28:00 in. You may not be the best "instructor" on here, but wow, you are for my money the best player on here. And that says a lot cause I am obsessed with Tyler F, Sauce, Lister, Chappelle, and others. Been a pro 14 years and you just run through the 2021 fields like its '07. Amazing to witness. Also, I love your concise explanations.
man this is the best video on RIO hand down Tariq it is so good I dont even need to comment he explain everything I dont even have Question to ask Awsome Videoo Tariq
8 min BvB on QJ8r. What do you think of a heuristic of cbetting boards where opponent only has 1 set or less on the board? Where opponent will rarely have QQ or JJ on this board, so swings me towards cbetting this board oop. Where If board was J87 (noticed T9 makes nuts on both boards) but now BB can have 88 and 77, so less likely to cbet. On wizard cbetting 71% on QJ8 and 57% on J87, so there is something there about having more sets available when choosing to cbet or check. I think it was Luke's video where he bet 20% on AJ8 board and barreled turn AJ8J, where most people won't bet JX on the flop (3 ways) but he says with smaller bet can still bet and then polarize turn still.
I think these little heuristics really help because on one side of the spectrum you have some coaches teaching to check range oop in SRP, other coaches trying to find a balance of check and bets, and then players actually cbetting too often in general.
Any thoughts on cbetting strategy OOP? Does the heuristic sound logical?
I think what you said is logical, but tbh BVB c betting strategies is definitely a leak in my game as I'm not the most fine-tuned in that spot so I generally default to doing a lot of checking! I'll need to study up more on these middle-high connected boards
8:45 with AJs MP vs BTN I like your 4 bet in general as people are going to over 3bet the button rather than flat call in these spots. I would note the BTN should be semi polarized with some of his 3 betting though. It's a mix of linear / polar being everything is mixed and the polar parts of the range mostly come from mid to low AXs hands. I think that is why the solvers don't like 4 betting a more linear hand like AJs in this spot because you dominate so many other AXs that 3 bets. Where 4 betting more KJs, K10s, AQo, A5s hands can get folds from better hands or deny a lot of equity. Think it's a really close spot, just wonder if oop strategy should be more polar with the 4 bets here... [QQ+, AK+, ATs, KTs, A5s-A3s, 76s?]
Just emphasis what I am talking a little bit more about is if you are MP vs CO, now I think 4 betting linear might be ok since CO should also be linear playing a 3 bet / fold strategy. I see more AJs actually 4 betting MP vs CO than MP vs BTN due to btn having a flatting range (being polar). So attacking linear with linear and polar vs polar.
32:45 is a spot I am tempted to block the turn with. Given how many ace high floats villain has, hearts, and two broadway cards that pick up equity like JTd KJd, KTd etc a long with some smaller pairs that float. Because the pool doesn't XR bluff often enough and tends to call with their draws I am very tempted to block the turn for value and check back rivers rather than bluff catching the river. In general turn is supposed to be polar with your range, but I feel like this is a great node lock spot where pool isn't aggressive enough post flop and these thin value bets don't get punished. If you node lock 0% check raise here on the turn do you think you would bet the turn? Looking at wizard pool against a block bet on the turn supposed to check raise around 20% of the time vs a 20% sizing. I would estimate it is closer to 5-7%. Check more with 8h8x.
I really dislike the idea of betting the turn here; I think our hand is just a pure check.
You don't get called by much worse and sometimes get check raised off your equity; my turn size would mostly be a big bet on this board as I don't think small betting Q539hh makes much sense, so therefore 88 is a nice check back and look to bluff catch blank rivers.
Small bet would be hand specific. For example JJ & TT are still betting this turn at a decent frequency. Should be fine to have a small and big size. The main reason to bet small with 88 is just an exploit of people not check raising enough.
41:40 you mention you don't like the big bet on the turn, but it is a low frequency over bet with 54c. Don't have 43c in the range, but because you have all the AQ AK QQ KK AA in your range where the BB has very little of if any you can see in the chart below a lot of pair + Fd or pair + SD are taking a lot of over bets here. KJ, KT, Q8s, K2c etc. So solver does prefer to block some 2 pairs type hands but either way It's a good play!
24:06 , A4o.
OTR when SB bets 3/4, you immediately say this hand isn't good enough to fit into our raising range. Sure.
But you completely dismiss the call option... We have a pair blind vs blind in a B X B line...
A4 actually seems to be up there in terms of calling properties and we're facing a potentially wide base range.
Fair play if you label the line to be under bluffed and make the exploit fold but would need some clarification as why we think this line is under bluffed???
Tariq Haji I think he meant this hand starts at 22:40 to 23:35 mark T#1. Seems pretty standard to me given the ranges are so wide here. Calling could be an option but it does seem like we have a lot more better hands in our range to not call 4x against a BXB line (which is under bluffed). Also hands like 84s blocking some 7x would make better calls than A4o even though raw hand strength is better. Helps to have those blockers. Mrfeijai
Really miss the Tariq vids! By far my favorite coach on RIO - really appreciate the exploitative thinking style, and think it's very applicable for American sites+live games. Something I want to shift more towards
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The future GOAT! thanks Tariq
ahaha thx <3
28:00 in. You may not be the best "instructor" on here, but wow, you are for my money the best player on here. And that says a lot cause I am obsessed with Tyler F, Sauce, Lister, Chappelle, and others. Been a pro 14 years and you just run through the 2021 fields like its '07. Amazing to witness. Also, I love your concise explanations.
I really really appreciate this comment. Means the world to me! Glad you enjoy my content/style of explaining
5 min in with the Jd9d hand where villian raised river. Did you check what he had?
Yep. Got bluffed! Q9s I believe.
I think I'd bet call my Tx unblocking his draws but with J9 can't do too much
Love the video as always. Did I miss if you said what the guy had in the KQ hand at 28:00 you were so curious about?
He had T7hh!
At 11:24 I noticed you folded A2s in the HJ. Are you pure folding A2s in HJ or did you fold because of the action on table 2?
Also, at 20:30 did you find out what player 1 had on table 2 when you had the A5d? missed club draw?
watching it 2nd time through and noticed I have more questions if you get around to it. Curious what player 1 had when you had KQs at 36:00 on table 2
11:24 for the A2s hand; this hand is mostly an open for me I must have got distracted by the other table.
20:30 the A5dd he just had AKhh
36:00 the KQs hand he had JTo
This is a more general question but in the sim why would IP want to bet small with his Tx. Wouldn't we want protection from overs?
I think it's because he is going to be betting that board so often that his overall range prefers a small size!
Damn that QJdd xc, xr, jam line on a 4 straight board.... what a hero!
I wish I could play like you! :D
man this is the best video on RIO hand down Tariq it is so good I dont even need to comment he explain everything I dont even have Question to ask Awsome Videoo Tariq
thank you for the kind words :). Brought a smile to my face
Very very but really VERY good content lately !
Keep up the good work :)
Thank youuu
8 min BvB on QJ8r. What do you think of a heuristic of cbetting boards where opponent only has 1 set or less on the board? Where opponent will rarely have QQ or JJ on this board, so swings me towards cbetting this board oop. Where If board was J87 (noticed T9 makes nuts on both boards) but now BB can have 88 and 77, so less likely to cbet. On wizard cbetting 71% on QJ8 and 57% on J87, so there is something there about having more sets available when choosing to cbet or check. I think it was Luke's video where he bet 20% on AJ8 board and barreled turn AJ8J, where most people won't bet JX on the flop (3 ways) but he says with smaller bet can still bet and then polarize turn still.
I think these little heuristics really help because on one side of the spectrum you have some coaches teaching to check range oop in SRP, other coaches trying to find a balance of check and bets, and then players actually cbetting too often in general.
Any thoughts on cbetting strategy OOP? Does the heuristic sound logical?
I think what you said is logical, but tbh BVB c betting strategies is definitely a leak in my game as I'm not the most fine-tuned in that spot so I generally default to doing a lot of checking! I'll need to study up more on these middle-high connected boards
8:45 with AJs MP vs BTN I like your 4 bet in general as people are going to over 3bet the button rather than flat call in these spots. I would note the BTN should be semi polarized with some of his 3 betting though. It's a mix of linear / polar being everything is mixed and the polar parts of the range mostly come from mid to low AXs hands. I think that is why the solvers don't like 4 betting a more linear hand like AJs in this spot because you dominate so many other AXs that 3 bets. Where 4 betting more KJs, K10s, AQo, A5s hands can get folds from better hands or deny a lot of equity. Think it's a really close spot, just wonder if oop strategy should be more polar with the 4 bets here... [QQ+, AK+, ATs, KTs, A5s-A3s, 76s?]
Just emphasis what I am talking a little bit more about is if you are MP vs CO, now I think 4 betting linear might be ok since CO should also be linear playing a 3 bet / fold strategy. I see more AJs actually 4 betting MP vs CO than MP vs BTN due to btn having a flatting range (being polar). So attacking linear with linear and polar vs polar.

32:45 is a spot I am tempted to block the turn with. Given how many ace high floats villain has, hearts, and two broadway cards that pick up equity like JTd KJd, KTd etc a long with some smaller pairs that float. Because the pool doesn't XR bluff often enough and tends to call with their draws I am very tempted to block the turn for value and check back rivers rather than bluff catching the river. In general turn is supposed to be polar with your range, but I feel like this is a great node lock spot where pool isn't aggressive enough post flop and these thin value bets don't get punished. If you node lock 0% check raise here on the turn do you think you would bet the turn? Looking at wizard pool against a block bet on the turn supposed to check raise around 20% of the time vs a 20% sizing. I would estimate it is closer to 5-7%. Check more with 8h8x.

I really dislike the idea of betting the turn here; I think our hand is just a pure check.
You don't get called by much worse and sometimes get check raised off your equity; my turn size would mostly be a big bet on this board as I don't think small betting Q539hh makes much sense, so therefore 88 is a nice check back and look to bluff catch blank rivers.
Small bet would be hand specific. For example JJ & TT are still betting this turn at a decent frequency. Should be fine to have a small and big size. The main reason to bet small with 88 is just an exploit of people not check raising enough.
41:40 you mention you don't like the big bet on the turn, but it is a low frequency over bet with 54c. Don't have 43c in the range, but because you have all the AQ AK QQ KK AA in your range where the BB has very little of if any you can see in the chart below a lot of pair + Fd or pair + SD are taking a lot of over bets here. KJ, KT, Q8s, K2c etc. So solver does prefer to block some 2 pairs type hands but either way It's a good play!

28:00 KQ on 5 8 3, what did opponent have?
He had 75s; strange line by my opponent
24:06 , A4o.
OTR when SB bets 3/4, you immediately say this hand isn't good enough to fit into our raising range. Sure.
But you completely dismiss the call option... We have a pair blind vs blind in a B X B line...
A4 actually seems to be up there in terms of calling properties and we're facing a potentially wide base range.
Fair play if you label the line to be under bluffed and make the exploit fold but would need some clarification as why we think this line is under bluffed???
I think your time stamp is wrong? 24:06 I just see the AJs hand
Tariq Haji I think he meant this hand starts at 22:40 to 23:35 mark T#1. Seems pretty standard to me given the ranges are so wide here. Calling could be an option but it does seem like we have a lot more better hands in our range to not call 4x against a BXB line (which is under bluffed). Also hands like 84s blocking some 7x would make better calls than A4o even though raw hand strength is better. Helps to have those blockers. Mrfeijai

Really miss the Tariq vids! By far my favorite coach on RIO - really appreciate the exploitative thinking style, and think it's very applicable for American sites+live games. Something I want to shift more towards
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