Glad I was able to help. I will admit to being a bit bummed though, I have been wanting a NLHE video for Essential about this exact topic for a minute now.
I enjoyed this video Emty. The side by side comparison was nice to see. I think many of us do over fold exploitatively vs tight 3bettors. But being able to see it from the btn vs co scenario and then the tighter position in monker gives a better perspective as to the reasoning it makes sense.
Also I had no idea that you could X out one of the action like you did in Vision. It was useful to see when you cancelled out the "Raise" ppt ranges to be able to only see Call and Fold ranges. So thx for that!
Appreciate the feedback and I can definitely look into similar Preflop spots in the same fashion for future videos.
I think the average player on micro to low stakes significantly under folds vs 3Bets OOP, meaning that they call way too much. Across the entire pool I would say that population folds vs 3Bets something around the 5-10% mark compared to ~35% in GTO (and probably even a higher % exploititavely).
You are spot on with your assumption; we fold ~50% of the time 50bb COvsBU3bet compared to only 30% with100bb effective stacksize.
Reason for that is that we do required more raw equity and smoothness when being shorter to justify calling. We are forced to fold more Axxx, KKxx, QQxx hands compared to 100bb stacks.
I personally don't play 50bb strategy, but calling is certainly still part of our strategy. There are a bunch of hands that do have the required equity and smoothness to call but are not strong enough to jam; good hand examples are doublepairs, connected single-pairs (TT98s), most rundowns, etc.
No, it's the right word. "Exploitative" is the goal, "adjustment" is how to achieve it. Replacing it with "exploitative" with "adjustment" would be like replacing "shooting" with "aiming" or "trigger pulling".
Interesting video Emty. You mentioned rake is incorporated into the monker sim based on PLO 50. Does our calling range increase much as we jump stakes to PLO 100/200 or is it not really material until PLO 500?
It is more of a gradual increase. If we compare PLO200 to PLO50 then we will see that we can defend more in the Blinds, coldcall more hands on the BU, openraise more in general, etc. This also counts for playing 3Bet pots. If we now compare PLO500 to PLO200 , then we will see the same tendencies with slightly increased ranges in these Preflop spots. If we would compare PLO50 to PLO500 directly then the difference would be pretty significant.
Very helpfu!! Sometimes I hesitate in not opening enough because I am unsure when I should call a 3 bet. I also love how you gave some general guidelines to follow.
Is it safe to assume that with an additional caller in the pot (I raise from mp, cutoff calls and button 3 bets) our range widens or should I now consider "nuttiness" (big hand potential) to be more important and some of the lower run downs double suited hands as less valuable. In this scenario I am making the assumption that if I call the 3 bet, the player in between will also call the 3 bet.
Being the Openraiser and facing a Squeeze OOP, we have to fold a much bigger portion of our range (77% folding) compared to a 3Bet without a Coldcaller (37% folding). So we need hands with better playability (double-suited, connectivity, etc.).
In order to determine by how much we can widen our calling range vs squeeze, we have to observe how wide the squeezer can be (most player squeeze very value-heavy) and how wide the Coldcaller is calling.
For example, having low rundowns like 4567ds can in that case be pretty strong when facing a tight coldcaller and a tight squeezer with likely broadway heavy ranges.
Emty Great video! I have been looking for PLO 50 or equivalent rake structure preflop Monker solution. May I ask, where you got it or did you run it yourself? Thanks!
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Somehow this video got categorized as NLHE. Just letting y'all know.
yea thought i was seeing double?
Welcome to the great game guys :D
I have forwarded the issue, should be fixed soon!
Aaaand fixed! Sry everyone but thx for the quick alert
Glad I was able to help. I will admit to being a bit bummed though, I have been wanting a NLHE video for Essential about this exact topic for a minute now.
I enjoyed this video Emty. The side by side comparison was nice to see. I think many of us do over fold exploitatively vs tight 3bettors. But being able to see it from the btn vs co scenario and then the tighter position in monker gives a better perspective as to the reasoning it makes sense.
Also I had no idea that you could X out one of the action like you did in Vision. It was useful to see when you cancelled out the "Raise" ppt ranges to be able to only see Call and Fold ranges. So thx for that!
Hey GuayakiRevelBerry
Appreciate the feedback and I can definitely look into similar Preflop spots in the same fashion for future videos.
I think the average player on micro to low stakes significantly under folds vs 3Bets OOP, meaning that they call way too much. Across the entire pool I would say that population folds vs 3Bets something around the 5-10% mark compared to ~35% in GTO (and probably even a higher % exploititavely).
Great video, the shorter we are the less attractive calling OOP becomes correct?
Lets say we are 50bbs do you have a flatting range OOP in the exploitable high rake environment?
Hi Luv2Gambol !
You are spot on with your assumption; we fold ~50% of the time 50bb COvsBU3bet compared to only 30% with100bb effective stacksize.
Reason for that is that we do required more raw equity and smoothness when being shorter to justify calling. We are forced to fold more Axxx, KKxx, QQxx hands compared to 100bb stacks.
I personally don't play 50bb strategy, but calling is certainly still part of our strategy. There are a bunch of hands that do have the required equity and smoothness to call but are not strong enough to jam; good hand examples are doublepairs, connected single-pairs (TT98s), most rundowns, etc.
I seems like the phrase exploitative is a vestige of times past when GTO concepts were newer, and should be replaced with adjustment?
No, it's the right word. "Exploitative" is the goal, "adjustment" is how to achieve it. Replacing it with "exploitative" with "adjustment" would be like replacing "shooting" with "aiming" or "trigger pulling".
Interesting video Emty. You mentioned rake is incorporated into the monker sim based on PLO 50. Does our calling range increase much as we jump stakes to PLO 100/200 or is it not really material until PLO 500?
Hey 3betfloat !
It is more of a gradual increase. If we compare PLO200 to PLO50 then we will see that we can defend more in the Blinds, coldcall more hands on the BU, openraise more in general, etc. This also counts for playing 3Bet pots. If we now compare PLO500 to PLO200 , then we will see the same tendencies with slightly increased ranges in these Preflop spots. If we would compare PLO50 to PLO500 directly then the difference would be pretty significant.
Hope that makes sense :)
Very helpfu!! Sometimes I hesitate in not opening enough because I am unsure when I should call a 3 bet. I also love how you gave some general guidelines to follow.
Is it safe to assume that with an additional caller in the pot (I raise from mp, cutoff calls and button 3 bets) our range widens or should I now consider "nuttiness" (big hand potential) to be more important and some of the lower run downs double suited hands as less valuable. In this scenario I am making the assumption that if I call the 3 bet, the player in between will also call the 3 bet.
Hey Falconplayer ,
Being the Openraiser and facing a Squeeze OOP, we have to fold a much bigger portion of our range (77% folding) compared to a 3Bet without a Coldcaller (37% folding). So we need hands with better playability (double-suited, connectivity, etc.).
In order to determine by how much we can widen our calling range vs squeeze, we have to observe how wide the squeezer can be (most player squeeze very value-heavy) and how wide the Coldcaller is calling.
For example, having low rundowns like 4567ds can in that case be pretty strong when facing a tight coldcaller and a tight squeezer with likely broadway heavy ranges.
Emty Great video! I have been looking for PLO 50 or equivalent rake structure preflop Monker solution. May I ask, where you got it or did you run it yourself? Thanks!
Hey He-Lord !
Very glad you enjoyed the video :)
It was already available when I joined the group who is renting the server.
Can we get a part 2 of this video? ;-) perhaps facing a 4-bet OOP or facing 3-bet IP. Would love to see how things change
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