i do like this pros style and think he is OK at makings videos but he rlly projects an arrogant know it all attitude when he is talking and it kinda makes my ears bleed a bit, he sounds worse then tonka does on twitch....
the way he talks just sounds like he thinks hes better then everyone else, he does have quite a heavenly voice which is quite easy to listen to but the way he talks about the other players strats is very condescending. i understand there is nothing wrong when a pro identifies a leak from one of the oppoenets in his videos, but the way this pro goes about it seems a bit too harsh.
Young god. Please stop commenting on my videos. This is the last comment I will address.
I will briefly address the "arrogance". I certainly do not feel I'm better than everyone else and I apologize if it sometimes comes off that way. I feel an obligation to point out when someone does something during one of my videos that I feel is quite bad. My intent is not to berate or belittle that person but I do not want to be one of the coaches/video makers that tries to justify obviously bad lines in an attempt to not hurt anyone's feelings. At the end of the day, you're here to learn and you're paying me (indirectly) to teach you. It does you no good if I don't provide my honest opinion (both good and bad) at all times. I do not wish to turn into Doug Polk and needlessly berate people but I'm also not prepared to guarantee that this is a completely safe space where you'll never get offended. If it's truly a problem for a lot of you I will change the tone in which I deliver these messages but I have a very dry sense of humor which I try to incorporate into the videos in order to make them a little more fun to watch.
I dont see why i should have to stop commenting on videos from this pro. Im just voicing my honest opinion, i dont think there is anything wrong with that...
It's not this specific comment. It's the long history you have with me. I'm not going to post it all here but suffice to say you know what it is. You're annoying, rude and immature and I'm done dealing with you. That's the last I'll say of it in public.
I completely disagree with you. The way he talks is just about him being confident what's the good or bad play, which makes him credible as a coach in a very good way.
Apotheosis, please don't change your video making style by a bit based on this. This is one of the best MTT-content on RIO you keep making.
Regardless of what you think of me, as long as im not being disrespectfull i can continue to comment on your videos as many times as i want, and that is exactly what im going to do.
One last thing, i have no clue what your talking about when you say our long history... We have barely even spoke to one another, and over the course of those few dialogues i have witnessed firsthand the despicable aspects of your character. I will not stoop to your current level and elaborate right here for everyone to read, but im looking forward to getting the chance to see you in person so i can explain it very clearly to you.
Also: I made a really bad fold at 0:40 with AJo in bottom right. I think a combination of doing the intro and having just set up camtasia and adjusted the tables made me not realize that the "sb" wasn't sat it (so the open was one position later than I thought originally). Not a good fold vs a position earlier either way but an even clearer mistake in this case. A pretty clear case of just talking and not paying attention to what I was actually doing at this point.
Yea it's a little tight but I can live with it (at the time I was playing pure 3b out of sb). Think it's a mix if you're playing pure 3b. (but mostly a 3b).
Good video, thanks. Nice to hear your thoughts on other hands which you aren't involved in.
11:25 ATdd bottom left. What would be your calling range here vs that 16.5bb 3bet shove?
28:50 the AQss hand on 5T5K. You say you would value shove a Q river. But will he really hero call worse by that point? Would check folding a Q be best given he could have pocket tens, 5X, random KX and would struggle to find bluffs?
Lastly, do you not use a hud for tournaments? Thanks
11:25 Somewhat tighter than an HRC calc because I believe we're near the bubble so he's going to be somewhat tighter as well. (maybe like ~85% of what HRC says)
28:50 Value betting a Q river here is really thin. Wouldn't do it vs good opposition but I get called by all sorts of crap on this site so I think on a weaker site it's probably fine. Not my default though, sorry should have made that clear.
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i do like this pros style and think he is OK at makings videos but he rlly projects an arrogant know it all attitude when he is talking and it kinda makes my ears bleed a bit, he sounds worse then tonka does on twitch....
the way he talks just sounds like he thinks hes better then everyone else, he does have quite a heavenly voice which is quite easy to listen to but the way he talks about the other players strats is very condescending. i understand there is nothing wrong when a pro identifies a leak from one of the oppoenets in his videos, but the way this pro goes about it seems a bit too harsh.
I haven't watched any of Apotheosis' videos but someone with the username 'Young God' calling someone else arrogant is rich.
Young god. Please stop commenting on my videos. This is the last comment I will address.
I will briefly address the "arrogance". I certainly do not feel I'm better than everyone else and I apologize if it sometimes comes off that way. I feel an obligation to point out when someone does something during one of my videos that I feel is quite bad. My intent is not to berate or belittle that person but I do not want to be one of the coaches/video makers that tries to justify obviously bad lines in an attempt to not hurt anyone's feelings. At the end of the day, you're here to learn and you're paying me (indirectly) to teach you. It does you no good if I don't provide my honest opinion (both good and bad) at all times. I do not wish to turn into Doug Polk and needlessly berate people but I'm also not prepared to guarantee that this is a completely safe space where you'll never get offended. If it's truly a problem for a lot of you I will change the tone in which I deliver these messages but I have a very dry sense of humor which I try to incorporate into the videos in order to make them a little more fun to watch.
I dont see why i should have to stop commenting on videos from this pro. Im just voicing my honest opinion, i dont think there is anything wrong with that...
It's not this specific comment. It's the long history you have with me. I'm not going to post it all here but suffice to say you know what it is. You're annoying, rude and immature and I'm done dealing with you. That's the last I'll say of it in public.
I completely disagree with you. The way he talks is just about him being confident what's the good or bad play, which makes him credible as a coach in a very good way.
Apotheosis, please don't change your video making style by a bit based on this. This is one of the best MTT-content on RIO you keep making.
Regardless of what you think of me, as long as im not being disrespectfull i can continue to comment on your videos as many times as i want, and that is exactly what im going to do.
One last thing, i have no clue what your talking about when you say our long history... We have barely even spoke to one another, and over the course of those few dialogues i have witnessed firsthand the despicable aspects of your character. I will not stoop to your current level and elaborate right here for everyone to read, but im looking forward to getting the chance to see you in person so i can explain it very clearly to you.
Also: I made a really bad fold at 0:40 with AJo in bottom right. I think a combination of doing the intro and having just set up camtasia and adjusted the tables made me not realize that the "sb" wasn't sat it (so the open was one position later than I thought originally). Not a good fold vs a position earlier either way but an even clearer mistake in this case. A pretty clear case of just talking and not paying attention to what I was actually doing at this point.
44:44 Btm middle snapfold? :)
Yea it's a little tight but I can live with it (at the time I was playing pure 3b out of sb). Think it's a mix if you're playing pure 3b. (but mostly a 3b).
Would flat nowadays.
Good video, thanks. Nice to hear your thoughts on other hands which you aren't involved in.
11:25 ATdd bottom left. What would be your calling range here vs that 16.5bb 3bet shove?
28:50 the AQss hand on 5T5K. You say you would value shove a Q river. But will he really hero call worse by that point? Would check folding a Q be best given he could have pocket tens, 5X, random KX and would struggle to find bluffs?
Lastly, do you not use a hud for tournaments? Thanks
11:25 Somewhat tighter than an HRC calc because I believe we're near the bubble so he's going to be somewhat tighter as well. (maybe like ~85% of what HRC says)
28:50 Value betting a Q river here is really thin. Wouldn't do it vs good opposition but I get called by all sorts of crap on this site so I think on a weaker site it's probably fine. Not my default though, sorry should have made that clear.
I do not use a HUD when I play mtts.
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