Yes if there's a lot of fold equity we want a tighter value range and a weaker bluffing range. T9s might well just be a call vs. such an opponent since it doesn't gain a ton of EV by 3-betting compared with calling. If Villain folds a lot to a 3-bet, then we might want to favour 3-betting hands that would be break even or even losing flats such as T7s depending on the spot.
Really interesting and educational two part series! One thing i like is the way you interpret HUD stats not by looking at individual numbers but by combining stats in a really creative way to get an overall view of the player type. The replayer examples really help to bridge the gap from part one to putting the strategies into play. As always thanks for the quality content your efforts are appreciated.
Thanks for the kind words. Yep, HUD interpretation is all about not being too rigid, but using subtle clues to build a general outline of your opponent's likely imbalances.
Nice video Pete. How would you approach things on a site where HUDs aren't an option? It's pretty difficult to get a good read on each player's propensity to flat 3bets (as well as their opening ranges from each position), so I assume the best strategy is to 3bet a pretty linear range until you start to notice them folding a lot?
If we want to use a linear 3bet range like SB vs BTN/CO, how could we adjust our range to BTN/CO RFI range, for example, some loose player's BTN RFI is 56%, and some tight player's BTN RFI is 33%, generally how wide should we choose ? should we 3bet some percentage (like 50%, 60%, 70%) of his RFI range or should we just use a default range ?
Is "hand strength" in linear range definition means the equity vs V's calling/raising range, or equity vs V's total RFI range ?
Yes, the wider they open, the wider we can 3-bet with a linear range SB vs steal. Wider opening ranges are forced to either overfold or defend more hands. Either choice will result in parts of our range that aren't normally a 3-bet becoming a 3-bet.
Neither. Linear hand selection is more about EV than equity and so some hands with lower equity might have higher EV due to nut potential and less reverse implied odds. When constructing a linear 3-bet range, we want to work our way down in playability not necessarily raw equity when called, and certainly not raw equity vs. an opening range (much of which is folding to a 3-bet and is therefore irrelevant.)
Hey Peter Clarke! In Grinder's Manual you recommended a 3bet sizing smaller than 3x but here you say even 3x is outdated for IP and to go bigger, and for OOP you say to go 5x. The players in both situations are 100bb deep and it perplexes me even more because the reason is not that villains are overcalling but that they are getting the odds to call.
Also I'm using HUD stat colors for different frequencies (like vpip>30 -> green -> too loose) but I see you using colors for different stats. This is something I've been wondering for some time - which of these do you think is better?
Would love to see more of such concentrate topics.
Couple of technical comments:
a) First, once you start the replayer there is no need not to size it to max. We don't profit from static database border screen saver and it loses a lot if you are watching on tablet/small laptop.
b) It would be nice to have a sticky explaining all the HUD stats given they are not labeled.
I'm glad you played out the 66 hand for entertainment value. When videos are so heavy on material this is a nice "treat" to slip in there. Absolutely hilarious hand too postflop.
Question about micro stakes in general. I'm assuming that the strong majority of the time we're 3betting a linear range. Is this a safe assumption to make? Great video too, really learned a lot in both of them.
Hey Peter, i think the hand 6h6c hand on the 567sss flop was pretty interesting. V1 bet about 2/3 pot into 4.75. I think I would raise to $11 here--what do you think about that sizing?
Hey Peter, is there a HUD for the Merge Poker Network? I am using some random skin on the network and trying to find out if I can use a HUD on it. The skin is Ara Poker. Thanks
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Learned a lot. Best stuff I've seen on 3-betting. I also bought the Grinder's manual. Check your inbox?
Thanks a lot! I don't see anything from you in my RIO inbox?
We are using polarized strat against people who fold to 3-bets often? Mixing in quality hands like QQ and bluffs like 910s?
Yes if there's a lot of fold equity we want a tighter value range and a weaker bluffing range. T9s might well just be a call vs. such an opponent since it doesn't gain a ton of EV by 3-betting compared with calling. If Villain folds a lot to a 3-bet, then we might want to favour 3-betting hands that would be break even or even losing flats such as T7s depending on the spot.
Really interesting and educational two part series! One thing i like is the way you interpret HUD stats not by looking at individual numbers but by combining stats in a really creative way to get an overall view of the player type. The replayer examples really help to bridge the gap from part one to putting the strategies into play. As always thanks for the quality content your efforts are appreciated.
Thanks for the kind words. Yep, HUD interpretation is all about not being too rigid, but using subtle clues to build a general outline of your opponent's likely imbalances.
Nice video Pete. How would you approach things on a site where HUDs aren't an option? It's pretty difficult to get a good read on each player's propensity to flat 3bets (as well as their opening ranges from each position), so I assume the best strategy is to 3bet a pretty linear range until you start to notice them folding a lot?
Yeah given that HUDless sites tend to run softer games, a linear default approach is sensible. Look for clues like reggy sizing though (EG. 2.25bb)
Thanks a lot for the examples.
I have 2 questions,
If we want to use a linear 3bet range like SB vs BTN/CO, how could we adjust our range to BTN/CO RFI range, for example, some loose player's BTN RFI is 56%, and some tight player's BTN RFI is 33%, generally how wide should we choose ? should we 3bet some percentage (like 50%, 60%, 70%) of his RFI range or should we just use a default range ?
Is "hand strength" in linear range definition means the equity vs V's calling/raising range, or equity vs V's total RFI range ?
Thanks a lot if you answer me.
Thanks for the questions:
Yes, the wider they open, the wider we can 3-bet with a linear range SB vs steal. Wider opening ranges are forced to either overfold or defend more hands. Either choice will result in parts of our range that aren't normally a 3-bet becoming a 3-bet.
Neither. Linear hand selection is more about EV than equity and so some hands with lower equity might have higher EV due to nut potential and less reverse implied odds. When constructing a linear 3-bet range, we want to work our way down in playability not necessarily raw equity when called, and certainly not raw equity vs. an opening range (much of which is folding to a 3-bet and is therefore irrelevant.)
Hey Peter Clarke! In Grinder's Manual you recommended a 3bet sizing smaller than 3x but here you say even 3x is outdated for IP and to go bigger, and for OOP you say to go 5x. The players in both situations are 100bb deep and it perplexes me even more because the reason is not that villains are overcalling but that they are getting the odds to call.
Also I'm using HUD stat colors for different frequencies (like vpip>30 -> green -> too loose) but I see you using colors for different stats. This is something I've been wondering for some time - which of these do you think is better?
I'd be curious to see the answer to this as well, great question btw.
poker changes quickly :) I love when people 3 bet tiny myself. Back in the day ppl did it because villains fold way to much to 3 bet is my take on it
he just ignored your question unfortunatly.
Great stuff Peter! Thank you!
Great series.
Would love to see more of such concentrate topics.
Couple of technical comments:
a) First, once you start the replayer there is no need not to size it to max. We don't profit from static database border screen saver and it loses a lot if you are watching on tablet/small laptop.
b) It would be nice to have a sticky explaining all the HUD stats given they are not labeled.
I'm glad you played out the 66 hand for entertainment value. When videos are so heavy on material this is a nice "treat" to slip in there. Absolutely hilarious hand too postflop.
Question about micro stakes in general. I'm assuming that the strong majority of the time we're 3betting a linear range. Is this a safe assumption to make? Great video too, really learned a lot in both of them.
Hey Peter, i think the hand 6h6c hand on the 567sss flop was pretty interesting. V1 bet about 2/3 pot into 4.75. I think I would raise to $11 here--what do you think about that sizing?
Hey Peter, is there a HUD for the Merge Poker Network? I am using some random skin on the network and trying to find out if I can use a HUD on it. The skin is Ara Poker. Thanks
Great as always! thanks Peter!
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