0 points
1/2zoom reg is looking for a coach. Wanna do a longterm deal with coaching for profit. Plz conntact via Skype (adasiekskype)
Nov. 24, 2015 | 9:58 a.m.
I am (was) Pokerstars zoom grinder. 2.5bb/100 nl200zoom b/e nl500zoom. I am with other midstakes reg moving to MTTs due to SNE death. Any sites articles coaches anything recomended? We have no MTT experience. I am looking for any advice.
thx a lot
Nov. 3, 2015 | 2:05 p.m.
Are there any tax-free European countries where I can legaly play Poker and for example buy a house and explain that "Hi goverment I won at Pokerstars"?
Oct. 27, 2015 | 7:07 p.m.
I am working on my preflop ranges. Lets analyze scenario:
Someone opens X% range (position does not matter). He fold to 3bet 50%. He opens with 2bb. Everybody folds after him and we are on BB? Rake is 4,50%, CAP is 0.56BB (nl500 zoom at stars).
How wide we want to defend? Is 1 * X for calling + 0.33* X for 3beting is wide? What ratio of 3bet/bluff we want to have in our 3bet range, 50/50?(Value=do not fold to 4bet, Bluff= folds to 4bet).
And how we want to adapt to oponents who for example
- Fold more to 3bets
- Fold less to 3bets
- Open with 2.5bb
- Open with 3bb
Thx for help
July 8, 2015 | 9:04 a.m.
I am a winning nl200 zoom player. I want to do play nl500 zooms at the end of 2015 and I am looking for SNE at nl500zoom in 2016. I am looking for a player who is currently playnig nl500 and doing there well. Any plans/details best to consult in private at skype: adasiekskype
Thx for help
June 25, 2015 | 8:16 p.m.
I would like to ask how we should modify our 3bet/4bet/5bet ranges if we know our opponents tendencies. I use 50/50 value/bluff ratios in my pre-defined 3bet and 4bet ranges (by bluff I mean I will fold vs next raise, by value I mean I will continue by reraise or call vs next raise).
So lets assume we are in BB and BU opens. My standard 3bet: value (99+, AJs+, KQs, AJo+, KQo) (J4s-J2s, T5s-T2s, 95s-92s, 85s-82s, 74s-72s, 63s-62s, 53s-52s, 42s+, 32s). So how should we modify it if our opponents fold 30%,40%,50%,60%,70% in that spot? If he folds only 30%, changing 50/50 ratio to 30/70 ratio is reasonable?
What if we are in BU, BB 3bets us with 15% range. I would 4bet value (TT+, AKs , AKo) bluff (K8s-K7s, Q8s-Q7s, J8s-J7sA9o, KTo). So what if our opponent fold to 4bet 10%, 30%, 60%? If he folds less to 4bet we should 4bet less or just change ratios?
Thx for help
Nov. 27, 2014 | 1:21 p.m.
I checked I have SBvsBB spot (I am on SB) -26,01BB. Is that super low?
July 30, 2014 | 11:18 p.m.
Those are my winnings by position after bigger sample of nl100 zoom. Is any position particularly terrible? Maybe some good reg has posted his positional winnings?
SB - 28,13 BB
BB - 40,20 BB
EP + 5,24 BB
MP + 10,27 BB
CO + 24,35 BB
BU + 46,89BB
July 30, 2014 | 8:50 p.m.
1. Defending BTN vs BB 3bet
2. Defending BTN vs SB 3bet
3. Defending BB vs SB Steal
March 29, 2014 | 11:17 a.m.
This is approximation. I just am curious for example how we should build 3bet range to guy who is opening on button 70% and folding to 3bet 70% and for example guy who is opening 55% and folding 60% to 3bet. Should we wide our range vs guys who folds more? How should we pick bluff/value ratio vs different fold to 3bets>
March 15, 2014 | 9:41 a.m.
We are on BB and we are facing BTN steal. We have very big sample on opponent. How we should create our range specificly to opponent?
We create gameplan
We have aggresive games so we 3bet for "value" AJ+ KQ 99+. This is 7.54%. Not to be exploitable, we assume that BTB open 2bb, BB 3bet 8bb, BU 4bet 15BB, so we need to proceed 44,68%. So if value range is 7.54% which is 44,68% we add 9,33% bluffs.
So we have our standard unexploitable range.
How we should modify our range if we know opponents fold BTNvsBB to 3bet and BU opening range?
My suggestion right now is
-Opponent opens X%, 3bb, Folds to 3bet 50%
3bet for value (5bets + calls 3bets) 16,5% * X (top hands)
Call next X % of hand.
3bet for bluss (folds vs 4bet) 16,5% * X (top of folding).
Example: AVG MP open with 3bb is 18% at nl500zoom
vs 2 bb open I will call 1.25 instead of 1
vs 2.5bb open I will call 1.125 intead od 1
So question is, are those too tight, too light?
July 8, 2015 | 2:15 p.m.