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468 points

Callum and Patrick,
Really enjoy the analysis from both of you on the KJ vs AQ hand. Nice to hear you guys discussing each decision point and giving your thoughts in game and after. Great content.

Thanks guys.

Sept. 7, 2024 | 7:59 a.m.

At ~8:00 when you have TT on 853 rainbow in 3 bet pot OOP, I would imagine that we would not do a lot of leading on flop due to villain having all the premium over pairs as well as some 2 pair plus hands? Might do some small amount of check raising vs small flop bet. Check on turn seems standard. I would think river may want to primarily over bet this spot (maybe 1.5x pot?) Curious what you think about these possible alternate lines.

Thanks Callum.

Sept. 7, 2024 | 7:40 a.m.

Really good video. I can relate to a lot of what you said in this video about intuition vs logic. I have noticed in game when my intuition tells me one thing and my logic tells me the opposite, my intuition is correct more often than not. I have learned to trust the intuition and realize that it comes from all the knowledge and information that I have accumulated.

Thanks Jan.

Sept. 7, 2024 | 7:04 a.m.

Always enjoy your commentary on the hands in the videos you make. Nice job.
Thanks Tyler.

Sept. 5, 2024 | 6:15 a.m.

Great content. Hand 2 the 99 facing river all in, I feel this line is mostly greedy value from the typical player in the player pool. Interesting having the 9d but I think I like your fold here. I enjoy seeing the node locking to show the concept you are explaining. Nice job.

Thanks Francesco.

Sept. 4, 2024 | 6:16 a.m.

At the 30-minute mark you have 98s in SB facing a raise from CO and you call. Curious if you have a calling range from SB in your normal strategy or if this is just because BB only has 56bb (or you think they are a player you want to play against)? Seems like you would want to 3 bet or fold this spot usually unless one of the conditions I mentioned existed.

Sept. 3, 2024 | 6:05 a.m.

Great video. The 8c8d hand at ~27:00 is an interesting one. Like you said, at first glance it seems like this hand would block some of villain's bluffs, but thinking a little further this hand is a good bluff catcher. I like the format of this video and look forward to more.

Thanks Luke.

Sept. 3, 2024 | 5:58 a.m.

At ~24:00 you have Ah6c on 8h9h4h turn Ks river 2c and you go for the check raise on flop check call turn check river line. You mention possibly going for the check raise on turn, which I think would be very nice because this allows you to put lots of pressure on turn and river. Curious what sizing you would use on turn and river if you took that line? Are there any river cards that would alter that strategy/sizing? Interested in your thoughts on this as well as if you prefer the check raise on turn vs just triple barreling. Very nice video.

Thanks Nuno.

Aug. 31, 2024 | 6:27 a.m.

Really like your analysis style when I watch your videos. The hand at ~56:00 where you have 3s4s on Q476J 3 clubs it does seem that we would rather have Ac for bluffs, and it makes sense to have a J here as well to block two pair and set combos on river. This spot feels like it is a spot that could be easily over bluffed if we are not careful. Great video, I really enjoyed it.

Thanks Luke.

Aug. 30, 2024 | 6:41 a.m.

Interesting hand at ~34:00 when you have TT on flop of 745 rainbow in a cold 4 bet pot. Like you I would have thought this was a range bet in 4 bet pot so it is interesting that it is mixing at 100bb and pure range check at 200bb. Is this due to villain having JJ and QQ as well as some traps with AA and maybe some KK? Villain probably doesn't have much two pair plus. Interested in your thoughts on why we check range at 200bb stack depth here.

Thanks Luke

Aug. 30, 2024 | 6:15 a.m.

Some interesting hands. The hand at 27:00 where you have AK on flop of Ks Jd Ah turn 4h river As is an interesting spot to be in. As played on flop and turn, with action checking through on turn, do you ever block small here? Seems like it will check through a lot, but at same time it feels like only way to make more money is to get villain to bluff river or if they have Ax that value bets river and you can check raise. What are your thoughts on this spot after getting to think about further or run this spot through solver?


Aug. 29, 2024 | 6:39 a.m.

Really enjoyed the video. Some interesting information on motivation that I hadn't thought of before. Also enjoyed your stories in this one as well. Nice video.

Thanks Sam.

Aug. 28, 2024 | 6:10 a.m.

The hand at ~30:00 where you have T9o and face a river over bet, I like the fold here. Seems like this is a spot that is probably bluffed for this sizing at lower frequency than solver. Hands that might make sense to do this with on river probably bet at too high a frequency on earlier streets and push some of the bluff catchers into pure fold. Interested in your thoughts on player pool tendencies in these games and if you agree with just pure folding the spots that mix as bluff catchers as an exploit.

Thanks Dekkers.

Aug. 28, 2024 | 5:55 a.m.

This was a fun video to watch. Interesting seeing the difference in the way the game plays now vs back then. If I recall correctly, I saw a video of Phil discussing his first appearance on HSP (which I believe is this episode) where he discussed how he was scheduled to play on a future day but was asked to play this day too. I would imagine that Phil was trying to be interesting/action enough to get invited back while not potentially losing too much to not be able to play the original scheduled day. As for hands, the K5o hand seems like you would rather reraise or fold (if your read is weakness)? Fold being the clear default play here. Post flop seems like an inconsistency in thoughts between pre and post as you mentioned but good for Phil to take all of the information in the hand and arrive on what turned out to be a good fold.

Thanks, Luke, for another interesting video.

Aug. 25, 2024 | 11:10 p.m.

Welcome to RIO. Nice video. Great point about not folding out opponent's hands that you dominate on flop, very easy to overlook this in game.

Thanks Simon.

Aug. 25, 2024 | 8:19 p.m.

At 41:00 you over bet 44 on 9c8c3d turn 2d and solver says this is pure check on turn. I assume this is because of the range check of villain on flop so they arrive uncapped on turn. My question is do you think players at these stakes range check this board in real world? If villain is betting flop with over pairs like a lot of recs might do, does this leave them with the portion of their range that you are targeting and less of the range that consists of the over pairs that call down? Curious if there is a tipping point where 44 plays like you thought it should if villain is betting at higher frequency than solver. Interested in your thoughts.


Aug. 25, 2024 | 6:43 a.m.

Entertaining video. At ~29:00 you open QJs and face a 3 bet from BTN. Solver says pure fold but at these stakes do you think that villain makes enough mistakes post that this hand could be a continue (at least at some frequency)? Realize hero is out of position in a game that has high rake so maybe it wouldn't make enough to justify continue, but curious how much you would deviate from pre flop solver ranges here. Also, at what depth do you think this hand continues if not at these stack depths given the player pool?

Thanks Paul.

Aug. 25, 2024 | 6:27 a.m.

Great video. Really enjoy the content in your videos. I like this format that you used here with the text that can be screenshot. Look forward to more content from you in the future.

Thanks Chris.

Aug. 23, 2024 | 6:46 a.m.

Always enjoy your videos. I found the 77 river spot at ~25:00 to be a very interesting explanation of the incentive of your nutted hands and how to best get the most money in the pot. The small bet looking to reraise (or induce) is nice because it also protects your block bet range as well.

Thanks Tyler.

Aug. 23, 2024 | 6:28 a.m.

Some pretty interesting hands in this one. The last hand is a bit interesting as played. I actually thought that these boards were worse for OOP when two tone due to the amount of turn cards that are unfavorable for OOP. I am still surprised to see that high of betting frequency though. Also turn lead frequency of OOP is very surprising on the surface but makes sense due to villain's flop sizing. I would imagine if villain bet smaller on flop (say b50 for example), hero probably has a lot less lead frequency. Would really like to have seen you node lock your strategy on flop (mostly checking range) and see how that affects both players strategies moving through the hand. You should arrive on turn and river with more strong hands than solver suggests. Interested in your thoughts.

Really enjoyed this video. Thanks Callum.

Aug. 22, 2024 | 2:26 a.m.

Very nice and informative video.

Aug. 12, 2024 | 11:41 p.m.

I know this is slightly off the topic of c-betting OOP, but you mention that you check range on a lot of boards OOP. If you are facing a player that checks range, how does IP player exploit that strategy? I know this will depend on board texture but in general does this lead to checking back more and betting a polar range? When checking range, you will check raise at a higher frequency right? Curious what your thoughts are.

Thanks Max

Aug. 12, 2024 | 11:31 p.m.

Enjoy the video. When you are talking about villain (or yourself) being over or under aggressive in spots at ~10:00 mark, do you see a lot of players playing pure strategies when in theory they are supposed to mix? As an example, you were saying you would not fold AK and you would pure 4 bet JJ and TT. I think it is easy for players to take hands that mix bet and check or 4 bet or fold and just take a pure action whether it is the aggressive line or passive line. Depending on the width of players range, this could lead to pretty unbalanced play especially on later streets as this compounds. Interested in your thoughts on these ideas/observations.

Thanks Max

Aug. 12, 2024 | 10:53 p.m.

The AhTd hand at 22:00 on board of 9h Ad 2d turn 7h river Js you face small flop bet and call. Turn villain over bets you call. River villain bets half pot you call and villain shows 6h4h. Is the over bet turn then half pot river ever really a thing here? Seems like river villain would rather check or bet big. If villain chooses to bluff river would you rather over bet that spot (1.5x - 2x pot maybe)? Over bet on turn seems polarizing, so half pot on river seems inconsistent. Interested in your thoughts.


Aug. 12, 2024 | 12:32 a.m.

Enjoying the video format. Always good to hear the thoughts as well as see or hear the equilibrium strategies. The JcTd hand at ~8:45 feels like a spot that is under bluffed by the population. In this spot, other than the obvious calls like flushes (or Q9/97 for straight) where do you think your calling threshold is? Do you think it is better to have JT with Jc or something with a Q like QT or QJ preferably with the club?


Aug. 12, 2024 | 12:19 a.m.

Great video. Really enjoyed the content and the way you delivered it. Great information that applies to all areas of life.


Aug. 11, 2024 | 11:48 p.m.

Really nice video on merge betting. Some of these spots are interesting in terms of small/middling pairs checking back river verses bluffing river. The 77 hand at ~10:00 as an example, maybe bottom pair on flop (or under pairs) might bluff river to fold out 88, 77, 98 etc... Not saying that those hands bluff this exact spot, but you do see under pairs and bottom pairs go for it on some run outs.

Thanks Frankie.

Aug. 11, 2024 | 8:23 p.m.

Another video with great content. I always get something out of watching your videos and enjoy your style of presenting the concepts or information.

Thanks Francesco.

Aug. 10, 2024 | 10:13 p.m.

The last hand is pretty wild. I agree with you that this should be a call vs Persson. Not sure if any part of his line makes much sense. Agree Ts not a great card being that some of his bluffs would be T9s with bdfd. Seeing what he shows up with, don't think the Ts matters all that much, like you said. Do you think that these types of lines from Persson is pretty heavily skewed towards bluffs, and his check raises more value? Also, how much does the structure of this game (most profit wins the bonus/bounty) affect the bluff frequency of Persson here?

Aug. 10, 2024 | 9:46 p.m.

At ~16:00 Gonzales has 8h7h on board of Jh 9c 8d 6d Kd and Antonius has black aces, if Antonius is value betting this thin is the 8h7h a better raise than call? I think this is a fold, but of the two options to defend here what are your thoughts? What do you think the value raise threshold should be here as well as the value bet threshold for Antonius? Also, what is the worst hand Antonius calls check raise with?

Thanks Frankie.

Aug. 10, 2024 | 9:22 p.m.

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