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16 points

Comment | 1BuckPlease commented on GTO+ solver

Import your tree into the tree editor and eliminate unnecessary branches. It will help a lot. I cut down BB vs SB sims from 18gb to ~11gb with this method.

July 2, 2021 | 2:32 p.m.

Post | 1BuckPlease posted in NLHE: NLHU in '21

What do you think about playing NLHU in 2021? How strong is the field on lets say 50nl or 100nl? Any action? I have played almost 2m hands at 6max in the last 2 years mostly at 50nl and 100nl and now looking for new challenges ( 6max is very dry at these stakes nowadays ). I live in hungary, so i have to choose from european sites and maybe GG. Thanks for any input.

June 29, 2021 | 2:06 p.m.

actually, lb2 suggests 24-27%. i just cannot believe it is a good range nowadays

Jan. 15, 2021 | 6:28 p.m.

Post | 1BuckPlease posted in NLHE: river aggression freq

I have a subscription to leak buster 2. It helps me a lot to make pool exploits and to develpo my game, but there is one thing I cannot understand. Over a big sample, I have a river aggression factor (holdem manager 3) of ~35% which is according to LB2 is way too high and can be a costly leak. My postflop aggression is ~37% (38/36/35). What do you think? Is it really too high? Made an alias of 20 regulars and I realized they are playing with 28% river aggression, which imo is very nitty and passive.
ps: nl100, regular tables

Jan. 14, 2021 | 12:50 p.m.

V is obviously a rec 44/11/5 h:55 went to showdon 4/20
What is your strategy ott and why? Can we fold out any stronger hands, like weak Ax, which blocks the turn and wants to check back river? I would jam every remaining AK and flushes as well. What would you do against a reg? IMO 100bb eff it would be a pure call, since we have the odds.

iPoker, Hold'em No Limit - €0.50/€1.00 - 6 players
Hand delivered by Upswing Poker - https://upswingpoker.com/convert

UTG: €100.00 (100 bb)
MP: €184.98 (185 bb)
CO: €74.61 (75 bb)
BU: €156.37 (156 bb)
SB (Hero): €126.74 (127 bb)
BB: €165.24 (165 bb)

Pre-Flop: (€1.50) Hero is SB with Q♣ Q♠
2 players fold, CO raises to €2, 1 fold, Hero 3-bets to €10, 1 fold, CO calls €8

Flop: (€21) 9♣ 4♠ K♠ (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets €10.50, Hero calls €10.50

Turn: (€42) A♠ (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets €16, Hero raises to €90, CO calls €38.11 (all-in)

River: (€150.22) 9♠ (2 players, 1 all-in)

Total pot: €150.22 (Rake: €4)


Jan. 8, 2021 | 12:10 p.m.

iPoker, Hold'em No Limit - €0.50/€1.00 - 6 players

UTG: €214.76 (215 bb)
MP: €181.10 (181 bb)
CO: €123.11 (123 bb)
BU (Hero): €100.00 (100 bb)
SB: €66.58 (67 bb)
BB: €146.44 (146 bb)

Pre-Flop: (€1.50) Hero is BTN with A♦ Q♣
3 players fold, Hero raises to €2.50, 1 fold, BB 3-bets to €9, Hero 4-bets to €21.50, BB calls €12.50

Flop: (€43.50) 3♣ A♣ 2♠ (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Turn: (€43.50) 5♥ (2 players)
BB bets €9, Hero calls €9

River: (€61.50) 2♥ (2 players)
BB bets €1, Hero raises to €69.50 (all-in), BB calls €68.50

villain was playing 29/23/18 in 90 hands. No history, no notes. Do we have a thin value OTR? Do we have any other bet sizes as an exploitline 20bb? After his confusing line, I think we are against something like A5s (1), A3s (2), AK (8), Axs(??), other crazy sh*t(??). I just cannot imagine, there are any straights in his range after this line. What do you think? Will we get enough calls from worse Axs to make river jam +ev?


Jan. 4, 2021 | 9:16 a.m.

Post | 1BuckPlease posted in NLHE: 100nl AKs in a 4bet pot

iPoker, Hold'em No Limit - €0.50/€1.00 - 6 players

UTG: €164.45 (164 bb)
MP: €141.88 (142 bb)
CO: €181.60 (182 bb)
BU (Hero): €136.55 (137 bb)
SB: €106.00 (106 bb)
BB: €87.20 (87 bb)

Pre-Flop: (€1.50) Hero is BTN with A♠ K♠
3 players fold, Hero raises to €2.50, 1 fold, BB 3-bets to €10, Hero 4-bets to €22.50, BB calls €12.50

Flop: (€45.50) 9♦ 6♣ 3♦ (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Turn: (€45.50) 5♠ (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

River: (€45.50) A♥ (2 players)
BB bets €64.70 (all-in), Hero?

villain is a nitty semi-rec: 20/7/7/h:100

Most of my turn checkbacks are AJo, AQo type hands without diamonds and clubs, AKs, AQs, A5s, A3s, some JJ+ with a club and occasionally (not too much) flush draws and bricked backdoor flushdraws like KJs, JTs, QJs. All in all, I have more aces than him on that river. Because of my range, I don't think jamming from the big blind is a great line in this specific case. Moreover, IMO this line is very unbalanced and very value heavy, trying to stack off as much Ax as he can, avoiding checking behind middling hands.

What value hands can he have here?
4 combos of 78s
2 combos of 56s
12 combos of sets
2 combos of A5s
1 combo of A3s
21 combos of value hands

With this sizing, he should balance his jam with 8 combos of bluffs and if this is the case, I should call with ~40% of my river range. BUT I dont think this line will EVER contain 8 combos of bluffs, am I right? So what hands do we call then? Of course, every A3s, A5s, AA, and? We can fold every AQs and AQo, AJs and AQo, every slowplayed big pocket pairs, but what about AK? How much do we have to overfold here, what do you think?


Dec. 23, 2020 | 2:21 p.m.

I usually use aggrated reports for studying as well. In this case (cbetting) I used a subset of 66 flops. I grouped them, made aggregations and made notes into One note about the heuristics. After that, I did the same in case of defending, check rainsing and so on. After ( I thought ), I have the big picture, so its time to practice with playing versus snowie, or GTO+ trying these findings in "game".
When you are on the atomic level and analyzing a specific hand, how can you know that your line against a non GTO ( human :) ) player is +EV on every street? Adding somewhat realistic ranges in single raised pots (where ranges are wide) are hard and time-consuming, you have to simplify a lot. But if you just put this hand into a solver, you just cannot learn a lot from it.
Stincking to this topic (cbetting in srp), when you face a questionable spot during your session, how do you analyze it then?

Dec. 22, 2020 | 4:15 p.m.

I am a bit uncertain about my studying methods and I am really courius what do you think about it.
I have been playing cash games as a hobby from the beginning of 2020 started from 5nl and at the end of the year I am trying to despise my feet on 100nl with less success yet. Unfortunately, I do not have poker buddies, nor a coach, just me. So in one person, I have to be a motivator, a coach and a player. If you have ever tried to locate and repair leaks in your game on your own, you know how difficult it is.
But that's it, this thread is not about complaining.

My general study plan seems like this:

1. Find a topic to be improved in ( like cbetting, 3betting, defense against cbets, etc. )
2. Break down the topic into sub-topics

STUDY THE SUB-TOPIC ( at least for a week )
1. Make a new tag in HM3 for the specific sub-topic
2. Collect the right media related to the topic ( videos ).

On an active day (passive days = no poker)
1. Watch a video and take notes.
2. Review hands connected to the topic from your previous sessions.
3. Play a session (max 90 minutes) and tag hands (only those connected to the topic!!!)
5. Play a session (max 90 minutes) and tag hands (only those connected to the topic!!!)

It seems easy, right? Well, NO, if you are learning on your own.

My main problem comes from hand reviewing.
Lets take the following topic fot example: cbetting from BTN vs BB
the subtopic is: Cbetting on middle connected flops.

The process:
1. I open HM3 and take a look at my first tagged hand.
2. I open flopzilla and select from the predefined preflop ranges.
3. I try to split the ranges into big bet, small bet and check range and find the somewhat correct frequencies for each and try to place my holding in the correct subrange.
4. I check the GTO solution and usually get frustrated by the mixed strategies on the flop :)
5. Okay, move on. In case of cbetting, i try to define a defending range for my opponent and split BB's range into calls, folds, and raises.
6. Lets say, I am trying to give him a raising range of what percent? I dont know any mathemtical formulas which can be solved by the human brain on the fly to give the approximate raising frequency OTF for the BB. Okay, never mind, I have played a lot with my solver, I know that I should check/raise that specific flop ~5% of the time against a big cbet. Now, I have to just construct the range from the best combos. But wait, how many bluffs should I add to BB's raising range? Open up solver, try to find the universal truth, the common ground between these spots but I only see mixing, mixing and a little more mixing... ( Usually that is the point, where I would rather shut down my laptop and leave poker for a while :) )
8. With a somewhat frustrated mindset, I finish the review.
9. Then I open up the solver and try again to solve the specific spot but now, with nodelocking with more simplification (ignoring a ton of mixing, where i dont loose ev).
10. I examine the specific spot, but I feel, I have just learnt almost nothing from that review. I can see the exact solution, but I have a ton of unanswered "why"-s... Then i realize that the most usefull part of my day was watching that video in the moring...

I've a ton of unanswered questions all the time, like:
* how should I construct my bluff to value ratio in that spot with my range against my opponent's cbetting range? I don't know, I can check it in my solver, but it is just self-deception, It does not give me universal thinking.
* after checking back the flop, on a turn which favors my check behind range, how often should I attack and with what portion of my range with what bet size?
* on a flush turn, how should I construct my 2nd barrell range, how often should I continue and with that bet size?
* what hands are the best to semmi-bluff with on the turn? with what freq?
* etc, etc, etc.

All in all, I obviously have some clue about different spots, but what I am unsure, that when I am constructing ranges, how could I know, that I am not overbluffing, or underbluffing a specific flop for example? Do I really have to study the right frequencies for each possible holding in a specific spot? On the river, if were are in a jam or fold situation, math is simple, counting combos and taking blockers into account not mega-hard. But playing well balanced lines (especially, knowing that the line is not just somewhat balanced, it is WELL balanced) is really hard.
I can check the exact GTO solution of course, but - as I said - it does not give me a usefull formula what can be used in the future. In only gives a situation specific solution...
How can I be sure when playing (or reviewing), that my chosen line is +EV or -EV on the flop, or even on the turn? I feel, studying with a solver is more about studying the exact solutions not about studying the "why"-s...
I am seeking answers like this: If i check raise this specific turn with 6 combos of sets and 16 combos of straights, how should i balance my range with bluffs? I know these formulas have a lot of variables ( position, spr, ranges, etc.), but without knowing the numbers, how can we certain about our review results? How should I cange my studying method?

Sorry for the long post.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!


Dec. 22, 2020 | 3:14 p.m.

No, never. I dont think a rec would think like this (on blockers). Just playing his cards and after checking behind the turn, he will easily valuebet his Ax, better 8x and his TT, 99. I cannot give him a lot of complete airballs after calling flop and betting river with this exact size. IMO, in case of a rec, the betsize he uses is one of the biggest tells in most of the spots, in general and this one stinks from (thin)value. The bottom of my call range OTR would be every 8x with a J, Q or K, than the remaining pocketpairs better than 8 and weaker than A and than the Ax hands.

Dec. 22, 2020 | 12:57 p.m.

Comment | 1BuckPlease commented on Toy game question

I thought its irreveleant.

Dec. 21, 2020 | 9:30 p.m.

Comment | 1BuckPlease commented on Toy game question

I think, I got this. Rake? (5% by default)

Dec. 21, 2020 | 7:45 p.m.

Post | 1BuckPlease posted in NLHE: Toy game question

I know, the answer should be very trivial, but I just dont get it, maybe just too tired after playing with my solver.
I've got 2 ranges in a pot where eff stacks are 97.5, pot is 5.5:
board: 333
OOP checks 100%
IP is only allowed to bet half pot on every street.
IP bets his whole range, OOP folds his whole range. Why? I mean, why OOP folds his whole range here, even if I use 1/4 pot bet only?

Dec. 21, 2020 | 5:19 p.m.

My problem was with squeezing, that if UTG is folding, MP will continue with a lot of strong hands and its very likely that CO will follow him with a wider range. MP is passive pre and post too, and he would be definitely capped, but would have a strong condensed range, something like ATs-AQs, KJs-KQs, QJs, some AKo, 99-JJ (maybe a few QQ). And do not forget about CO with holdings that play well MW. Playing oop against him/them a bigger pot OOP with a hand that does not play well multiway.... not a comfy scenario IMO.

Dec. 19, 2020 | 3:26 p.m.

UTG is an aggro reg playing with a ton of huuuuge mistakes. His stats: 22/17/5.4 cbet: 68/74/25 af: 45/47/25 hands:1400
MP is a passive rec from the nitty side with 24/14/3 h:250
CO is an avarage regular, nothing special.

The hand: https://pokeit.co/public/5ebsrDoz/r

AQo is the bottom of my squeeze range here, maybe the best would be to just fold it pre... I would squeeze AQs+, TT+, AKo, AKs.

After the hand I realized that he has very low river AF with low river barrel, but I don't know... My hand is very underrepresented and basically one of the strongest holding from my range on the turn ( usually check-rasing my combo draws, so we can discount KTs, T9s, etc. ). So basically I will have mostly top pairs with good kickers, second pairs with FD and a very few Ax FD OTT.

It's really hard to put him on a lifelike range since he should have checked OTF w range, but played a bit with flopzilla:

villain: QQ-JJ,77,AQs,KQs,QJs,AcKc,AdKd,AcTc,AdTd,KcTc,KdTd,[50.0000]AcAh,AdAc,AsAc,AcKh,AcKd,AcKs,KcKh,KdKc,KsKc,AcQh,AcQd,AcQs[/50.0000]

my range: AQo,KQo,JcTc,[50.0000]KJs[/50.0000],[25.0000]ATs,A5s-A4s,KTs,T9s[/25.0000]

So the specific hand is mega close, barely have the odds to call, we would see the river OOP with a capped range in a big pot. Well, I can imagine better spots :) I can jam with JTs, with the few combos of T9s and maybe KTs and what about calling? Equity wise, the best calldown is AQo in red and black, unblocking flushdraws. How would you play?


Dec. 18, 2020 | 7:22 p.m.

Thank you guys! Helped me a lot!

Dec. 13, 2020 | 8:47 a.m.

Hello Guys!
I am paying with flopzilla and GTO+ to get a better understanding of eq distribution and bet sizes and maybe get the big picture of a solver's mind. My goal is to develop my understanding of ranges and appropriate bet sizes in different situations. Plenty of factors matter, like raw-eq, nutted-eq, vulnerability, etc. vs villain's range. I think, I understand the theory behind the connection of bet sizing with range structure, then a spot appears and makes me uncertain instantly. Let's take a look at the following spot:
It's a 3bet pot between SB and CO with the following ranges (you can copy-paste them into GTO+ or flopzilla):

Flop: Tc9d6c



So some statements:
* SB has a very tiny raw equitiy advantage here.
* SB has a nut eq disadvantage (straights, sets, two pairs) with 8,23 vs 10,55 combos, but has an advantage in the number ov overpair combos.
* SB has a positional disadvantage
* SB's value range (top pair +) is vulnerable

So my first guess was, SB is checking the most if his range, if not the whole. I run the sim and was a bit shocked what i saw. SB is checking ~50% of the time and betting BIG 35% of the time. Then I took a dive into the ranges in flopzilla and realized that if we filter out top pair+ hands, SB has a huge range advantage, but most of his holdings are very vulnerable. But we are out of position and there are a ton of bad turns for us to continue or just reach SD. With large cbets, we will sitting in the pot with a smallish SPR against a nut heavy range. Opinions guys?
What do you think, what would happen if we swapped the ranges?


Dec. 12, 2020 | 3:47 p.m.

There was dead money in the pot from a player who sat back after skipping blinds. It canno be seen in the HH.

Dec. 12, 2020 | 10:46 a.m.

You are absolutely right. My biggest money burning leak is playing fancy looking lines instead of adapting and exploiting. In December, I am replaying every single session and looking after every single flops, turns and rivers, making range analysis and spot these unnecessary lines, to ignore them in the future.

Dec. 9, 2020 | 7:16 a.m.

iPoker, Hold'em No Limit - €0.50/€1.00 - 6 players

UTG: €100.50 (101 bb)
MP: €116.13 (116 bb)
CO: €40.00 (40 bb)
BU (Hero): €135.26 (135 bb)
SB: €89.15 (89 bb)
BB: €152.28 (152 bb)

Pre-Flop: (€2.50) Hero is BTN with K♣ J♦
2 players fold, CO checks, Hero raises to €4, SB calls €3.50, 2 players fold

Flop: (€10) 9♦ 2♣ 5♥ (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets €3, SB calls €3

Turn: (€16) Q♣ (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets €12, SB calls €12

River: (€40) 8♣ (2 players)
SB checks, Hero?

Hey! This hand was plaed on a regular table, so ranges arent as tight as they would be on a zoom table. SB is a sticky rec, playing something like 50/5 ~50 hands. I know this player type hates folding, but hmmm..
I am not sure about bet sizings too. OTF he have all the sets (he will never 3bet 99). But he can have a lot of gutshots, bd straights and bd flushes. The turn helps my range, betting bigger would be better from potsize to 1,5x pot maybe?. OTR he can have a lot of 9x (except 99), a lot of 5x (except 55),some 8x (like 86,78), a few Qx, and small pocketpairs under the 9. I have a nice blocker to JT, T9, QT,K9 and to the flush and need ~60% folds to be breakeven when bombing the river. This situation occurs often against recs in this pool, and they usually call it down with a lot of thrash pair with no kicker. Based on this, I am not sure how to construct my bluff to value ratio in these spots.

I bombed, he snapped and shown 78o :)


Dec. 8, 2020 | 1:08 p.m.

The problem for me on the turn is that I am blocking a lot of his possible bluff combos with the Ad. Most of his other FDs are without SD value, so after flop call we can discount 42s, 64s, 74s, 67s, etc. Solvers never ever raise OTT, but in real life, I can easily imagine, he looked down his card, saw a 3x or 55 and said "now or never", just to deny checking behind OTR. The pool has a very low AF on the river, in general he could except a few bluffs on a blank river in this pool.

Dec. 4, 2020 | 8:14 p.m.

The hand was played on GG's Rush and cash (similar as zoom). Villain is mostly unknown, probablry reg (playing with 4 entries). What range is playing like that? I cannot see too many FD after just calling OTF, especially holding the Ad, nor many Kx.
The pool is on the nitty side and all in all, I cannot see too many bluffs/semi bluffs here. Against a tighter range, I do not have the odds for calling OTT (mostly 3xXd, 55 and a few FD with QdX like QdTd, QdJd). Would a fold OTT be nitty asf, right? Or?
OTR? IMO its an easy fold. Whats your thoughts?

Dec. 2, 2020 | 3:14 p.m.

I took a look on river donk/calls in my database. Flushes, boats and trips. I am playing on nl100 and would fold 100% of the times and only (crying)call with overpairs, and jam with 9x only, without any bluffs.

Nov. 30, 2020 | 3:18 p.m.

I have just puschased the pro annual plan of pokersnowie and ran some practicing. Snowie uses a 3.5x betsize from BTN instead of sizing down. What could be the theory behind it?

Nov. 27, 2020 | 3:19 p.m.

What's your opinion about using one turn c-bet size beside overbetting to simplify our turn strategy? I found it really hard to correctly implement more turn cbet sizes and thinking about using only 66% and 150% pot for second barrelling. Now, its just theory, I haven't done any sims yet..

Nov. 26, 2020 | 9:19 a.m.

or buy a subscription at preflopguru. they have some solved gto ranges and a nice trainer.

Oct. 12, 2020 | 7:16 a.m.

Comment | 1BuckPlease commented on Range examining

Bomb! Thank you! :) As players are unknown, to be exact player1, player2 and so on, it will be super easy. Thank you again!

Oct. 10, 2020 | 2:19 p.m.

Post | 1BuckPlease posted in NLHE: Range examining

Hi guys!
I am playing on fast forward tables at nl100. Want to make some research in ranges like general 3betting range from sb vs btn or general 4bet range from btn vs bb, etc. I am using HM3 and their range wizard but cannot find any way to do this since I have to chsose a player or players to start analyzing. Can you recommend any handy tool? I am working as a programmer, so if all the ropes are torn i will write sql queries, but it would be nice to find a great solution.

Oct. 10, 2020 | 10:49 a.m.

Thank you Jeff. It is a 10,1% linear 3-bet range against EP, I am playing with 12% 3bet overall on a large sample.
OTF its a mix. Sometimes going into my checking range for range protection. Villain has a very wide range OTF as deep, he can float with a ton of hands even with worse tens.
100BB deep he can call down on a brick turn with decent bluffcatchers, especially against an aggro player, what do you think?

Oct. 2, 2020 | 6:49 p.m.


I am not too comfy playing deep, and sorry for my english. The hand was played on FastForward. Villain is a good regular, nothing special, not too aggro, not too passive. Lack of reads.

I mostly use GTO preflop ranges, in this case, my 3betting range is: AA-88,AKs-ATs,A5s-A4s,KQs-KJs,QJs,AKo-AQo,KQo,[75.0]KTs[/75.0],[50.0]77-66,QTs,JTs[/50.0],[25.0]55,A9s,T9s,76s,65s,54s[/25.0]

Until turn, its standard I think, but then bang. There are some regs in the pool, who are not affraid to bang the turn with T9s, 89s, maybe J9s, 67s, but I think its still very close. I put this into a solver and it says, its a mandatory call with every Tx except T9s and with overpairs. We got 34% to make this call. Against a narrow range like TT,77,Tc9c,9s8s,9c8c,7s6s,7c6c I almost have the odds, but I have to assume, he is not going crazy with overs without a club for protection, etc-. Opinions?


Oct. 2, 2020 | 7:41 a.m.

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