The very first hand, JTo, you mention on the turn that you can only get one street of value with Qx. How do you decide to go for that sone street bet on turn vs river?
Is it the likelyhood they bluff river or call with worse made hands (that make their hand on the river), or something else?
At 32:10, the AA. You mention you're not afraid of 9x. While he does have some 9x. Is it because he has 9x so infrequently that in a 3bet pot, with the lower spr, he has to stack off with much more than just 9x?
Usually the rule of the thumb is against opponents who can c-r bluff is to wait until the river, because we don't want to call down Qx for 65bbs, which is something we will have to do fairly consistently if we bet all of our Qx on the turn. (or alternatively just lose a bunch of money vs bluff c-rs). Trying to c-r turn with 86 makes a ton of sense if we bet all of our Qx here.
On the river, if we bet Qx, we only lose maximum 26bbs or so against nut hands if we always bet-call. This is considerably less than maximum 65bbs, we'd lose if we bet turn with the same region.
On the AA hand, the pio models indicate that trips with suited cards is rare enough that it's considered a cold-deck at this SPR. The models get value hungry in some of these spots, because they expect some really light hero-calls from IP on paired boards, which you may not get in practice.
30min with As8s you mentioned avoiding flipping 55/45 coins even though its profitable because the player may distribute the money to other players on the table, so better to wait for a strong hand and get the money post flop. I agree with avoiding preflop wars against high variance players, was wondering vs fish that don't have that 4 bet button and call too much, would you 3bet here preflop to iso the fish? Does 3 betting vs fish still show more profit or flatting to keep their weak hands in where they spazz post flop? Hands like your A8s, QJs, KQo etc.
Yes all the time, because I can turn my 57% equity into 75% potshare, because I can fold him off medium strength hands postflop and weaker cards that would be correct to call pre. It's only against recreational players with absolutely no fold button that I'm going to flat.
Tyler Forrester one more question with 66 in your video you open 2bb and face a 3bet of 7.5bb. You mentioned you should fold unless its 5% or less of your stack so 20:1 odds. What do you recommend for SCs and AXs in this spot? I believe it was MP vs BTN formation. So hands like 98s-65s, A9s-A8s? Still use 20:1? Bart Hanson years ago on crushlive poker said like 15:1 with PP, 20:1 with SCs and 30:1 with AXs or something like that. I find one of my biggest leaks is still calling 3bets OOP from EP/MP with specifically 77-88, QJs-QTs, KTs, J10s. I'll try and apply the 20:1 to these hands in the future. I seem to be attached to them some reason and its not due to results :-(
Depends a little on opponent skill levels on whether you should call suited connectors and suited aces -- more tight passive == lower thresholds (because you realize more equity). PIO seems like to suited connectors at roughly same odds as pocket pairs and suited aces are slightly behind (like 25 to 1).
9:40 you mention at 140bb you develop a flatting rng in the sb. At shorter stacks (100bb or less) do you feel 3bet or fold is still the best way to play from the sb?
Does rake at 1k allow you to incorporate more flatting rngs at 100bb from various positions?
There probably should be a small flatting range from the SB against raise sizes smaller than 3x, but I'm not going to bother to balance it with stronger hands preflop until we are well over 100bbs. The main goal with flatting ranges is to gain a little extra EV with 3-betting still be the primary defense node (outside of the big blind).
The rake at 1K definitely allows for more flats, but the counter balancing factor is that your typical reg is better at exploiting the flats, which seems to effectively cancel out the rake decrease.
4 ways huge pot going to the river.
Really disciplined fold, I’d find it really hard to fold it if villain had triple barrelled heads up, by 4 ways, really nicely done.
I guess 56ss is in there as well a5ss too. Pretty sick hand and unfortunate for our friend with 44s
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The very first hand, JTo, you mention on the turn that you can only get one street of value with Qx. How do you decide to go for that sone street bet on turn vs river?
Is it the likelyhood they bluff river or call with worse made hands (that make their hand on the river), or something else?
At 32:10, the AA. You mention you're not afraid of 9x. While he does have some 9x. Is it because he has 9x so infrequently that in a 3bet pot, with the lower spr, he has to stack off with much more than just 9x?
Usually the rule of the thumb is against opponents who can c-r bluff is to wait until the river, because we don't want to call down Qx for 65bbs, which is something we will have to do fairly consistently if we bet all of our Qx on the turn. (or alternatively just lose a bunch of money vs bluff c-rs). Trying to c-r turn with 86 makes a ton of sense if we bet all of our Qx here.
On the river, if we bet Qx, we only lose maximum 26bbs or so against nut hands if we always bet-call. This is considerably less than maximum 65bbs, we'd lose if we bet turn with the same region.
On the AA hand, the pio models indicate that trips with suited cards is rare enough that it's considered a cold-deck at this SPR. The models get value hungry in some of these spots, because they expect some really light hero-calls from IP on paired boards, which you may not get in practice.
30min with As8s you mentioned avoiding flipping 55/45 coins even though its profitable because the player may distribute the money to other players on the table, so better to wait for a strong hand and get the money post flop. I agree with avoiding preflop wars against high variance players, was wondering vs fish that don't have that 4 bet button and call too much, would you 3bet here preflop to iso the fish? Does 3 betting vs fish still show more profit or flatting to keep their weak hands in where they spazz post flop? Hands like your A8s, QJs, KQo etc.
Yes all the time, because I can turn my 57% equity into 75% potshare, because I can fold him off medium strength hands postflop and weaker cards that would be correct to call pre. It's only against recreational players with absolutely no fold button that I'm going to flat.
Tyler Forrester one more question with 66 in your video you open 2bb and face a 3bet of 7.5bb. You mentioned you should fold unless its 5% or less of your stack so 20:1 odds. What do you recommend for SCs and AXs in this spot? I believe it was MP vs BTN formation. So hands like 98s-65s, A9s-A8s? Still use 20:1? Bart Hanson years ago on crushlive poker said like 15:1 with PP, 20:1 with SCs and 30:1 with AXs or something like that. I find one of my biggest leaks is still calling 3bets OOP from EP/MP with specifically 77-88, QJs-QTs, KTs, J10s. I'll try and apply the 20:1 to these hands in the future. I seem to be attached to them some reason and its not due to results :-(
Depends a little on opponent skill levels on whether you should call suited connectors and suited aces -- more tight passive == lower thresholds (because you realize more equity). PIO seems like to suited connectors at roughly same odds as pocket pairs and suited aces are slightly behind (like 25 to 1).
Great video as always Tyler!
9:40 you mention at 140bb you develop a flatting rng in the sb. At shorter stacks (100bb or less) do you feel 3bet or fold is still the best way to play from the sb?
Does rake at 1k allow you to incorporate more flatting rngs at 100bb from various positions?
Thanks SoundSpeed!
There probably should be a small flatting range from the SB against raise sizes smaller than 3x, but I'm not going to bother to balance it with stronger hands preflop until we are well over 100bbs. The main goal with flatting ranges is to gain a little extra EV with 3-betting still be the primary defense node (outside of the big blind).
The rake at 1K definitely allows for more flats, but the counter balancing factor is that your typical reg is better at exploiting the flats, which seems to effectively cancel out the rake decrease.
really like it but just the audio could be little bit better sir :)
Thanks for the headsup! We will do better next time.
Hey tyler great video man thank you
Thanks True power!
Luckily for us 86 is basically the nuts here for recreational players lol max value, I’d be thinking we’re chopping as well facing this river jam.
We are supposed to be chopping, but recreationals have giant leaks in these spots, which is great for us.
This is one of the most ridiculous hands ever lol
4 ways huge pot going to the river.
Really disciplined fold, I’d find it really hard to fold it if villain had triple barrelled heads up, by 4 ways, really nicely done.
I guess 56ss is in there as well a5ss too. Pretty sick hand and unfortunate for our friend with 44s
Reallly one-of-a-kind hand. Turn is probably kind of close when it goes 4-ways. My only hope was that he had AQ.
What a lovely hand, flat the 3 bet pre, bet big turn jam river. Solid.
Kind of the same as the previous hands likely a mixed fold at this stack depth and he couldn't find it.
Yeah annoying spot with kk
You got the flopped sets,
Two straights plus sets two pair at this spr is likely mix folding overpairs.
This looks more like a live cash game hand vs a fish well done
He was quite bad, still nice to get some easy money
Nicely done, interesting lead here 3 bet pot on the flop.
In these spots I’m more inclined to check raise because out of position I think we’re checking alot of our range.
Reminds me of a Tony g vs Jungleman hand a few years ago.
Ok not the same.
Single raised pot button vs bb
Tony leads flop
Tony bets turn
Jams river
Jungleman calls lol
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