1) 5 min I really expected you to be good here even though the block bet on the turn screams value. I liked how you narrowed the range to 3 combos of AQ based on 50% folds then 2 Qs on the board.
2) 10min - With 33 on Q43hh wish I saw more coaches 3bet with sets instead of just calling to protect their range. So many action killing turns that recs slow down on but would stack off hands like AcQc thinking you have a flush draw or KQ.
3) 20:30 with AdQd on Ah8h2h-Ac when you face the quarter pot turn in a 4 bet pot do you have any regrets? Im usually jamming this spot as well based on what you said, hope they have KhKx - ThTx and call off. Only concern really would be KhQh-KhJh and AxKh so only 4-5 combos. Looking back at it would you play the turn differently?
4) 22min AKo when you face a jam would solver rather Jam AQo or A5s? Thought AQo would have better blockers and having 2 overs vs JJ TT region is pretty nice. I usually see coaches Jam A5s-A4s and fold AQo though.
5) 23:30 pretty sure turn is just a call. You blocker the weaker part of the range and unblock stronger hands. Would suck to get 3 bet jammed on here by QQ. Pretty you can XR flop pure though as an exploit.
6) 26:30 thought AxKc would be bad combo to shove? You do block 1 combo of KcQc but Also block KTc KJc. At least not AcKx though. Agree getting JJ-99 to fold.
Let's look at what happens when you choose AQo vs A5s here. I don't have exact ranges so I approximated a jam over cold 4b to exclude some AKo and a touch of AA and have 75% A5s, and the calling range to be AK+ TT+ folding some TT to the jam.
Now when we exclude A5s and have 75% AQo instead, we go from a pure coin flip to having 46.85% equity.
In practice if you jam AQo you probably run into AKo and KK too often to make it good in most spots. A5s has 31.9% equity vs AK and KK, whereas AQo has 26.3%. A5s can hit wheels and flushes and pair the 5 on low or mid boards which you'll probably run into a bit more than in other spots due to card removal effects.
You can just look at the outcome distribution here to see how both perform vs range. when AQ is A high, it is in bad shape, when it has top pair it's not in great shape, when it has mid pair it's not in great shape. Basically it's only good vs 4b/fold, some of which AQ blocks.
A5s can hit flush draws 11% of the time vs 2.25%, and have spots with safer mid or 3rd pair against AK.
@99 It's probalby always a marginal call, but seems like if I was going to make a marginal call this is a good combo, because of the 12 possible draws and roughly 13 value combos.
@33 I think the 3-bet gets better against weaker players. A reg will tend to very polarized here and then barrel frequently making a call on the flop reasonable. A weaker player can erratically play Qx and flushdraws for stacks so it makes sense to bloat the early.
@ AQ -- no I'm of the opinion that losing here is a cold-deck. There simply isn't that many combos that beat me and the preflop play means the SPR here is very low.
A5s vs AQo Solver likes A5s better to jam and to flat AQo here a fair bit, but makes both very very close to zero value. I think in the sim, A5s is worth $3 dollars here as a jam, so more practically the question is -- is he overbluffing? because if he's underbluffing the jam is clearly -EV. I'm personally of the opinion AQo is better because every once in a while someone 4-bet-calls something random like 88 or AJs and AQo picks up a big amount of EV from those situations compared to A5s.
@JcTc -- He bet a 1/3rd pot on the turn so i think I'm obligated to raise most AQ combos against typical strategies. He's not going to AQ+ here enough to make him be able to pure fold AK, AJ type combos, so I think that I should be able to semibluff. Yeah blockers are bad, but my equity is quite good, so it should offset. I'd actually argue the river is weaker because his bet call fold range likely contains a fair number of KcTc, KcJc, Tc9c, combos which I block.
@ AxKc Interestingly, this hand is probably pretty spewy in anonymous pool, but would be better with names, because i think this sort of play forces our opponents to bluff-catch lighter than they normally would against my range. It has good effects on other parts of my hand range. If you see this sort of play for PIO often-times this is the combo he picks, because my opponent actually should call worse here sometimes like AcJc or AcTc, which adds a nice equity boost to this particular combo. Fold TT and get called by AcJc is a good outcome.
Thank you ctrlplay for the equity visuals. One more question would AQs still be worse than A5s in the ranges you used? Mentioned hitting a pair vs AK, well AQ can still hit the kicker as well on AK. The main difference I see is if they have KK or AK we have less straight potential on the A-T straights compared to A5s. As Tyler said though having AQ and run into AJs or 88 pretty nice having them dominated or two overs compared to A5s.
Just on my phone using poker cruncher see AQo is 30.6% vs TT+ AK region and A5s is 31.0% vs the same region using all combos at 100%. AQs jumps up to 34.3% vs the AK+ TT+ region. So mostly just the suitedness of the A5s vs AQo that makes the difference, even though relatively small when comparing hand vs range. AJs (32.3%), ATs (30.3%), so I don't really understand the infatuation with A5s? When btn rif, sb 3bet, hero cold 4bet BB. I guess SB is better off calling the 4 bet with AQs AJs for higher EV then shoving? I guess in preflop wars though I would fold A5s and rather 5 bet Jam AQs AJs and AQo personally. The extra 3bb from the button could make up for the small % difference in AQo vs A5s?
Blockquote@JcTc -- He bet a 1/3rd pot on the turn so i think I'm obligated to raise most AQ combos against typical strategies. He's not going to AQ+ here enough to make him be able to pure fold AK, AJ type combos, so I think that I should be able to semibluff. Yeah blockers are bad, but my equity is quite good, so it should offset. I'd actually argue the river is weaker because his bet call fold range likely contains a fair number of KcTc, KcJc, Tc9c, combos which I block.
On the turn given villain could have AcXc on Qc6c3s-Ah board if you face a 3 bet jam after you XR are you calling off? Pot 23bb, barrel 9bb (92bb behind), XR to 39bb. Looks to be 62bb to win 227 total so need 27%. Seems like a fold given higher flush draws possible or if villain has a set not all clubs are clean.
Also the last statement "river is weaker" what do you mean?
There's no infatuation. It's simply likely just part of an optimal solution to mix in some A5s bluffs (answering your original question what would a solver jam). If your opponents aren't playing optimally then you're free to make adjustments that you think are good.
"On the turn given villain could have AcXc on Qc6c3s-Ah board if you
face a 3 bet jam after you XR are you calling off? Pot 23bb, barrel
9bb (92bb behind), XR to 39bb. Looks to be 62bb to win 227 total so
need 27%. Seems like a fold given higher flush draws possible or if
villain has a set not all clubs are clean.
Also the last statement "river is weaker" what do you mean?"
I'd probably just fold but I expect to get jammed on here roughly never, because my average hand strength is AQ+ so not exactly a big value jamming range.
River is a lower EV bluff than the turn, because of the anti-blocker effects.
FIVEbetbLUFF I think the thing to realize here is that it’s slightly +EV play (.5 percent of pot) at equilibrium. Calling is roughly the same, so if he under bluffs slightly or constructs a range with more Ax it’s going to be -EV. If he overbluffs even slightly it’s likely clearly +EV jam, so its really a judgement call on the player.
I'm not really sure why I'd jam AK here. It seems like a classic example of a bad value bet. People don't call AQ here and there are only two combos of KTs at that point, so I'd think that it'd just be a hand that is at the bottom end of my opponents bluff-catching range.
There's some edge cases where PIO jams some low fraction of weird hands to make some set of regions exactly indifferent. I don't have that sort of visibility here, so I'm not going never going to be exactly on the equilibrium.
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Thanks for the video, are these hands at 500nl?
I think they are all 1k.
Yellow chip = 1k. Unless deeper stack 500.
1) 5 min I really expected you to be good here even though the block bet on the turn screams value. I liked how you narrowed the range to 3 combos of AQ based on 50% folds then 2 Qs on the board.
2) 10min - With 33 on Q43hh wish I saw more coaches 3bet with sets instead of just calling to protect their range. So many action killing turns that recs slow down on but would stack off hands like AcQc thinking you have a flush draw or KQ.
3) 20:30 with AdQd on Ah8h2h-Ac when you face the quarter pot turn in a 4 bet pot do you have any regrets? Im usually jamming this spot as well based on what you said, hope they have KhKx - ThTx and call off. Only concern really would be KhQh-KhJh and AxKh so only 4-5 combos. Looking back at it would you play the turn differently?
4) 22min AKo when you face a jam would solver rather Jam AQo or A5s? Thought AQo would have better blockers and having 2 overs vs JJ TT region is pretty nice. I usually see coaches Jam A5s-A4s and fold AQo though.
5) 23:30 pretty sure turn is just a call. You blocker the weaker part of the range and unblock stronger hands. Would suck to get 3 bet jammed on here by QQ. Pretty you can XR flop pure though as an exploit.
6) 26:30 thought AxKc would be bad combo to shove? You do block 1 combo of KcQc but Also block KTc KJc. At least not AcKx though. Agree getting JJ-99 to fold.
Enjoyed the video with tons of hands.
Let's look at what happens when you choose AQo vs A5s here. I don't have exact ranges so I approximated a jam over cold 4b to exclude some AKo and a touch of AA and have 75% A5s, and the calling range to be AK+ TT+ folding some TT to the jam.
Now when we exclude A5s and have 75% AQo instead, we go from a pure coin flip to having 46.85% equity.
In practice if you jam AQo you probably run into AKo and KK too often to make it good in most spots. A5s has 31.9% equity vs AK and KK, whereas AQo has 26.3%. A5s can hit wheels and flushes and pair the 5 on low or mid boards which you'll probably run into a bit more than in other spots due to card removal effects.
You can just look at the outcome distribution here to see how both perform vs range. when AQ is A high, it is in bad shape, when it has top pair it's not in great shape, when it has mid pair it's not in great shape. Basically it's only good vs 4b/fold, some of which AQ blocks.
A5s can hit flush draws 11% of the time vs 2.25%, and have spots with safer mid or 3rd pair against AK.
@99 It's probalby always a marginal call, but seems like if I was going to make a marginal call this is a good combo, because of the 12 possible draws and roughly 13 value combos.
@33 I think the 3-bet gets better against weaker players. A reg will tend to very polarized here and then barrel frequently making a call on the flop reasonable. A weaker player can erratically play Qx and flushdraws for stacks so it makes sense to bloat the early.
@ AQ -- no I'm of the opinion that losing here is a cold-deck. There simply isn't that many combos that beat me and the preflop play means the SPR here is very low.
A5s vs AQo Solver likes A5s better to jam and to flat AQo here a fair bit, but makes both very very close to zero value. I think in the sim, A5s is worth $3 dollars here as a jam, so more practically the question is -- is he overbluffing? because if he's underbluffing the jam is clearly -EV. I'm personally of the opinion AQo is better because every once in a while someone 4-bet-calls something random like 88 or AJs and AQo picks up a big amount of EV from those situations compared to A5s.
@JcTc -- He bet a 1/3rd pot on the turn so i think I'm obligated to raise most AQ combos against typical strategies. He's not going to AQ+ here enough to make him be able to pure fold AK, AJ type combos, so I think that I should be able to semibluff. Yeah blockers are bad, but my equity is quite good, so it should offset. I'd actually argue the river is weaker because his bet call fold range likely contains a fair number of KcTc, KcJc, Tc9c, combos which I block.
@ AxKc Interestingly, this hand is probably pretty spewy in anonymous pool, but would be better with names, because i think this sort of play forces our opponents to bluff-catch lighter than they normally would against my range. It has good effects on other parts of my hand range. If you see this sort of play for PIO often-times this is the combo he picks, because my opponent actually should call worse here sometimes like AcJc or AcTc, which adds a nice equity boost to this particular combo. Fold TT and get called by AcJc is a good outcome.
Thank you ctrlplay for the equity visuals. One more question would AQs still be worse than A5s in the ranges you used? Mentioned hitting a pair vs AK, well AQ can still hit the kicker as well on AK. The main difference I see is if they have KK or AK we have less straight potential on the A-T straights compared to A5s. As Tyler said though having AQ and run into AJs or 88 pretty nice having them dominated or two overs compared to A5s.
Just on my phone using poker cruncher see AQo is 30.6% vs TT+ AK region and A5s is 31.0% vs the same region using all combos at 100%. AQs jumps up to 34.3% vs the AK+ TT+ region. So mostly just the suitedness of the A5s vs AQo that makes the difference, even though relatively small when comparing hand vs range. AJs (32.3%), ATs (30.3%), so I don't really understand the infatuation with A5s? When btn rif, sb 3bet, hero cold 4bet BB. I guess SB is better off calling the 4 bet with AQs AJs for higher EV then shoving? I guess in preflop wars though I would fold A5s and rather 5 bet Jam AQs AJs and AQo personally. The extra 3bb from the button could make up for the small % difference in AQo vs A5s?
Tyler Forrester
On the turn given villain could have AcXc on Qc6c3s-Ah board if you face a 3 bet jam after you XR are you calling off? Pot 23bb, barrel 9bb (92bb behind), XR to 39bb. Looks to be 62bb to win 227 total so need 27%. Seems like a fold given higher flush draws possible or if villain has a set not all clubs are clean.
Also the last statement "river is weaker" what do you mean?
There's no infatuation. It's simply likely just part of an optimal solution to mix in some A5s bluffs (answering your original question what would a solver jam). If your opponents aren't playing optimally then you're free to make adjustments that you think are good.
I'd probably just fold but I expect to get jammed on here roughly never, because my average hand strength is AQ+ so not exactly a big value jamming range.
River is a lower EV bluff than the turn, because of the anti-blocker effects.
At 22:30, let's say the bb is a player who doesn't 4b enough and has mostly nutted hands, should we fold or call A5s facing the 4b?
FIVEbetbLUFF I think the thing to realize here is that it’s slightly +EV play (.5 percent of pot) at equilibrium. Calling is roughly the same, so if he under bluffs slightly or constructs a range with more Ax it’s going to be -EV. If he overbluffs even slightly it’s likely clearly +EV jam, so its really a judgement call on the player.
Late on party :D Thanks for video
32min 4B spot I think AK has to call since you can play AK like that as well
I'm not really sure why I'd jam AK here. It seems like a classic example of a bad value bet. People don't call AQ here and there are only two combos of KTs at that point, so I'd think that it'd just be a hand that is at the bottom end of my opponents bluff-catching range.
to be fair in equilibrium there suppose be tiny amount of shoves. Because likely tiny amount of hands benefit from it
There's some edge cases where PIO jams some low fraction of weird hands to make some set of regions exactly indifferent. I don't have that sort of visibility here, so I'm not going never going to be exactly on the equilibrium.
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