For HUD stats on ignition being anonymous do you still recommend having RFI by position? I used to have it on my HUD and found it almost useless because I could never get a big enough sample. I will still click on their stats and see the pop up for RFI by position though if I think someone is abusing the btn / sb though. Do you mind sharing what HUD you are using for ignition? I put my layout below. I also have a RNG set up with PT4 as well.
I still would, because it differentiates between players who open 80% on the button and 20-25% everywhere else and those who open 33% in every position. Both players types are pretty common. Obvious the hud isn't going to be as valuable in an anonymous pool though building an aggregate hud of say all regs is actually very helpful.
Really excellent video! A lot of these mistakes student is making are mistakes I make as well. I think the issue that we both face is watching higher stake videos and trying to mimic what the coaches do and it just cost hero money at the lower stakes because that is not how recreational players are playing.
22:20 AsKs UTG vs UTG1 4 bet and call off vs 5 bet is the main example of this where at higher stakes this is pretty common and basically just a snap call. For me personally I adjusted to this by flatting AKo vs 3 bet, flatting QQ even, and 4 betting some KK+ AKs and just calling off that region. Depends on how fishy the player is I'm up against to start including QQ AKo here. Just have to grossly over fold to 4 bets since they do not 4 bet bluff enough. Then 5 bets are practically KK+ and maybe 4-6 combos of AK.
27:30 with AKo SB vs CO at 170bb effective would you consider making a small 5 bet and just jamming flop or still just prefer going 32bb (4bet) to 170bb (5bet)? Was thinking 5 bet to 70bb (looks stronger) then just jam basically all flops and players will tend to fold AK in this spot if they don't hit and you win some chopped pots this way.
Really hope to see more of these student videos! Really helps to see some of the mistakes I am making myself. Also why play on ACR? seems so reg infested based on the stats. I'm sure zone is as well on ignition, but why not just play regular tables?
At ACR, just because someone plays a lot of poker doesn't make them good. The reason that they are more regs are ACR is because they have a much lower rake structure than Ignition so more regs are profitable. Ignition has less regs because the rake structure means you only get two classes of players at mid-stakes -- crushers and recs. The middling regs can't win so find other players to play.
@AsKs Even I made this fold, I wouldn't want anyone to know I made it, but the reasoning here I think is very solid. There is a big difference to playing an aggro opponent at high stakes (who clearly wants to win pots) and playing some fellow who is content to check-down JJ on a T-high board in a 3-bet pot CO vs SB. The thing is that the high stakes players probably make these folds against this sort of player type too, because it's very logical, but you'll never SEE it because nobody sees the mucked hole-cards. Even if they make an instructional video they won't make the fold, because it's exploitable and they play people who are capable of exploiting this sort of overfold frequency.
@AKo -- It's preflop play with 45bbs already in the pot. I don't think we need to develop a bunch of not all-in 5-betting strategies. Here's the math, equity of AKo vs AA,KK is 18%, we lose 96bbs by jamming this hand to win 45bbs. He needs to be 4-bet bluffing here with 1% of his preflop raising range to make jamming profitable. I judged this player to be the type to 4-bet bluff 1 in 30 times or so.
So what if we 5-bet to 70bbs and he calls 65s and spikes 6 or trips or calls TT to fold all A,K high boards get in otherwise?
AA is fine to 4-bet small because those plays result with him losing more money, but AK is exactly the hand is praying for us to have in this line. Do people really call off 170bbs here with AKo everytime? I suspect we'd just fold AKo preflop here a fair bit. If he really likes to hero JJ, QQ to the jam, then AK loses a little money, but KK, AA make a ton more than any other line.
i ran the AQ at 18mins and just ends up being big bet and no small betting
the interesting thing is that river plays as all in or block OPs wanting to jam, Tx wanting to block and the AQdd jams 22% but thats assuming Tx folds which I'm not sure about
I mentioned this in my last video but blocking flop is really pretty close to optimal so I don’t mind mixing it in. I don’t think flop choice here has a big effect on winrate with AQ as long we don’t it doesn’t cause cascading effects on other streets. The river that makes sense most value hands are either very strong or mediocre like 99 prefers block but KK just wants the money in.
13minute with QT (1st table) what about using some 40% bet and simplifing our life. That size is fairly nice to use in 3bet pots IP on the flop/ or turn as in general you can put your strong hands and weaker protection bets in it? I understand if you use 2 on the turn thats much higher EV(well by much higher I mean tiny numbers ~0,5% of the pot and likely less), however balancing/mixing is not a easy job.
I suspect every size if correctly balanced is about the same EV. I guess I was thinking in practice that 22-66 has a lot pressure to bet because even QJ gets 20 percent of the pot if we check. It’s going to be make most players here bet very frequently. Seems semi rediculous to bet 2/3rds with Tx and 1/4 to 1/3 with small pocket pairs without any crossover in betsizes. If you want to straighten the game out and check some pocket pairs then I think moving sizing bigger makes sense.. I’m just not sure that this happens in practice because protection becomes a dominant thought for many players. .
31:20 A5 hh you said folding pre and saving money .
I understand flatting is not that good VS good players but A5 suit plays 100% BU VS Co 80%3bet 20% flat in my PF Sims am I missing something ?
great video and the way u construct ur thoughts about spots reflects tons of experience. and knowledge. enjoyed and learned a lot .
There’s some properties that make A5s slightly better than A6s but the variation is very slight. Your sim picks that up and says that it’s now breakevenish as opposed to slightly losing since the sim makes A6s-A8s slightly negative. In practice it’s likely all suited aces are profitable or aren’t. In my experience it’s challenging to make Ax’s profitable against non recreationals so I’d tend to fold.
Apologies in advance if what I'm asking is a lot and I understand if its not in your interest to explain things outside the video content so feel free not to reply :)
honestly the A5hh was eye opening for me so I decided to ask your opinion on this spot BU VS CO rfi, I have posted the pre flop Sim (solved for 500z rake ) that I use and would appreciate if u could elaborate on hands like 76s 87.... etc 55-88 is it reasonable. to follow same freq as Sim or do you have other approach ? (in general I asses my decisions with these hands based on blind behind me if they are big squeezers Or not, also the opener folding to 3bet ) but I'm playing low stakes and ppl in general over fold to 3bet and squeeze low frequency so I get a lot with flatting or 3 betting those hands would like to hear your thought when playing good regs how to approach those hands where no one over folding as opener and blinds usually squeezes some optimal frequency .
I guess hands like K9s Q9s J9s we can follow same logic like A5 hh !! ?.
So you’ve got at least 7 forces acting on your sim.
1) More rake
2) Lower 4-bet frequencies
3) Lower squeezes frequencies
4) High cold call 3-bet frequencies
5) Different play postflop
6) Different cold call ranges
7) Different call 3-bet ranges
All these things interact with each other to create your actual values here. I’d argue that in some sense the sim is borderline unusable in the marginal hand region without thinking deeply about how these forces affect your hand EVs. If it’s super profitable not a big deal to play but as it gets close to 0 the sim going to be very unreliable.
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anyone else having trouble viewing this one?
I can't watch it either. I've contacted RIO. It should be resolved shortly.
Maybe Rio will release bonus video tomorrow since this one has an error. :-)
thanks for letting us know. We're looking into this right now and I will update as soon as the issue is resolved. Sry everyone!
Looks like the video is working now Eldora Tyler Forrester
For HUD stats on ignition being anonymous do you still recommend having RFI by position? I used to have it on my HUD and found it almost useless because I could never get a big enough sample. I will still click on their stats and see the pop up for RFI by position though if I think someone is abusing the btn / sb though. Do you mind sharing what HUD you are using for ignition? I put my layout below. I also have a RNG set up with PT4 as well.
I still would, because it differentiates between players who open 80% on the button and 20-25% everywhere else and those who open 33% in every position. Both players types are pretty common. Obvious the hud isn't going to be as valuable in an anonymous pool though building an aggregate hud of say all regs is actually very helpful.
Really excellent video! A lot of these mistakes student is making are mistakes I make as well. I think the issue that we both face is watching higher stake videos and trying to mimic what the coaches do and it just cost hero money at the lower stakes because that is not how recreational players are playing.
22:20 AsKs UTG vs UTG1 4 bet and call off vs 5 bet is the main example of this where at higher stakes this is pretty common and basically just a snap call. For me personally I adjusted to this by flatting AKo vs 3 bet, flatting QQ even, and 4 betting some KK+ AKs and just calling off that region. Depends on how fishy the player is I'm up against to start including QQ AKo here. Just have to grossly over fold to 4 bets since they do not 4 bet bluff enough. Then 5 bets are practically KK+ and maybe 4-6 combos of AK.
27:30 with AKo SB vs CO at 170bb effective would you consider making a small 5 bet and just jamming flop or still just prefer going 32bb (4bet) to 170bb (5bet)? Was thinking 5 bet to 70bb (looks stronger) then just jam basically all flops and players will tend to fold AK in this spot if they don't hit and you win some chopped pots this way.
Really hope to see more of these student videos! Really helps to see some of the mistakes I am making myself. Also why play on ACR? seems so reg infested based on the stats. I'm sure zone is as well on ignition, but why not just play regular tables?
To get better at poker.
At ACR, just because someone plays a lot of poker doesn't make them good. The reason that they are more regs are ACR is because they have a much lower rake structure than Ignition so more regs are profitable. Ignition has less regs because the rake structure means you only get two classes of players at mid-stakes -- crushers and recs. The middling regs can't win so find other players to play.
@AsKs Even I made this fold, I wouldn't want anyone to know I made it, but the reasoning here I think is very solid. There is a big difference to playing an aggro opponent at high stakes (who clearly wants to win pots) and playing some fellow who is content to check-down JJ on a T-high board in a 3-bet pot CO vs SB. The thing is that the high stakes players probably make these folds against this sort of player type too, because it's very logical, but you'll never SEE it because nobody sees the mucked hole-cards. Even if they make an instructional video they won't make the fold, because it's exploitable and they play people who are capable of exploiting this sort of overfold frequency.
@AKo -- It's preflop play with 45bbs already in the pot. I don't think we need to develop a bunch of not all-in 5-betting strategies. Here's the math, equity of AKo vs AA,KK is 18%, we lose 96bbs by jamming this hand to win 45bbs. He needs to be 4-bet bluffing here with 1% of his preflop raising range to make jamming profitable. I judged this player to be the type to 4-bet bluff 1 in 30 times or so.
So what if we 5-bet to 70bbs and he calls 65s and spikes 6 or trips or calls TT to fold all A,K high boards get in otherwise?
AA is fine to 4-bet small because those plays result with him losing more money, but AK is exactly the hand is praying for us to have in this line. Do people really call off 170bbs here with AKo everytime? I suspect we'd just fold AKo preflop here a fair bit. If he really likes to hero JJ, QQ to the jam, then AK loses a little money, but KK, AA make a ton more than any other line.
i ran the AQ at 18mins and just ends up being big bet and no small betting
the interesting thing is that river plays as all in or block OPs wanting to jam, Tx wanting to block and the AQdd jams 22% but thats assuming Tx folds which I'm not sure about
I mentioned this in my last video but blocking flop is really pretty close to optimal so I don’t mind mixing it in. I don’t think flop choice here has a big effect on winrate with AQ as long we don’t it doesn’t cause cascading effects on other streets. The river that makes sense most value hands are either very strong or mediocre like 99 prefers block but KK just wants the money in.
13minute with QT (1st table) what about using some 40% bet and simplifing our life. That size is fairly nice to use in 3bet pots IP on the flop/ or turn as in general you can put your strong hands and weaker protection bets in it? I understand if you use 2 on the turn thats much higher EV(well by much higher I mean tiny numbers ~0,5% of the pot and likely less), however balancing/mixing is not a easy job.
10-25 with 66 3rd table, that vs rec I belive.
I suspect every size if correctly balanced is about the same EV. I guess I was thinking in practice that 22-66 has a lot pressure to bet because even QJ gets 20 percent of the pot if we check. It’s going to be make most players here bet very frequently. Seems semi rediculous to bet 2/3rds with Tx and 1/4 to 1/3 with small pocket pairs without any crossover in betsizes. If you want to straighten the game out and check some pocket pairs then I think moving sizing bigger makes sense.. I’m just not sure that this happens in practice because protection becomes a dominant thought for many players. .
31:20 A5 hh you said folding pre and saving money .
I understand flatting is not that good VS good players but A5 suit plays 100% BU VS Co 80%3bet 20% flat in my PF Sims am I missing something ?
great video and the way u construct ur thoughts about spots reflects tons of experience. and knowledge. enjoyed and learned a lot .
There’s some properties that make A5s slightly better than A6s but the variation is very slight. Your sim picks that up and says that it’s now breakevenish as opposed to slightly losing since the sim makes A6s-A8s slightly negative. In practice it’s likely all suited aces are profitable or aren’t. In my experience it’s challenging to make Ax’s profitable against non recreationals so I’d tend to fold.
Apologies in advance if what I'm asking is a lot and I understand if its not in your interest to explain things outside the video content so feel free not to reply :)

honestly the A5hh was eye opening for me so I decided to ask your opinion on this spot BU VS CO rfi, I have posted the pre flop Sim (solved for 500z rake ) that I use and would appreciate if u could elaborate on hands like 76s 87.... etc 55-88 is it reasonable. to follow same freq as Sim or do you have other approach ? (in general I asses my decisions with these hands based on blind behind me if they are big squeezers Or not, also the opener folding to 3bet ) but I'm playing low stakes and ppl in general over fold to 3bet and squeeze low frequency so I get a lot with flatting or 3 betting those hands would like to hear your thought when playing good regs how to approach those hands where no one over folding as opener and blinds usually squeezes some optimal frequency .
I guess hands like K9s Q9s J9s we can follow same logic like A5 hh !! ?.
So you’ve got at least 7 forces acting on your sim.
1) More rake
2) Lower 4-bet frequencies
3) Lower squeezes frequencies
4) High cold call 3-bet frequencies
5) Different play postflop
6) Different cold call ranges
7) Different call 3-bet ranges
All these things interact with each other to create your actual values here. I’d argue that in some sense the sim is borderline unusable in the marginal hand region without thinking deeply about how these forces affect your hand EVs. If it’s super profitable not a big deal to play but as it gets close to 0 the sim going to be very unreliable.
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