8drian's avatar


2 points

Hi, with AQs, is it that bad to 3bet/c BU vs HJ-1 30bb deep?

July 24, 2016 | 3:09 p.m.

what about 3betting 84cc on the T4383 on the river ? His range is pretty capped to overpairs and A3 here. He would've bet all his DP+ on the turn for sure.

Seems like pretty consistent with your range tho.
Would be nice to hear your toughts about it :)

May 3, 2016 | 2:46 a.m.

I pot for value vs fish players :)

Oct. 6, 2015 | 8:31 a.m.

If you're going to fold too much it's not bad to open fold here. You can preserve your chips but i think I won't be able to open fold a hand as strong as AQs in this position.. Maybe utg with 9 players
But we can discuss about a limp strategy. Would be interesting with ~20bb stacks :)

Oct. 6, 2015 | 7:59 a.m.

It's my second post here (and i'm french) so please be nice :p
I usually play 20->150€ MTT so i will talk about my experience.
For the 1st one, UTG+1 vs open utg TT is really weak. Futhermore we have 6 players to act behind us so that's not a really profitable shove imo. Call for 10% of effective stack with a hand which plays really bad on flops will be awfull for me, so i would fold.

For the second hand it's a bit different because we are facing a shove from the BU. if we assume his range to be AQ+; 88+ we have appromatively 39.83% equity. The pot is 8k*6 + 80k + 40k + 160k + 1150k = 1478k; you need to put 990k to win a 1478k + 990k = 2468k pot. So you basically need 40.11% of equity.
So it's close for me, I'm not really good with ICM stuff but I assume it would be a fold too...

Then, talking about strategy with in TF with those stacksizes : I usually have a PLAY TO WIN strategy. I will often resteal with a "wide" range vs wide openers (who minraise). But then i won't be Open shoving 13-14bb+. Never with similar stacks, because we can easily minraise/fold KQo, AJo, hands like this if opponents have a really tight range of resteal. it's more low variance and there's a lot to win so it's important to keep your stack and not to be gambling too much.

i hope my answer will be understandable, i'm sorry if it's not but :)
It will be a pleasure to discuss with those hands and strategy, i'm here to improve.


Oct. 5, 2015 | 10:30 p.m.

nice video !
I'm still a bit curious about the 35bb shove vs TT. You're 2nd in stack, it'll bad to run against the highest part of opponent's range.
I understand your point totally, in .fr we never do that so that's maybe why i'm a bit shocked if I can say so.
If possible, it would be nice to have a written explanation about this hand please :)


Oct. 5, 2015 | 12:56 a.m.

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