It's hard to reason out the best sizing here with the giant turn overbet. I think he folds most club draws so he probably usually has a 7 or K here on river.
isn't this the perfect spot to either 3b or fold?
-The price is high
-You're gonna play OOP
-BB is much more likely to over iso or Iso at the right frequency
I would personally never call here with any part of my range, just 3b or fold
How are you gonna build your 3betting range in this spot?
No one is going to buy that I have a strong hand here, but I still have some hands that play okay as defenses oop like pocket pairs and suited connectors.
6min LJ & hero limp HJ, btn iso Q9o. In the button's shoes what range are you isolating with? What range are you over limping with? I've seen some people fold the bottom of the button's 9Xo range and isolate the CO range of A9+ and broadways. I've also heard coaches say JTo QTo KTo etc perform poorly MW and they just fold vs 2 or more limpers.
I've always been in the camp of isolating about 18% of hands vs 2 or more limpers in the ATo+ KJo+ 9Xs+ 77+ region. I just never knew what to do with the weaker part of my range. Side note when I took someone's "MDA advice" for isolating range including these Q9o T9o hands to 6bb here I had one of my worst downswings of my career, so I went back to a hybrid between CO-LJ range depending on the # of limpers. Vs 1 limper I'll use CO range. Vs 2 limpers HJ range. 3 or more limpers use LJ range as a rough guideline.
This is the bottom 29% of button's range. The top 15% or so feels comfortable to isolate vs 1-3 limpers. This bottom 29% is very tricky in my mind. Because there are so many limpers in live cash, it feels too nitty folding some hands like JTo & Q8s vs 2 or more limpers. It also feels too spewy isolating these hands to 7bb or so when some of these limpers have ATo QJo KTo Q9s 77 etc in their limp calling range that dominate the weaker part of our iso range. They also have trash like 63s K2s A7o etc. A bit of an art form to figure out the right balance to isolate, over limp, or just fold.
In the video we mostly saw you over limp AXs, PP, J9s, 76s, etc. What are you doing with the bottom of your range for the 9Xo, 1-2 gap SCs, AXo, etc? I'll make a mental note of how tight, loose, or tricky the limpers are for isolating tight vs a wide range.
I expect my player pool to limp call a ton! Where I don't see value in getting many folds preflop unless I go to 8bb+ I think I will get 1-2 callers most of the time and then make money post flop when they just XF or XC-XF. I've been adding an extra BB to my iso range for some of my strongest hands. Vs 1 limper I'll go 5bb with the top 8% or so of hands and then 4bb with the rest of my iso range, 9-20% range of hands. Vs 2 limpers, I'll go 5bb weaker part of my range and 7bb again with the top 8% or so of hands. Not too worried about balance because they will see me put in 5bb with my premiums vs 1 limper and 5bb with weak hands vs 2 limpers and I don't think they are paying attention to those details to know I'm splitting my range.
At least anonymously the actual iso ranges are pretty tight like 10-13 percent because the limping range is on average the top 25 percent. If they are wider or raise their best hands then we can adjust this number up. The iso should never hit offsuit 9s because they are marginal opens against the blinds on the button so adding one extra player is going make the raise worse.
For limping in position - the older advice is offsuit broadways, suited connectors, one gaps and offsuit connectors. I tend to keep it tighter because the isos in online games from the blinds tend to be quite wide.
Thanks for covering this Tyler. Limping runs rampant in the live cash games I play and in a lot of tourneys.
Do you expand your overlimp range a lot to lower and medium suited kings, queens and jacks as well as the suited 2 gappers runitonce mentioned and possibly higher 3 gappers?
It’s possible to expand given low raise frequencies from the blinds but the deep sprs mean marginal 2 pair plus combos will become bluffcatchers for stacks. This has presented problems for playing these hands for most players because it requires being much more discerning about hand strength.
i know this videos generally about limping behind but since were on the general topic of limping, gonna share a quick story of a live cash game i was in some months ago ...
it was 1/3 match the stack
generally used to buying in for $300, which i did but multiple stacks where at 1000-1500
very splashy game. There were lots of pots pre flop there was around $100 - $125 in the pot pre flop.
The "funny" bet of the night was opening to $21, call, call, call call, squeeze. but multiple pots where like $21 with 5 or 6 callers.
So I generally played tighter than usual. Kind of have to accept that the variance is going to be a bit wild as well.
Also if this was a normal game, i generally don't limp, but i basically said fuck these guys i dont care im going to limp.
UTG (hero) AA I limp $3
UTG1 raises to $21
it got 7 callers!!!
gets back around to me, I just jam for $450
BB calls (1500) with 86
we take it down
now if i had opened to $15 or $20 its kind of a nightmare if i get 8 callers, how the heck am i going to play that out of position 8 ways right.
Nice concept for this video. This is something that I have incorporated into my game when playing live in certain lineups. It works pretty well when done in the right spots.
Nice video - there's not much content specifically on these types of scenarios. How much of your over-limp range is comprised of traps, i.e. strong hands that you will limp-raise? I never really play traps as over-limps, my thinking being that you can't profitably ISO a bunch of extra bluffs given that the original limper will call very often and also have raises. On the other hand though, players do seem to ISO way too wide, so perhaps there is some added EV in trapping. Where do you strike the balance?
Basically it’s a math problem based on the isolating frequencies. If you have players trying to iso 30-40 percent of hands then the overlimp reraise is impossible to defend against and will occur enough to justify the play. If the players are more reasonable like 10-15 percent iso then there is no advantage to the play.
I'm a little confused as to why you over-limped the TT. Can't see anything that suggests the original limper will 3bet way too much here. Also there is a poster, so extra money in the pot from someone with any 2.
Ah yes, that's a fair point, there are a few players like that around. And a bunch of bots do this too! I think the premise of the play is that people ISO you too wide so your limp gets more action that it should and then you get to re-raise with a strong hand
If I recall a long time ago Johnathan little wrote a book that discussed only playing a limp first in strategy for live cash from the first 3 positions. Because there is very little 3 betting going on but a bunch of iso raising and pot builder raising, we get to limp raise from the first 3 spots. Also when we do open 3bb or so in live cash we are typically out of position in a full ring game, so RFI didn't accomplish much. Kryzstov also made a RIO video in the past for six max where he only played a limp first in strategy. I would still only recommend playing 15-20% hands for a limp from EP, then Limp raise top 7% of hands about 40% of your range.
More recently I have heard a few top regs recommending to limp instead of raise when there is a whale to your left. Very similar logic to what RunItTw1ce has suggested above. If you raise, the whale calls IP, then regs either call IP or squeeze you, none of which are great scenarios. If you limp, the whale limps/calls, gets ISOed wide and then you can call and see flops very often, or re-raise. Given that lots of players ISO too wide, your strong hands gain a lot from the extra money in the pot plus the chance to lower the SPR OOP with strong 1 pair hands.
matlittle I can see the limping idea oop against the whale. It does have this odd effect of forcing the whale out of the pot on the 3-bet. However the extra EV added by the whale almost certainly increases the number of playable hands so there may be some offset.
Hey Tyler - thank you for covering this. Niche topic and very high value content. To be honest I much prefer this kind of content vs the PokerGo commentary all day every day :)
Thanks mx404. I will try to do a blend. I personally prefer this to PokerGo, but the PokerGo videos definitely generate enough engagement to justify making them.
You talked about we don't need same sizing in wmp - and saying
"ultimately the overcard is going to be near the same value to hit as
they are in a SRP"
I don't quite understand this part -- My typical understanding of mwp sizing being small is that with 1) the shallower SPR, not big sizing is required when there's a 3bet preflop, 2) MDF is shared by two players - so both players just can't defend as wide so blocking works just well
could you elaborate your idea on overcard a bit more? Thank you!
Okay so if both players fold more on the flop => they have more two pair going into the turn => one pair is less valuable on the turn => turning a top pair hand is less valuable than a headsup pot => I don't need to bet as much for protection, because they win less.
This has to do with the flop texture right? Say like this particular hand with 443r (or maybe a board like T72r) - Villain just has no reasonable two pairs combo in their call-3bet range. Does that mean we could size up the flop? Thanks!
This all about multiway pots and how tight the flop calling ranges are comparatively. 3-way ranges are approximately 33% tighter than headsup ranges. So if board has 10% 2p+ headsup on the turn. It's now 15% 2p+ 3-way. This has a large dampening effect on value betting sizes.
07:00 when you say GTO doesn’t have an opinion no this spot when there's infinitely number of equilibrium, I'm just a bit confused -- how does the 3-way solver gets its result?
So two players build one side of the equilbrium and the third play builds the other side.
Because we are combining two strategies to build the side of equilibrium, it turns out there is an infinite number of those two strategies that will create the same equilbrium. For the 3-way solvers they choose a one strategy for every player and ignore the other types of strategies.
10:40 In your opinion, is this line from BU very underbluffed (given BU is a reg) so that OOP can just only call flushes (and even maybe fold some weaker ones)?
Mathematically, this line should Ah-Flush or bluff, so nothing is terribly strong. He's supposed to fold flushes so calling 1 heart combos will be -EV.
You emphasize many times in this video that vs High VPIP/Low PFR player, the iso raise wouldn’t make enough money with marginal hands since we don’t get the required FE often enough.
What do you think about vs High VPIP/High PFR’s rec’s (say 45/30) limp? — my general approach is to iso aggressively since i assume their limping range to be weaker since they will be aggressive with open-raise given the high PFR.
In hindsight 32:15 the UTG 33 player is this type. So TT could be a better iso?
The data is pretty clear that most players don't limp more with weaker hands. The limping ranges are generally pretty balanced. This of course is player dependent. However I don't think VPIP/PFR is enough to make those decisions.
On 33, given the 100% 3-bet player types, I'm still comfortable with my lipm because I could easily be 3-bet 45-50% of the time here by the blended player type.
16:20 really like the honesty saying here that you don’t have any certainty regarding the sizing in this spot.
I was also scratching my head when thinking about the sizing OTR, but I guess it seems when the turn sizing is massive - river going for pot-size seems better to catch his naked 7x region.
On a side note - do you think if we go turn smaller river bigger (say 1.5x OTT/2x OTR), we can achieve higher EV? Since we already boat up OTT, by going 1.5x, we keep some more of his flush draw so that we do get paid hard on 25% of the river, plus we allowing the fish to get to the river with wider range to bluffcatch us.
24:15 "This is just praying on people NOT being attentive to bet sizing to this spot"
How so? I thought this board is a nice overbet or check board from a GTO standpoint? Are you suggesting reg just not bluffing enough under these limping spots with overbets?
It is headsup as opener vs the big blind, because the big blind tends to 3-bet off lots of nut combos. 3-way against overbet, players should start to fold top pair, but most players have heuristics against folding okay draws and top pair, so exploitatively the play makes more money.
but most players have heuristics against folding okay draws and top pair, so exploitatively the play makes more money
Ah this makes a lot of sense! Does that also mean that when we are bluffing - we should be far more selective since with that exploit our FE is expected to be lower?
28:45 sick sick bluff. It's very nice to use an iggy HH so that we know that he folded QQ.
But I'm actually very surprised that he didn't probe turn. I will just ruled out QQ/JJ from his range when played - and hoping to fold out 55-88 region OTR.
He's a tighter passive recreational player. If he doesn't use protection bets from his perspective he is likely only called by better with QQ, so he checks. It's not unreasonable here to try to slowdown given the perceived strength of the limp 3-bet.
30:20 Nice rationale on sizing to get called by one-pair.
Quick question - if I'm going thin with sets in these spots - how could you tell you’re not going to get bluff-raise out of the pot? I mean when some recs seeing tiny blocks they just can't help themselves but to bluff :D
You will get bluffed on these nodes, in fact, it's probably an easier bet/call when I look at my MDA. However, if you don't know this, you can always just call a fraction of the time to make the bluffs indifferent. If you call fractionally, you guarantee wins against bluffs, which is really all you need to make the play okay.
1) Could you elaborate a bit on your experience with pot size bet OTR? It's a bit blurry in the video
2) Why do you say from a structural standpoint this is one of the most over bluffed texture?
"If the sizing gives me even the remote indication of bluffing
frequency here probably I'll just call"
What will be the indication or sizing tell here OTR in your opinion? Villain bets like 98% pot and I just couldn't tell from the sizing itself if it's bluff heavy :D
1) Pot size bets from recreational players tend to be the strongest sizing.
2) Board Pairign with straight draws and two flush draws out, mean 100% of the many many combos of draws missed.
3) Pairs have quite a bit equity against his overall range, so I am biased to call sizings that have close to the correct number of bluffs on a generic board.
Loading 60 Comments...
Limpings pimping - Daniel Negreanu
Only Daniel could say that ...
Q9o like a boss
I like the heart, but you can see the over-analysis from his perspective.
really like the pot size on the river, get called by the 7
i dont think its necessarily bad to assume that if we jam we can get called by clubs thats got there either.
It's hard to reason out the best sizing here with the giant turn overbet. I think he folds most club draws so he probably usually has a 7 or K here on river.
Not the video that we deserved but surely the video we needed
I’ll take that as a compliment,
Minute 19:05
isn't this the perfect spot to either 3b or fold?
-The price is high
-You're gonna play OOP
-BB is much more likely to over iso or Iso at the right frequency
I would personally never call here with any part of my range, just 3b or fold
How are you gonna build your 3betting range in this spot?
No one is going to buy that I have a strong hand here, but I still have some hands that play okay as defenses oop like pocket pairs and suited connectors.
6min LJ & hero limp HJ, btn iso Q9o. In the button's shoes what range are you isolating with? What range are you over limping with? I've seen some people fold the bottom of the button's 9Xo range and isolate the CO range of A9+ and broadways. I've also heard coaches say JTo QTo KTo etc perform poorly MW and they just fold vs 2 or more limpers.
I've always been in the camp of isolating about 18% of hands vs 2 or more limpers in the ATo+ KJo+ 9Xs+ 77+ region. I just never knew what to do with the weaker part of my range. Side note when I took someone's "MDA advice" for isolating range including these Q9o T9o hands to 6bb here I had one of my worst downswings of my career, so I went back to a hybrid between CO-LJ range depending on the # of limpers. Vs 1 limper I'll use CO range. Vs 2 limpers HJ range. 3 or more limpers use LJ range as a rough guideline.
This is the bottom 29% of button's range. The top 15% or so feels comfortable to isolate vs 1-3 limpers. This bottom 29% is very tricky in my mind. Because there are so many limpers in live cash, it feels too nitty folding some hands like JTo & Q8s vs 2 or more limpers. It also feels too spewy isolating these hands to 7bb or so when some of these limpers have ATo QJo KTo Q9s 77 etc in their limp calling range that dominate the weaker part of our iso range. They also have trash like 63s K2s A7o etc. A bit of an art form to figure out the right balance to isolate, over limp, or just fold.
In the video we mostly saw you over limp AXs, PP, J9s, 76s, etc. What are you doing with the bottom of your range for the 9Xo, 1-2 gap SCs, AXo, etc? I'll make a mental note of how tight, loose, or tricky the limpers are for isolating tight vs a wide range.
I expect my player pool to limp call a ton! Where I don't see value in getting many folds preflop unless I go to 8bb+ I think I will get 1-2 callers most of the time and then make money post flop when they just XF or XC-XF. I've been adding an extra BB to my iso range for some of my strongest hands. Vs 1 limper I'll go 5bb with the top 8% or so of hands and then 4bb with the rest of my iso range, 9-20% range of hands. Vs 2 limpers, I'll go 5bb weaker part of my range and 7bb again with the top 8% or so of hands. Not too worried about balance because they will see me put in 5bb with my premiums vs 1 limper and 5bb with weak hands vs 2 limpers and I don't think they are paying attention to those details to know I'm splitting my range.
At least anonymously the actual iso ranges are pretty tight like 10-13 percent because the limping range is on average the top 25 percent. If they are wider or raise their best hands then we can adjust this number up. The iso should never hit offsuit 9s because they are marginal opens against the blinds on the button so adding one extra player is going make the raise worse.
For limping in position - the older advice is offsuit broadways, suited connectors, one gaps and offsuit connectors. I tend to keep it tighter because the isos in online games from the blinds tend to be quite wide.
Thanks for covering this Tyler. Limping runs rampant in the live cash games I play and in a lot of tourneys.
Do you expand your overlimp range a lot to lower and medium suited kings, queens and jacks as well as the suited 2 gappers runitonce mentioned and possibly higher 3 gappers?
It’s possible to expand given low raise frequencies from the blinds but the deep sprs mean marginal 2 pair plus combos will become bluffcatchers for stacks. This has presented problems for playing these hands for most players because it requires being much more discerning about hand strength.
i know this videos generally about limping behind but since were on the general topic of limping, gonna share a quick story of a live cash game i was in some months ago ...
it was 1/3 match the stack
generally used to buying in for $300, which i did but multiple stacks where at 1000-1500
very splashy game. There were lots of pots pre flop there was around $100 - $125 in the pot pre flop.
The "funny" bet of the night was opening to $21, call, call, call call, squeeze. but multiple pots where like $21 with 5 or 6 callers.
So I generally played tighter than usual. Kind of have to accept that the variance is going to be a bit wild as well.
Also if this was a normal game, i generally don't limp, but i basically said fuck these guys i dont care im going to limp.
UTG (hero) AA I limp $3
UTG1 raises to $21
it got 7 callers!!!
gets back around to me, I just jam for $450
BB calls (1500) with 86
we take it down
now if i had opened to $15 or $20 its kind of a nightmare if i get 8 callers, how the heck am i going to play that out of position 8 ways right.
This is textbook example of the limp reraise.
Great video. Very unique.
Thanks Hunter!
Nice concept for this video. This is something that I have incorporated into my game when playing live in certain lineups. It works pretty well when done in the right spots.
Yeah definitely valuable part of poker, particularly live.
Nice video - there's not much content specifically on these types of scenarios. How much of your over-limp range is comprised of traps, i.e. strong hands that you will limp-raise? I never really play traps as over-limps, my thinking being that you can't profitably ISO a bunch of extra bluffs given that the original limper will call very often and also have raises. On the other hand though, players do seem to ISO way too wide, so perhaps there is some added EV in trapping. Where do you strike the balance?
Basically it’s a math problem based on the isolating frequencies. If you have players trying to iso 30-40 percent of hands then the overlimp reraise is impossible to defend against and will occur enough to justify the play. If the players are more reasonable like 10-15 percent iso then there is no advantage to the play.
I'm a little confused as to why you over-limped the TT. Can't see anything that suggests the original limper will 3bet way too much here. Also there is a poster, so extra money in the pot from someone with any 2.
There’s a reg type with 100 percent limp 3-bet from utg. I thought it was that player (clearly wrong).
Ah yes, that's a fair point, there are a few players like that around. And a bunch of bots do this too! I think the premise of the play is that people ISO you too wide so your limp gets more action that it should and then you get to re-raise with a strong hand
If I recall a long time ago Johnathan little wrote a book that discussed only playing a limp first in strategy for live cash from the first 3 positions. Because there is very little 3 betting going on but a bunch of iso raising and pot builder raising, we get to limp raise from the first 3 spots. Also when we do open 3bb or so in live cash we are typically out of position in a full ring game, so RFI didn't accomplish much. Kryzstov also made a RIO video in the past for six max where he only played a limp first in strategy. I would still only recommend playing 15-20% hands for a limp from EP, then Limp raise top 7% of hands about 40% of your range.
More recently I have heard a few top regs recommending to limp instead of raise when there is a whale to your left. Very similar logic to what RunItTw1ce has suggested above. If you raise, the whale calls IP, then regs either call IP or squeeze you, none of which are great scenarios. If you limp, the whale limps/calls, gets ISOed wide and then you can call and see flops very often, or re-raise. Given that lots of players ISO too wide, your strong hands gain a lot from the extra money in the pot plus the chance to lower the SPR OOP with strong 1 pair hands.
matlittle I can see the limping idea oop against the whale. It does have this odd effect of forcing the whale out of the pot on the 3-bet. However the extra EV added by the whale almost certainly increases the number of playable hands so there may be some offset.
Hey Tyler - thank you for covering this. Niche topic and very high value content. To be honest I much prefer this kind of content vs the PokerGo commentary all day every day :)
Thanks mx404. I will try to do a blend. I personally prefer this to PokerGo, but the PokerGo videos definitely generate enough engagement to justify making them.
05:00 regarding the blocking sizing heuristics --
You talked about we don't need same sizing in wmp - and saying
I don't quite understand this part -- My typical understanding of mwp sizing being small is that with 1) the shallower SPR, not big sizing is required when there's a 3bet preflop, 2) MDF is shared by two players - so both players just can't defend as wide so blocking works just well
could you elaborate your idea on overcard a bit more? Thank you!
Okay so if both players fold more on the flop => they have more two pair going into the turn => one pair is less valuable on the turn => turning a top pair hand is less valuable than a headsup pot => I don't need to bet as much for protection, because they win less.
Tyler Forrester
This has to do with the flop texture right? Say like this particular hand with 443r (or maybe a board like T72r) - Villain just has no reasonable two pairs combo in their call-3bet range. Does that mean we could size up the flop? Thanks!
This all about multiway pots and how tight the flop calling ranges are comparatively. 3-way ranges are approximately 33% tighter than headsup ranges. So if board has 10% 2p+ headsup on the turn. It's now 15% 2p+ 3-way. This has a large dampening effect on value betting sizes.
07:00 when you say GTO doesn’t have an opinion no this spot when there's infinitely number of equilibrium, I'm just a bit confused -- how does the 3-way solver gets its result?
So two players build one side of the equilbrium and the third play builds the other side.
Because we are combining two strategies to build the side of equilibrium, it turns out there is an infinite number of those two strategies that will create the same equilbrium. For the 3-way solvers they choose a one strategy for every player and ignore the other types of strategies.
10:40 In your opinion, is this line from BU very underbluffed (given BU is a reg) so that OOP can just only call flushes (and even maybe fold some weaker ones)?
Mathematically, this line should Ah-Flush or bluff, so nothing is terribly strong. He's supposed to fold flushes so calling 1 heart combos will be -EV.
You emphasize many times in this video that vs High VPIP/Low PFR player, the iso raise wouldn’t make enough money with marginal hands since we don’t get the required FE often enough.
What do you think about vs High VPIP/High PFR’s rec’s (say 45/30) limp? — my general approach is to iso aggressively since i assume their limping range to be weaker since they will be aggressive with open-raise given the high PFR.
In hindsight 32:15 the UTG 33 player is this type. So TT could be a better iso?
The data is pretty clear that most players don't limp more with weaker hands. The limping ranges are generally pretty balanced. This of course is player dependent. However I don't think VPIP/PFR is enough to make those decisions.
On 33, given the 100% 3-bet player types, I'm still comfortable with my lipm because I could easily be 3-bet 45-50% of the time here by the blended player type.
13:37 - What does villain have on the 55 hand?
A flush KhJh
16:20 really like the honesty saying here that you don’t have any certainty regarding the sizing in this spot.
I was also scratching my head when thinking about the sizing OTR, but I guess it seems when the turn sizing is massive - river going for pot-size seems better to catch his naked 7x region.
On a side note - do you think if we go turn smaller river bigger (say 1.5x OTT/2x OTR), we can achieve higher EV? Since we already boat up OTT, by going 1.5x, we keep some more of his flush draw so that we do get paid hard on 25% of the river, plus we allowing the fish to get to the river with wider range to bluffcatch us.
Curious on your thoughts!
It's the balance between keeping flush-draws in and making sure to stack trips 7s. It's a tough balancing act.
and instant
LOL best part of the video
24:15 "This is just praying on people NOT being attentive to bet sizing to this spot"
How so? I thought this board is a nice overbet or check board from a GTO standpoint? Are you suggesting reg just not bluffing enough under these limping spots with overbets?
It is headsup as opener vs the big blind, because the big blind tends to 3-bet off lots of nut combos. 3-way against overbet, players should start to fold top pair, but most players have heuristics against folding okay draws and top pair, so exploitatively the play makes more money.
Ah this makes a lot of sense! Does that also mean that when we are bluffing - we should be far more selective since with that exploit our FE is expected to be lower?
Tyler Forrester
@Mx404 Yes definitely. Though most players underbluff naturally, so we need to be careful taking that idea too far.
28:45 sick sick bluff. It's very nice to use an iggy HH so that we know that he folded QQ.
But I'm actually very surprised that he didn't probe turn. I will just ruled out QQ/JJ from his range when played - and hoping to fold out 55-88 region OTR.
He's a tighter passive recreational player. If he doesn't use protection bets from his perspective he is likely only called by better with QQ, so he checks. It's not unreasonable here to try to slowdown given the perceived strength of the limp 3-bet.
30:20 Nice rationale on sizing to get called by one-pair.
Quick question - if I'm going thin with sets in these spots - how could you tell you’re not going to get bluff-raise out of the pot? I mean when some recs seeing tiny blocks they just can't help themselves but to bluff :D
You will get bluffed on these nodes, in fact, it's probably an easier bet/call when I look at my MDA. However, if you don't know this, you can always just call a fraction of the time to make the bluffs indifferent. If you call fractionally, you guarantee wins against bluffs, which is really all you need to make the play okay.
You mean these nodes actually get overbluffed a lot by "easier bet/call" from a MDA standpoint?
Yes, exactly.
33:11 Last hand regarding river node
1) Could you elaborate a bit on your experience with pot size bet OTR? It's a bit blurry in the video
2) Why do you say from a structural standpoint this is one of the most over bluffed texture?
What will be the indication or sizing tell here OTR in your opinion? Villain bets like 98% pot and I just couldn't tell from the sizing itself if it's bluff heavy :D
Thank you Tyler!!
1) Pot size bets from recreational players tend to be the strongest sizing.
2) Board Pairign with straight draws and two flush draws out, mean 100% of the many many combos of draws missed.
3) Pairs have quite a bit equity against his overall range, so I am biased to call sizings that have close to the correct number of bluffs on a generic board.
what size is that? b75 seems more reasonable?
Truthfully anything but pot probably does have enough bluffs here.
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