Nice to see some PM content on here, enjoy your live plays.
Thoughts on the recent action loss (last few days) at PokerMaster? Most of the clubs seem to have folded almost overnight, I wonder if you have heard anything regarding the future of the app.
Since at equilibrium, you always call 77 on river and the EV of betting and checking is pretty equal, do you think it's higher EV against population to check-call?
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Nice to see some PM content on here, enjoy your live plays.
Thoughts on the recent action loss (last few days) at PokerMaster? Most of the clubs seem to have folded almost overnight, I wonder if you have heard anything regarding the future of the app.
Since at equilibrium, you always call 77 on river and the EV of betting and checking is pretty equal, do you think it's higher EV against population to check-call?
45:00 I think 96s (along with the middling SCs) are high frequency bets because they unblock the overcards that OOP is folding OTT.
What is your bb(not straddle)/100 winrate in these games?
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