Very deep analysis, really liked the fact that you tried to summarize the learnings at the end of every spot.
For me it could be a bit faster pace and more hands, but this one was cool also. Thanks! :)
I wish there were more uploads from you! I have a question about this one though:
At 14:02, how did you decide that you wanted to use half pot on the turn? What factors do you consider when deciding to barrel small, medium, or big on this spot?
Usually, but not always, your sizing will represent how thin you're betting.
In this spot, we would never rly bet 66 for instance for that size. Yeah, 66 requires protection, but we would value cut ourselves way too often. So medium size here reflects A8+? Although, I don't think think 99 would bet that often in IP's shoes.
But you get the pt. We're not going thin here.
For instance, lets say villain cbets a AK6 board small after 3betting and he checks to you ott on a 8. Your sizing when checked to would always be big (medium+) because you're only betting a good ace or better.
thejericho2 Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I am familiar with this thought process, I just guess I was having trouble ascertaining whether or not a hand like 55 or 66 or A8s would like to barrel turn. They still could get some protection for lots of hands so I thought a small size could be used, but you got this better than me as only HP is used.
Cool video, I prefer this style of deeper analysis with smaller number of hands to more hands with less detail.
AhJ hand with rivered nut flush is a pretty grim spot when you are raised on the river. Like you said, no one ever seems to bluff there, especially regs. Nearly everyone is not value betting thin enough (e.g. 5h5), so their value range becomes very high flush heavy and so the EV for bluff check-raise shoving for BB is much lower. The spot plays way tighter in reality than at a PIO equilibrium. At lower stakes vs more straightforward players I snap fold, but at 1k I can imagine players are good enough to shove with hands like KQ as a bluff sometimes.
Great video. First hand are we just barreling 7x and 5x as a bluff to fold out pairs under the K? I can't see it being for value
16:00 opponent looks to barrel jj tt a lot. Again, is this a bluff or possibly a thin value bet? If these hands bet and get called it sets up a tough spot on a lot of rivers.
Same thing 41:06 looks like our opponent is supposed to barrel a lot of tx, and if he chks we bet those same tx I suppose as a bluff?
I have trouble with these spots and 2nd pr and when they are value bets and when they are bluffs.
We can see that 5x always seems to bluff (unless its 65s which blocks 66 which villain would fold otr). 76ss is the same; it doesn't end up bluffing because of the 6x blocker. We can see that it does rip w A7ss and 97ss at times. Seems that having the ace blocker is rly important, blocking AK.
16:00 hand: This is thin vbet. As you can see, opponent only gets to bet those if he decides to use a small sizing. If he were to use a big turn size only, then those hands would not be included.
It's a tough spot if you get called ott. You have to check river and then, check/decide. X/c river jam w/o a club on a blank is probably the way to go.
41:06 hand: The Tx hands are bluffs. In these v narrow range spots, especially on Ace high boards, you get to barrel those two pairs/set blockers quite aggressively.
Thanks for the kind words abt the video :)
And don't worry, most people dont know at times what is correct to turn into a bluff and what isnt. I got better at this through looking at sims and through practice. Glgl
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Very deep analysis, really liked the fact that you tried to summarize the learnings at the end of every spot.
For me it could be a bit faster pace and more hands, but this one was cool also. Thanks! :)
Thanks for the kind words. I might try to do a faster paced review next time; more hands and less solver. I'll experiment :)
ty cedric
I wish there were more uploads from you! I have a question about this one though:
At 14:02, how did you decide that you wanted to use half pot on the turn? What factors do you consider when deciding to barrel small, medium, or big on this spot?
Thanks :)
Usually, but not always, your sizing will represent how thin you're betting.
In this spot, we would never rly bet 66 for instance for that size. Yeah, 66 requires protection, but we would value cut ourselves way too often. So medium size here reflects A8+? Although, I don't think think 99 would bet that often in IP's shoes.
But you get the pt. We're not going thin here.
For instance, lets say villain cbets a AK6 board small after 3betting and he checks to you ott on a 8. Your sizing when checked to would always be big (medium+) because you're only betting a good ace or better.
Hope this is clear.
thejericho2 Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I am familiar with this thought process, I just guess I was having trouble ascertaining whether or not a hand like 55 or 66 or A8s would like to barrel turn. They still could get some protection for lots of hands so I thought a small size could be used, but you got this better than me as only HP is used.
Thank you for the answer
Cool video, I prefer this style of deeper analysis with smaller number of hands to more hands with less detail.
AhJ hand with rivered nut flush is a pretty grim spot when you are raised on the river. Like you said, no one ever seems to bluff there, especially regs. Nearly everyone is not value betting thin enough (e.g. 5h5), so their value range becomes very high flush heavy and so the EV for bluff check-raise shoving for BB is much lower. The spot plays way tighter in reality than at a PIO equilibrium. At lower stakes vs more straightforward players I snap fold, but at 1k I can imagine players are good enough to shove with hands like KQ as a bluff sometimes.
Thanks :)
Yeah, my exact reasoning. It's a shitty spot regardless.
And you are right, no one is vbetting thin enough there. Which, like you mentioned, makes bluffing in villain's shoes even less appealing.
Great video. First hand are we just barreling 7x and 5x as a bluff to fold out pairs under the K? I can't see it being for value
16:00 opponent looks to barrel jj tt a lot. Again, is this a bluff or possibly a thin value bet? If these hands bet and get called it sets up a tough spot on a lot of rivers.
Same thing 41:06 looks like our opponent is supposed to barrel a lot of tx, and if he chks we bet those same tx I suppose as a bluff?
I have trouble with these spots and 2nd pr and when they are value bets and when they are bluffs.
Thanks for the great work.
First hand:
We can see that 5x always seems to bluff (unless its 65s which blocks 66 which villain would fold otr). 76ss is the same; it doesn't end up bluffing because of the 6x blocker. We can see that it does rip w A7ss and 97ss at times. Seems that having the ace blocker is rly important, blocking AK.
16:00 hand: This is thin vbet. As you can see, opponent only gets to bet those if he decides to use a small sizing. If he were to use a big turn size only, then those hands would not be included.
It's a tough spot if you get called ott. You have to check river and then, check/decide. X/c river jam w/o a club on a blank is probably the way to go.
41:06 hand: The Tx hands are bluffs. In these v narrow range spots, especially on Ace high boards, you get to barrel those two pairs/set blockers quite aggressively.
Thanks for the kind words abt the video :)
And don't worry, most people dont know at times what is correct to turn into a bluff and what isnt. I got better at this through looking at sims and through practice. Glgl
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