Whats your opinion about these limit, I mean do you think its realy beatable in the longrun because of the huge rake? I played PLO Zoom for a while at these stakes, but I found out that I payed about 16 BB/100 rake at PLO 50, while i pay "only" 10 BB/100 at PLO100. Its pretty frustrating to put in huge amount of volume at these stakes, only to find out that I be break even when I run 5BB over EV, like I did.
Tom Coldwell11 years, 7 months agoThe rake is bad, but enough opponents are worse that we can make money at a fair rate (heck, 25PLO is beatable - I have never played sufficient hands below that to make a meaningful comment). Pretty important not to tilt/sit too long in a game that you're not a favourite in for whatever reason (skill, mindset etc.) though.
If you're looking to move up quickly, it'll be important to build up reads by taking notes and, if at all possible, game selecting - getting onto those tables VPIPing >40% will be pretty significant when compared to just playing the stupid 23% nitfests (Stars' 50PLO games can be truly awful at certain times of the day).
I know game-selecting, stop/losses etc. aren't exactly fashionable or exciting pieces of advice, but any little edge we can gain will increase our winrate so they're all worth taking. Given the rake, I would take anything I can get.
Tom Coldwell11 years, 7 months agoI kinda hate Zoom 'cas we don't get to build up a history very quickly/at all so I don't play it (literally haven't played a hand in over 6 months). Therefore it's unlikely that I'll make a vid on it in the near future - I just wouldn't feel that qualified to make assumptions about the player pool etc.
However, if this is something that there's a lot of demand for, I may start dabbling and make a couple down the line.
Props for the Mean Girls sn and reference in video! Love that movie. No shame in saying that. Hilarious and easily quotable movie. LOL'd when I saw your screen name/avatar for the first time at the start of the video too.
at around 19:35 you get the money in with AcKcK5 against a TAG (21/14) without much of a thought (standard play).
question: what's the bottom of your range for getting 100bb stacks in preflop against a TAG? e.g. if AKK5 weren't suited or if the suit were king high or if you even had QQxx would you do the same?
i ask because even at these stakes 3 betting IP is fairly common and being able to play back a bit is needed. open folding or four bet folding kind of sucks.
Tom Coldwell11 years, 7 months agoIs the question you are asking meant to be abstract? I ask 'cas in that specific hand, villain had ~30bbs making AKKss an absurdly easy bet/jam. I would certainly have gotten any KK hand in here and any QQxx hand I'd opened (there are some I would have mucked given I was in the HJ). In fact, there is very little in my HJ opening range I wouldn't have been happy jamming over villain's 3-bet for 30bbs, although there would be the odd mid to low rundown I guess I'd call to shove a ton of flops.
ahh i didn't see that eff stacks were 30bb. i was assuming 100bb eff stacks, would you have played differently in that case?
with 100bb eff stacks if you four bet preflop and get called there's enough stack post flop where you might end up in some sticky situations. if you four bet preflop and get reraised you can call or raise again but you may not be too happy about it unless if you have AAxx and maybe KKxx.
edit: u were in a similar spot and folded never mind
At 23:00, your opponent weak leads into you on JsKh4h-Jh and you raise with KT64. He calls and you give up on a 5 river. I like raising turn here but I think you should strongly consider bombing the river. I think it looks like he has either a flush or a J hoping to fill up, either of which will be hard pressed to call river. It also helps a bit that you block boats.
I agree against a lot of opponents that this is a good spot to fire again, but as I said in commentary I just don't think I get that many folds, certainly not from flushes (they don't call here to fold river in my experience). I certainly could get him off a J, that's very true, but it'd probably take a big bet and I'm not sure whether it'll get through 50% of the time (or near enough to be profitable) against his range.
That said, if I am gonna bluff this river with anything, I pretty much had the nut hand for it w/ all my house blockers so you are probably right that I'm supposed to bluff. I don't hate my check behind but I wouldn't fault someone for firing again here as you suggest.
With regards to the hand, I would agree that my c-bet here isn't quite the size I would want - in reality this should be around 2-3bbs larger. It isn't as dynamic as some other boards because the straight is already present, but with the high cards our there which will hit a lot of his hands and the diamond draw, this is a spot where I should have bet a bit more. The sizing I chose would be my standard for this board if it didn't contain a flush draw.
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Whats your opinion about these limit, I mean do you think its realy beatable in the longrun because of the huge rake? I played PLO Zoom for a while at these stakes, but I found out that I payed about 16 BB/100 rake at PLO 50, while i pay "only" 10 BB/100 at PLO100.
Its pretty frustrating to put in huge amount of volume at these stakes, only to find out that I be break even when I run 5BB over EV, like I did.
If you're looking to move up quickly, it'll be important to build up reads by taking notes and, if at all possible, game selecting - getting onto those tables VPIPing >40% will be pretty significant when compared to just playing the stupid 23% nitfests (Stars' 50PLO games can be truly awful at certain times of the day).
I know game-selecting, stop/losses etc. aren't exactly fashionable or exciting pieces of advice, but any little edge we can gain will increase our winrate so they're all worth taking. Given the rake, I would take anything I can get.
I guess you recorded this Thurs then......hotter than hell in Manchester as wel :-)
Another great vid - thanks..
It's been hotter than the sun for AGES down in the South! Although I guess the cricket comment gave it away - good read :p
Likelihood of a PLO Zoom video?
However, if this is something that there's a lot of demand for, I may start dabbling and make a couple down the line.
Props for the Mean Girls sn and reference in video! Love that movie. No shame in saying that. Hilarious and easily quotable movie. LOL'd when I saw your screen name/avatar for the first time at the start of the video too.
at around 19:35 you get the money in with AcKcK5 against a TAG (21/14) without much of a thought (standard play).
question: what's the bottom of your range for getting 100bb stacks in preflop against a TAG? e.g. if AKK5 weren't suited or if the suit were king high or if you even had QQxx would you do the same?
i ask because even at these stakes 3 betting IP is fairly common and being able to play back a bit is needed. open folding or four bet folding kind of sucks.
ahh i didn't see that eff stacks were 30bb. i was assuming 100bb eff stacks, would you have played differently in that case?
with 100bb eff stacks if you four bet preflop and get called there's enough stack post flop where you might end up in some sticky situations. if you four bet preflop and get reraised you can call or raise again but you may not be too happy about it unless if you have AAxx and maybe KKxx.
edit: u were in a similar spot and folded never mind
At 23:00, your opponent weak leads into you on JsKh4h-Jh and you raise with KT64. He calls and you give up on a 5 river. I like raising turn here but I think you should strongly consider bombing the river. I think it looks like he has either a flush or a J hoping to fill up, either of which will be hard pressed to call river. It also helps a bit that you block boats.
I agree against a lot of opponents that this is a good spot to fire again, but as I said in commentary I just don't think I get that many folds, certainly not from flushes (they don't call here to fold river in my experience). I certainly could get him off a J, that's very true, but it'd probably take a big bet and I'm not sure whether it'll get through 50% of the time (or near enough to be profitable) against his range.
That said, if I am gonna bluff this river with anything, I pretty much had the nut hand for it w/ all my house blockers so you are probably right that I'm supposed to bluff. I don't hate my check behind but I wouldn't fault someone for firing again here as you suggest.
Hi, 20:42 you did 3b w/ TT22ss, and Cb KdJh9d flop $5.75 into $9.31 pot.
From your Bet Sizing video, I gained very good tips for sizing according to board texture, not our actual hand.
I think this board looks pretty dynamic so have to Cb almost pot, in order to represent some what Str8 or sets, two pairs.
I know we shoulda fold when he raise, but is it your default Cb size on this flop texture ?
when you just stab the pot w/ str8 blocker ??
With regards to the hand, I would agree that my c-bet here isn't quite the size I would want - in reality this should be around 2-3bbs larger. It isn't as dynamic as some other boards because the straight is already present, but with the high cards our there which will hit a lot of his hands and the diamond draw, this is a spot where I should have bet a bit more. The sizing I chose would be my standard for this board if it didn't contain a flush draw.
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