30minute- but what he is getting value from when he is so heavily blocking your calling range?
something like TT-JJs? That only hands which can call (and I don't think people bluffcatch happy on that board); What is your bluffing range? Well it can be from A5/A4 to AJ/AK.
Honestly flushes makes perfect checks in his shoes, but this one is fine too.
Kinda hard to tell what AA/KK should do as well; likely just jam
If I wasn't clear in the video, basically checking nut hands oop is never "bad" against GTO opposition. However, I think in this scenario, there are many more combos of bluff-catchers in my range than bluffs, so practically, if my range is weighted toward bluff-catchers, betting is better than checking. If for some reason, this was inverted, my opponent could of course check.
On 98x board, being OOP on a dynamic board , don’t you think going for 2e (geo for 2 streets) make sens here ?
9:36 Do you think betting like 180 in exploit/theory is a good strat ? Just 90$ more to target his weak value bet such as JJ-QQ , a K is going to call anyway so we risk less and have better pot odds .
I'd argue that 98x isn't terribly dynamic in a 4-bet pot. Basically JTs and 76s have 8 outs -- everything else has 5 or less outs against AA. Maybe there is some exploitation here, where I'm going to call too often here (or too little with TT, JJ, QQ) and that makes 2e preferred, but I'm not sure how he could know that going into the hand. It's a little complicated but by mashing pot here, he wins less money from QTs or AQs, so he needs to make more from TT-QQ to make the sizing better. Or maybe he just needs me to hero-fold.
I go over this in great detail at the end of the video, but betting 180 here is likely a loser. The 4-straight is really bad card for his range and likely makes any sort of bet -- a blocking bet to try to keep me from bluffing correctly.
@10:21 - "Alright. So we have jacks. Always a strong hand."
. . .The strangeness of 2020 continues =)
Thanks for the video, Tyler Forrester! Against opponents who don't 4-bet bluff (here in the mystical land of Ignition micro-stakes), would you just fold most of these hands preflop?
You should feel bad for me =P It really is incredible being able to see all hole-cards after 24 hours and realizing that (at least at 25NL) 90% of players just have no 4bet bluffs!
Great video Tyler and thanks for the pio sim. At 30:00 if our opponent blocks river or goes for a large size, how are you responding with your TT?
I think a block needs to be called roughly 65% of the time and a bigger bet roughly 35%. I have no clue as to what ranges would be here so I’d default to safe frequencies that prevent large value bluffs.
I guess when I’m 100bbs deep, I don’t find myself flatting 4-bets very often. Im more inclined to do it when im in position and the sizing is small. Even then i feel like our 4 bet call range is like 99+ AJss I mean 54ss for fun? lol, if the size is 25bb+ can consider folding more or tightening up our 3 bet range if our opponent is 4 betting often.
I think it's mandatory to flat 4-bets. I avoided for many years, but there is substantial edge in these pots given the low SPRs (which makes this hands more like limit).
Yeah, did you find it awkward when when we do flat the 4 bet with marginal suited connectors or lower pairs, suited broadways that were check folding a fair amount?
Yeah I find myself in these spots in 4 bet pots all the time, and when villain barreling and I have an under pair with like 99 or 1010 and there’s an A or K on the board 4 bet pot when I’m ugh when I do call down it seems like I’m never good, praying to hit a set, when I fold I feel like damn is this guy bluffing me off lol.
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why is 99 standard 3bet on button vs co? flatting pre seems good
I think in most models, it's mixed between calling and 3-betting. So I should probably say: "3-bet is good, so is calling".
30minute- but what he is getting value from when he is so heavily blocking your calling range?
something like TT-JJs? That only hands which can call (and I don't think people bluffcatch happy on that board); What is your bluffing range? Well it can be from A5/A4 to AJ/AK.
Honestly flushes makes perfect checks in his shoes, but this one is fine too.
Kinda hard to tell what AA/KK should do as well; likely just jam
If I wasn't clear in the video, basically checking nut hands oop is never "bad" against GTO opposition. However, I think in this scenario, there are many more combos of bluff-catchers in my range than bluffs, so practically, if my range is weighted toward bluff-catchers, betting is better than checking. If for some reason, this was inverted, my opponent could of course check.
Nice vid’ thanks !
On 98x board, being OOP on a dynamic board , don’t you think going for 2e (geo for 2 streets) make sens here ?
9:36 Do you think betting like 180 in exploit/theory is a good strat ? Just 90$ more to target his weak value bet such as JJ-QQ , a K is going to call anyway so we risk less and have better pot odds .
I'd argue that 98x isn't terribly dynamic in a 4-bet pot. Basically JTs and 76s have 8 outs -- everything else has 5 or less outs against AA. Maybe there is some exploitation here, where I'm going to call too often here (or too little with TT, JJ, QQ) and that makes 2e preferred, but I'm not sure how he could know that going into the hand. It's a little complicated but by mashing pot here, he wins less money from QTs or AQs, so he needs to make more from TT-QQ to make the sizing better. Or maybe he just needs me to hero-fold.
I go over this in great detail at the end of the video, but betting 180 here is likely a loser. The 4-straight is really bad card for his range and likely makes any sort of bet -- a blocking bet to try to keep me from bluffing correctly.
@10:21 - "Alright. So we have jacks. Always a strong hand."
. . .The strangeness of 2020 continues =)
Thanks for the video, Tyler Forrester! Against opponents who don't 4-bet bluff (here in the mystical land of Ignition micro-stakes), would you just fold most of these hands preflop?
Of course OMG! But I don't play microstakes nits.
You should feel bad for me =P It really is incredible being able to see all hole-cards after 24 hours and realizing that (at least at 25NL) 90% of players just have no 4bet bluffs!
I love those guys! They make making money EZ.
Great video Tyler and thanks for the pio sim. At 30:00 if our opponent blocks river or goes for a large size, how are you responding with your TT?
I think a block needs to be called roughly 65% of the time and a bigger bet roughly 35%. I have no clue as to what ranges would be here so I’d default to safe frequencies that prevent large value bluffs.
Just rewatching this old video and laughing at you calling out the "$11 guy" as a nit. I wonder if he ever saw this
I guess when I’m 100bbs deep, I don’t find myself flatting 4-bets very often. Im more inclined to do it when im in position and the sizing is small. Even then i feel like our 4 bet call range is like 99+ AJss I mean 54ss for fun? lol, if the size is 25bb+ can consider folding more or tightening up our 3 bet range if our opponent is 4 betting often.
I think it's mandatory to flat 4-bets. I avoided for many years, but there is substantial edge in these pots given the low SPRs (which makes this hands more like limit).
Yeah, did you find it awkward when when we do flat the 4 bet with marginal suited connectors or lower pairs, suited broadways that were check folding a fair amount?
The pot odds preflop are very good. We don’t need a high wwsf to have a profitable call.
Also fantastic video Tyler thank you
Thanks True Power!
Yeah I find myself in these spots in 4 bet pots all the time, and when villain barreling and I have an under pair with like 99 or 1010 and there’s an A or K on the board 4 bet pot when I’m ugh when I do call down it seems like I’m never good, praying to hit a set, when I fold I feel like damn is this guy bluffing me off lol.
These spots are pretty marginal, I'd probably argue 99 no spade is a flop fold here in 2025.
Surrender lol
The dream lol
Variance and more variance
Haha $11 nit guy did find this barrel.
It's really hard for me to have a flush. I mainly have sets, straights and two pair.
This barrel is pretty sick, and I think folding 99 is fine.
These spots have been overbluffed for a lot of years.
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