0 points
Hey Sam,great video,thanks for the good job!! :-)
I would love that you stick with this kind of format wich I think is by far the most usefull to learn.To pick some interesting/difficult and frequent subject and work on it with good selected examples,like you do on this video,talking a lot about ranges pre and postflop and how to construct them on the best balanced or explotaitive ways,depending on villians,etc.I especially like that you take time to show how you construct preflop ranges with equilab and explain it,etc.
Other good subjects to work on your videos could be:
1-Donk betting from blinds after defending
2-Playing OOP from blinds on a 3B pot
3-Playing OOP (not from the blinds) on a 3B pot
4-Playing IP on 3B pots
5- 4B ranges on MTTs? (examples on how to construct/balance them)
6-Limping from sb (how to construct a decent range pre depending on stack sizes and some postflop play maybe)
7-Limping from other positions as an interesting option sometimes?
A lot of interesting areas to work on where lots of players haver tons of doubts and leaks,so lot to learn too :-)
Of course I don´t mind if you mix these kind of videos with HH reviews,with in deep explanation of your thought processes,hand ranges,etc,althought I really prefer the format of this video.
Thanks again and best luck on the tables!
Jan. 30, 2016 | 1:06 p.m.
Really great video Fedor.Just wanted to thank you again for the excelent job when giving the whole thought processes as it´s the best tool to try to learn something when watching a video from a beast like you.Your videos here were one of the main reasons for subscribing and I hope you´ll keep them coming :-)
Jan. 28, 2016 | 5:39 p.m.
Great video Jason,thanks..Have only seen this one and the first part of your SWU FT for the moment,but love the fast pace,and how you explain your thought process from each perspective,get into good analysis of ranges,etc.Coming from another coaching site and easily seing why this one is making the difference.Keep´em coming please :-)
Very nice to have good quality theoretical videos here instead of only HHs.Thanks for it progrezive and please keep doing them at least from time to time,they are really useful :D
Feb. 28, 2016 | 1:01 p.m.