equilibrium why should you be angry? Thats awesome, just exploit them. Would you prefer if your opponent played closer to GTO?
I totally agree, I wasn't thinking right.
Will be betting a lot more often in this spots, thanks.
Aug. 20, 2021 | 6:29 p.m.