3min flatting vs 5,5bb in MP, that seems really meh. Looks like we can get squezzed pretty often or play multiway if he is wide. If he is tight I prefer just folding and not clash in these position with marginal hand
Honestly, if he was really tight then folding would be fine. I think against a lot weaker recs who polarize at this sizing calling is reasonable, because we are ahead of his range and have a big skill advantage postflop.
I'm not very scared of squeezes in this situation because of the gigantic sizing tightens my all-ready tight calling range here. If some reg gets out of line to try and take advantage of the rec, I'm going to gain a lot EV.
5:25 mark Tyler Forrester you said this should be a check back given your blocker and you would rather see 2d on the turn. I was thinking Ad is great turn, not only for our hand strength but because it makes weaker AX hands stick around and lowers the # of fd villain can have AdTd-Ad2d are now all gone on this turn. Should be narrowed to a couple SCs and suited broadways. I don't see a lot of flushes here in LJ range. Please help me understand.
It cuts the number of Aces he has by half and it also gives those Aces roughly 20% more equity then they hand on a blank turn, which isn't ideal for my hand.
The other problem is that some unreasonable preflop strategies only shove better than AQo on the turn and he now has roughly 10-15% hands that beat me. I run the risk of extracting value from AT or A9 and getting stacked everytime he has AQ beat. I think pot-control here is smart decision because of this.
Here vs cold 4bet, you said PIO prefers flat call IP. If you were oop say co vs hero sb vs bb cold 4, would you 5 bet? Also with KK if your say 200bb deep and raise HJ 2.5bb and btn 3bet you to 10bb, would you 4 bet or call?
Hi Tyler this was a hand vs me and I’m curious on your flop strategy vs raise? I expect given spr just jamming is far better than calling. Ap river should be a fold w 99 imo. Btw 4b w 99 is just low frequency. See you in the pool
A spot I struggle with a lot where regs are showing up with AJ and QQ+ where I think only 2 pair+ or bluffs should jam. So I end up getting thinly value owned. Any advice for this spot Tyler Forrester ?
If that's true, you should overfold. These situations my opponents bluff pretty well which makes calling fairly neutral EV (pending blockers of course).
Tyler Forrester which hands can 5 bet jam here? I am assuming based on earlier hand, you said PIO prefers to flat KK IP vs cold 4bet, guessing PIO flats KK as well. What hands are you calling, folding, and 5 betting with? Hand was 33min mark for time stamp.
I'm going to punt on the exact range, but in game this was a decision that my opponent was likely very strong based on preflop sizing and so jamming would be +++EV. If I thought he had more bluffs, flattening would become more appealing.
You can actually jam AKo here too or A5s. Basically anything that reduces the AAs combos. If he's 4-betting 10% and only calls 3 combos of aces, basically any Ax makes money as a jam. If you're feeling daring, I'd suggest that you try it. I think you'll find the calling ranges to be wider than {AA}.
34min mark
Hero $21
Villain 90
Hero 236
Villain 440
Hero all in
Villain calls off 873 of (1313)
I wanna say snowie uses some AXS hands as 5 bets, like A5s in terms of click backs. Are you folding QQ here vs 5bet? In villains shoes, say he does this with QQ+, AK, maybe A5s & A4s. When facing a 6 bet jam, which hands are calling off?
If he does it with the range you describe, any pair is a snap jam. I don't think too deeply in this spot because the play is usually highly polar and not usually done by strong opponents, because it's essentially a silly leveling game. BTW, you can fold like 15% of the time after 5-betting so developing bluffing ranges is difficult and likely not very profitable, because I can't 4-bet/Fold here more than about 39% of the time against a jam and you need me to something like 50% against this sizing.
Lastly would love to see a lower stake video of you using these exploits vs weaker players. Fantastic video. Looking forward to using some of these exploit sizes against my pool.
at 16:30 minutes you play this hand where you 3bet then 5bet all in. Are you not afraid of losing him with this pretty large jam? Is this a very standard jam for you or would you mix in flats vs his 4bet? In your experience does he just call of so much of his 4bet range that jamming is the best play?
Thanks for the great video as always
In my experience big sizing generally mean big hands so calling loses value. Obviously, if he was bluffing aggressively, then calling should be better.
Hi, Tyler Forrester - Thanks for another great video! I'm guessing that your submitted title of "Coronavirus Quarantine Hands" was rejected? =P
Just another thing that I enjoy about your videos is that it seems like you are often explaining mistakes that your opponents are making while simultaneously describing what I am often guilty of doing. This is great, because it helps me to re-think my strategy in spots where I would get crushed at higher stakes. Preemptively plugging leaks that aren't leaks at my current stakes but would be at higher stakes seems like a great way to improve. That's why your example with TT on the KK7K4 board made me chuckle a bit; I'm the dummy that over-bluffs those boards because of a perceived range-advantage, but all this time I just assumed I was being smart. But what a huge difference between doing something profitable because you think it's a good and sound strategy vs doing it because you know your opponents aren't responding correctly. Always learning.
Around the 31min mark, you X/C twice with AJcc and donk jam the river.
The reasoning is strictly exploitative hand vs range thinking: you expect to win more by donk jamming because population wouldn't barrel AK often enough, but would call your donk jam.
Do you try to think about what your potential bluffs are and how your full range would look like? Or do you keep it simple and just go "leading seems best for my hand, so that's what I'm doing"?
I often limit myself for whatever reason: I wouldn't lead if I couldn't come up with a bluff. So not only I'm I not taking an exploit I fully agree with, I also complicate my thought process while playing way more than you seem to do.
The goal in poker is of course to make as much money as possible (and go for the exploits). It's not to try to be as balanced as possible.
(And if you put this hand in Pio, seems like a river lead is happening and you'd bluff some non-2P AX, like A5 (or KX if you have that). So it's not even "just an exploit". )
Do you have any wise words regarding all of this, Tyler? Thank you!
Balance is an insurance policy. It makes money when my opponent does the unexpected action. In this spot you could try to bluff, the trouble is people really dislike folding 2 pair which is very likely his hand on this river. So I’m am low bluff.
17:00 How do you approche those spots in general ? I tend to think when vilain shove on this flop he basically never have a flush (always trap theme or at least 80% of theme). So you think it’s a nice assumption to go all in flop wider ?
In my experience, lots of villains do shove flushes here because the Ad is a big part of my perceived range. It's honestly fairly varied what you'll see at showdown, but I think for the most part it is overpairs with or without diamonds, Adx,Kdx, and flushes with the occassional set.
Min 35: don't you think if villain believes pool is over stabing and getting to the turn with a lot of fd the play is not as bad?
I mean, of course it depends on villain's 3b range and hero's defending range but at first sight i thought it was a clear barrel (i'd be doing it almost always) but then i saw some merits for his play. (if villain calls hero's bet we have a SPR of 1 aprox - so i kind of see it as an equity denial considering hero has 0 AK)
I mean if my range sucks and I’m over barreling is probably good. But he really needs me to be misstructuring this range. Because he has maybe 25% equity when called. Basically great against AcJc and ?
Yeah, tbh i don't play on anonymous sites so without reads i am a bit clueless...but it just caught my attention.
Do you think players tend to be more spazzy? Or it's more or less the same?
Because if you know that you are playing against a reg or a rec the hand changes dramatically....i can see a rec floating a lot more than he should on the flop,stabbing a bit too much and obv calling insanely wide if they catch up some equity
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Another great video at this point in time
Thanks Tuning Punk! Always appreciate your wit!
Thanks Tyler. Btw how close is your winrate to Goldilochs' winrate?
It's closer to Papa Bear's winrate :)
3min flatting vs 5,5bb in MP, that seems really meh. Looks like we can get squezzed pretty often or play multiway if he is wide. If he is tight I prefer just folding and not clash in these position with marginal hand
Honestly, if he was really tight then folding would be fine. I think against a lot weaker recs who polarize at this sizing calling is reasonable, because we are ahead of his range and have a big skill advantage postflop.
I'm not very scared of squeezes in this situation because of the gigantic sizing tightens my all-ready tight calling range here. If some reg gets out of line to try and take advantage of the rec, I'm going to gain a lot EV.
5:25 mark Tyler Forrester you said this should be a check back given your blocker and you would rather see 2d on the turn. I was thinking Ad is great turn, not only for our hand strength but because it makes weaker AX hands stick around and lowers the # of fd villain can have AdTd-Ad2d are now all gone on this turn. Should be narrowed to a couple SCs and suited broadways. I don't see a lot of flushes here in LJ range. Please help me understand.
It cuts the number of Aces he has by half and it also gives those Aces roughly 20% more equity then they hand on a blank turn, which isn't ideal for my hand.
The other problem is that some unreasonable preflop strategies only shove better than AQo on the turn and he now has roughly 10-15% hands that beat me. I run the risk of extracting value from AT or A9 and getting stacked everytime he has AQ beat. I think pot-control here is smart decision because of this.
Here vs cold 4bet, you said PIO prefers flat call IP. If you were oop say co vs hero sb vs bb cold 4, would you 5 bet? Also with KK if your say 200bb deep and raise HJ 2.5bb and btn 3bet you to 10bb, would you 4 bet or call?
PIO usually makes KK indifferent between jamming and calling, so it's more of judgement call then any play is more approved by the solver.
Hi Tyler this was a hand vs me and I’m curious on your flop strategy vs raise? I expect given spr just jamming is far better than calling. Ap river should be a fold w 99 imo. Btw 4b w 99 is just low frequency. See you in the pool
A spot I struggle with a lot where regs are showing up with AJ and QQ+ where I think only 2 pair+ or bluffs should jam. So I end up getting thinly value owned. Any advice for this spot Tyler Forrester ?
If that's true, you should overfold. These situations my opponents bluff pretty well which makes calling fairly neutral EV (pending blockers of course).
Tyler Forrester which hands can 5 bet jam here? I am assuming based on earlier hand, you said PIO prefers to flat KK IP vs cold 4bet, guessing PIO flats KK as well. What hands are you calling, folding, and 5 betting with? Hand was 33min mark for time stamp.
I'm going to punt on the exact range, but in game this was a decision that my opponent was likely very strong based on preflop sizing and so jamming would be +++EV. If I thought he had more bluffs, flattening would become more appealing.
But are you jamming AKo? AKs? kK? Seems like 180bb over 30bb is only AA. I can imagine people folding KK here vs this jam.
You can actually jam AKo here too or A5s. Basically anything that reduces the AAs combos. If he's 4-betting 10% and only calls 3 combos of aces, basically any Ax makes money as a jam. If you're feeling daring, I'd suggest that you try it. I think you'll find the calling ranges to be wider than {AA}.
34min mark
Hero $21
Villain 90
Hero 236
Villain 440
Hero all in
Villain calls off 873 of (1313)
I wanna say snowie uses some AXS hands as 5 bets, like A5s in terms of click backs. Are you folding QQ here vs 5bet? In villains shoes, say he does this with QQ+, AK, maybe A5s & A4s. When facing a 6 bet jam, which hands are calling off?
If he does it with the range you describe, any pair is a snap jam. I don't think too deeply in this spot because the play is usually highly polar and not usually done by strong opponents, because it's essentially a silly leveling game. BTW, you can fold like 15% of the time after 5-betting so developing bluffing ranges is difficult and likely not very profitable, because I can't 4-bet/Fold here more than about 39% of the time against a jam and you need me to something like 50% against this sizing.
Lastly would love to see a lower stake video of you using these exploits vs weaker players. Fantastic video. Looking forward to using some of these exploit sizes against my pool.
Thanks, for the insight, I think that would make an excellent video. I just need to figure out how to do it :).
Maybe same thing but at 50NL or 100NL? Just play like 5,000 hands or something and review your biggest pots. It's entertaining and educational.
I think I have some random hands from 1/2 NL, those might be low enough.
at 16:30 minutes you play this hand where you 3bet then 5bet all in. Are you not afraid of losing him with this pretty large jam? Is this a very standard jam for you or would you mix in flats vs his 4bet? In your experience does he just call of so much of his 4bet range that jamming is the best play?
Thanks for the great video as always
In my experience big sizing generally mean big hands so calling loses value. Obviously, if he was bluffing aggressively, then calling should be better.
Hi, Tyler Forrester - Thanks for another great video! I'm guessing that your submitted title of "Coronavirus Quarantine Hands" was rejected? =P
Just another thing that I enjoy about your videos is that it seems like you are often explaining mistakes that your opponents are making while simultaneously describing what I am often guilty of doing. This is great, because it helps me to re-think my strategy in spots where I would get crushed at higher stakes. Preemptively plugging leaks that aren't leaks at my current stakes but would be at higher stakes seems like a great way to improve. That's why your example with TT on the KK7K4 board made me chuckle a bit; I'm the dummy that over-bluffs those boards because of a perceived range-advantage, but all this time I just assumed I was being smart. But what a huge difference between doing something profitable because you think it's a good and sound strategy vs doing it because you know your opponents aren't responding correctly. Always learning.
Thanks, Tyler!
Thanks OMG, I always appreciate the love!
Around the 31min mark, you X/C twice with AJcc and donk jam the river.
The reasoning is strictly exploitative hand vs range thinking: you expect to win more by donk jamming because population wouldn't barrel AK often enough, but would call your donk jam.
Do you try to think about what your potential bluffs are and how your full range would look like? Or do you keep it simple and just go "leading seems best for my hand, so that's what I'm doing"?
I often limit myself for whatever reason: I wouldn't lead if I couldn't come up with a bluff. So not only I'm I not taking an exploit I fully agree with, I also complicate my thought process while playing way more than you seem to do.
The goal in poker is of course to make as much money as possible (and go for the exploits). It's not to try to be as balanced as possible.
(And if you put this hand in Pio, seems like a river lead is happening and you'd bluff some non-2P AX, like A5 (or KX if you have that). So it's not even "just an exploit". )
Do you have any wise words regarding all of this, Tyler? Thank you!
Balance is an insurance policy. It makes money when my opponent does the unexpected action. In this spot you could try to bluff, the trouble is people really dislike folding 2 pair which is very likely his hand on this river. So I’m am low bluff.
Hey Tyler ! Thanks for this one .
17:00 How do you approche those spots in general ? I tend to think when vilain shove on this flop he basically never have a flush (always trap theme or at least 80% of theme). So you think it’s a nice assumption to go all in flop wider ?
In my experience, lots of villains do shove flushes here because the Ad is a big part of my perceived range. It's honestly fairly varied what you'll see at showdown, but I think for the most part it is overpairs with or without diamonds, Adx,Kdx, and flushes with the occassional set.
Hi tyler! Great video as always
Min 35: don't you think if villain believes pool is over stabing and getting to the turn with a lot of fd the play is not as bad?
I mean, of course it depends on villain's 3b range and hero's defending range but at first sight i thought it was a clear barrel (i'd be doing it almost always) but then i saw some merits for his play. (if villain calls hero's bet we have a SPR of 1 aprox - so i kind of see it as an equity denial considering hero has 0 AK)
I mean if my range sucks and I’m over barreling is probably good. But he really needs me to be misstructuring this range. Because he has maybe 25% equity when called. Basically great against AcJc and ?
Yeah, tbh i don't play on anonymous sites so without reads i am a bit clueless...but it just caught my attention.
Do you think players tend to be more spazzy? Or it's more or less the same?
Because if you know that you are playing against a reg or a rec the hand changes dramatically....i can see a rec floating a lot more than he should on the flop,stabbing a bit too much and obv calling insanely wide if they catch up some equity
I think the true regs who play day in and day out are basically of the same quality as regs on other sites. They have well-developed ranges and ideas.
The challenge is that to differentiate a reg from semi-reg can take some work, which induces more randomness into ranges then in a named format.
I'm pretty meh on it, because I think most fish at at 150bb deep with reggish stats are actually weak-tight rather than overcally.
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