On the last hand, do you think the kd is a good card to bluff with? Its only good if the rec raises turn with KTdd, K7dd etc, wouldn't you expect those to be called more often? Also, maybe blocking the offsuit kx 2 pair thin value bets will have a negative effect here. How would you play that spot on the river?
I think OOP can have anything from twopair-set-weak flush for this sizing. I think IP generally vs this wants to play shove/fold. It's tough if you're vs a recreational though as they seldom bet fold here with enough weak flushes/set type hands for you to contemplate bluff shoving.
I think OOP will mostly flip over weak diamonds to this line and never find a fold so I would mostly look to give up IP and fold here given we are vs a recreational.
In the first hand, why dont you think we can call on the button with a hand like KQo closing action? Against an aggressive 3b strat Id be defending it Bttn vs SB. The 3b is pretty small, and we do have position on both players, and will be able to make pretty good decisions post. Depending on the SB 3b range, he can have things like QJs, KJs, and small Axs, and maybe even other "weak" hands on occasion. Seems to me we are getting a good price and closing action, and can always fold pretty confidently even with made hands if he starts ripping big bets in. We can also dominate him sometimes, especially if he is just raising without a solid understanding of why. HU I would fold for sure. I get RIO being an issue, but think we can make big folds post flop, and gauge our hand strength pretty well based on sizing tells and aggression
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On the last hand, do you think the kd is a good card to bluff with? Its only good if the rec raises turn with KTdd, K7dd etc, wouldn't you expect those to be called more often? Also, maybe blocking the offsuit kx 2 pair thin value bets will have a negative effect here. How would you play that spot on the river?
I think OOP can have anything from twopair-set-weak flush for this sizing. I think IP generally vs this wants to play shove/fold. It's tough if you're vs a recreational though as they seldom bet fold here with enough weak flushes/set type hands for you to contemplate bluff shoving.
I think OOP will mostly flip over weak diamonds to this line and never find a fold so I would mostly look to give up IP and fold here given we are vs a recreational.
In the first hand, why dont you think we can call on the button with a hand like KQo closing action? Against an aggressive 3b strat Id be defending it Bttn vs SB. The 3b is pretty small, and we do have position on both players, and will be able to make pretty good decisions post. Depending on the SB 3b range, he can have things like QJs, KJs, and small Axs, and maybe even other "weak" hands on occasion. Seems to me we are getting a good price and closing action, and can always fold pretty confidently even with made hands if he starts ripping big bets in. We can also dominate him sometimes, especially if he is just raising without a solid understanding of why. HU I would fold for sure. I get RIO being an issue, but think we can make big folds post flop, and gauge our hand strength pretty well based on sizing tells and aggression
actually just ran an equity calc in a calculator and KQo is doing pretty bad vs a tight range. So I can see it now
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