question about the last hand (AA4 on 942r where u check call flop and 7r turn after 3betting oop)
im uncomfortable in similar spots because i feel against a good opponent when i check call my hand is quite face up because with a rundown containing a 9 i would probably want to bet for protection from random overcards he can have and 356 or similar combos is very rarely in my preflop range.
any advice u can give me? (i dont feel 3betting more junky doublesuited hands oop against good players is a good solution - for my comfort zone at least!)
Well, first off there is no solution to feeling uncomfortable in these spots and similar ones. We have a medium strength hand on a board that we don't hit very hard. Whatever we do inherently will be marginal and close thus we will be uncomfortable with our decisions.
That said I think there are benefits to both betting and checking. I mentioned in the vid that I think a bet is probably what I would do most often given we have a pf range advantage and neither of us hit this board hard.
Checking has merits because he may over stab this flop and our particular AA has some good turns in form of FDs and trips.
I don't worry we will be too face up. You mention we won't want to check our 9xxx rundowns but I think those are fine hands to check. Sure they do well by betting for protection but with 9TJQ on 942r but its a hand that isnt pushing an equity advantage vs his calling range and it has great playability. Id rather bet for prtoection with JJ-KK which need more protection than AA and even QJT9 but have lower playability than QJT9.
You dont want to add in junk double suited hands to your 3b range but connected lower ones will help you be connected on these flops some too.
thanks for taking the time to answer!
that all makes a lot of sense and i think i should work on beeing more balanced in my check continuing range on boards like this.
Regarding hand 2 (10:00), the T95hh hits a 3betting range decently well. a 15% 3betting range has 57.5% equity against a 90% opening range on this board. For comparison on JT5hh the same range will have 59.1% equity, and this is a board that unquestionably favors a 3betting range. On the other hand on 985hh we have 54.5% equity which is probably not considered a real advantage since we're OOP and have less nutty combos in our range. So yea T95hh is definitely in the middle like you said, although I think the 3bettor still has a slight advantage here at low-medium SPR's. I find those boards to be very interesting to study because it's unclear if the 3bettor should play passively or aggressively on them, and the decision is often very sensitive to a lot of small factors.
Agree 100% that betting big on the river is the way to go. In fact, I think betting small would be a big mistake. I know Phil often likes to bet ~1/2 pot on these one-card straight boards, but those are typically situations where both players get to the river with wider ranges: it's quite possible that no one has a straight, and either player can have marginal hands like 2p/sets. In this hand, because of the bet-3bet going in on the turn, both ranges are very narrow and strong, and villain very often has the nuts on the turn. One point of having a small sizing is to be able to value bet the one card straight, but after this action I think you would probably just check it back on the river. You won't be called by worse and he can (and often should) be trapping with the T-high or J-high straight if he has it. So when you bet you're really just repping the T-high or J-high straight. He will usually have the one-card straight. With your polarized range vs his mostly bluff-catching range, seems like a clear spot to bet big.
yes given the pot odds he should be calling often but likewise we should not be bluffing often.on a river of 9 of clubs or 9 of hearts for example our range is so far ahead of his unimproved aces that he may not even have sufficient equity to call despite the great odds. On the river we we got if we are bluffing all non improved hands then yes he has a call.
I got some questions regarding the heads-up hands:
1) KJT6:ss would you consider 4 betting the turn at undeeper stacksizes (for example 100bb)
since his range is like you expect to be 67+redraw and blockers given his turn 3bet sizing?
2) QJ94:dddx about the river calldown i think people bluff the blocker alot less and more
weigthed towards the K and A-hi flush since the boards pairs and your range is basicly FL+.
I might be wrong about that or maybe you have a specific read on your opponent?
Wich leads me to another question, if your range will be heavily FD+, and assuming you will be
crai your fh's, dont you want to add some weaker flushes with pair blockers?
Im very curious on how you aproach these situations
3) KQJ9:ss You assume he doesnt have AA ( i assume same goes for KK, wich we also block) as we
get to the turn. Since we will have in our range a bunch of draws and weaker made hands that need protection
vs his stabing range wouldnt it be better to just check/jamm the turn super wide here?
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really enjoyed this video - keep em coming.
question about the last hand (AA4 on 942r where u check call flop and 7r turn after 3betting oop)
im uncomfortable in similar spots because i feel against a good opponent when i check call my hand is quite face up because with a rundown containing a 9 i would probably want to bet for protection from random overcards he can have and 356 or similar combos is very rarely in my preflop range.
any advice u can give me? (i dont feel 3betting more junky doublesuited hands oop against good players is a good solution - for my comfort zone at least!)
thanks and again thx for a great vid!
Well, first off there is no solution to feeling uncomfortable in these spots and similar ones. We have a medium strength hand on a board that we don't hit very hard. Whatever we do inherently will be marginal and close thus we will be uncomfortable with our decisions.
That said I think there are benefits to both betting and checking. I mentioned in the vid that I think a bet is probably what I would do most often given we have a pf range advantage and neither of us hit this board hard.
Checking has merits because he may over stab this flop and our particular AA has some good turns in form of FDs and trips.
I don't worry we will be too face up. You mention we won't want to check our 9xxx rundowns but I think those are fine hands to check. Sure they do well by betting for protection but with 9TJQ on 942r but its a hand that isnt pushing an equity advantage vs his calling range and it has great playability. Id rather bet for prtoection with JJ-KK which need more protection than AA and even QJT9 but have lower playability than QJT9.
You dont want to add in junk double suited hands to your 3b range but connected lower ones will help you be connected on these flops some too.
thanks for taking the time to answer!
that all makes a lot of sense and i think i should work on beeing more balanced in my check continuing range on boards like this.
I'm wondering why none of your hands are against RePaTs12? :)
I recognize the SN but don't play much on there. That you?
Great stuff as usual.
Regarding hand 2 (10:00), the T95hh hits a 3betting range decently well. a 15% 3betting range has 57.5% equity against a 90% opening range on this board. For comparison on JT5hh the same range will have 59.1% equity, and this is a board that unquestionably favors a 3betting range. On the other hand on 985hh we have 54.5% equity which is probably not considered a real advantage since we're OOP and have less nutty combos in our range. So yea T95hh is definitely in the middle like you said, although I think the 3bettor still has a slight advantage here at low-medium SPR's. I find those boards to be very interesting to study because it's unclear if the 3bettor should play passively or aggressively on them, and the decision is often very sensitive to a lot of small factors.
I enjoyed this much more than the previous 2, looking
forward to future vids.
Glad to hear. I like getting input of what people want to see.
Agree 100% that betting big on the river is the way to go. In fact, I think betting small would be a big mistake. I know Phil often likes to bet ~1/2 pot on these one-card straight boards, but those are typically situations where both players get to the river with wider ranges: it's quite possible that no one has a straight, and either player can have marginal hands like 2p/sets. In this hand, because of the bet-3bet going in on the turn, both ranges are very narrow and strong, and villain very often has the nuts on the turn. One point of having a small sizing is to be able to value bet the one card straight, but after this action I think you would probably just check it back on the river. You won't be called by worse and he can (and often should) be trapping with the T-high or J-high straight if he has it. So when you bet you're really just repping the T-high or J-high straight. He will usually have the one-card straight. With your polarized range vs his mostly bluff-catching range, seems like a clear spot to bet big.
Agree with all of above although I'd probably pot the 1card straight as a bluff off a chop.
min 25, I just cant understand how he can ever fold there getting those odds, in my opinion this would be a mistake.
yes given the pot odds he should be calling often but likewise we should not be bluffing often.on a river of 9 of clubs or 9 of hearts for example our range is so far ahead of his unimproved aces that he may not even have sufficient equity to call despite the great odds. On the river we we got if we are bluffing all non improved hands then yes he has a call.
Hi Zachary,
I got some questions regarding the heads-up hands:
1) KJT6:ss would you consider 4 betting the turn at undeeper stacksizes (for example 100bb)
since his range is like you expect to be 67+redraw and blockers given his turn 3bet sizing?
2) QJ94:dddx about the river calldown i think people bluff the blocker alot less and more
weigthed towards the K and A-hi flush since the boards pairs and your range is basicly FL+.
I might be wrong about that or maybe you have a specific read on your opponent?
Wich leads me to another question, if your range will be heavily FD+, and assuming you will be
crai your fh's, dont you want to add some weaker flushes with pair blockers?
Im very curious on how you aproach these situations
3) KQJ9:ss You assume he doesnt have AA ( i assume same goes for KK, wich we also block) as we
get to the turn. Since we will have in our range a bunch of draws and weaker made hands that need protection
vs his stabing range wouldnt it be better to just check/jamm the turn super wide here?
Thanks in advance and i hope to hear from you!
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