1:49 mark I thought for sure you would shove this river based on your first video and river over bet sizing, then saying villain should feel confident with some Q kicker on the board. I was surprised you didnt' shove this river for 1.5x pot. Do you think you missed value here or do you think he folds AX vs a shove? In the video you said you think you got max value.
Would you bluff a hand like J10 or KJ here? If so are you using 90% sizing as well?
I would add I would jam other hands like AXS here in my range to get villain off a chop as well. If you do this enough times, then villain is going to call more often hoping for a chop and you pick up a lot of value with AK.
I think this is a classic value only spot because villain's hand is relatively face up. I'd also just go for max value and go all-in. Assuming he always calls Ax vs 0.9*psb, he'd have to fold ~42% of the time vs all-in to make that worse.
A priori that seems kind of unlikely to me so I'd be jamming for sure. But maybe the recs are very elastic once you start overbetting. Honestly not really sure, I don't have the knowledge of lots of hands here.
10:05 mark you fold ATo utg I used to do this on aggro tables where I face a lot of 3 bets, but once I started 4 bet bluffing more often, this has become a profitable open imo. Do you have a data base that shows you are losing money with this hand? I know Snowie recommends ATo+ & KJo+ I am actually folding KJo utg but opening from MP (HJ).
Also right before this you folded 54s MP, which I think is a good fold. Before I was mixing T9s+ from UTG and 76s+ from MP. I use 2.5bb opens. I think 65s+ can be opened from UTG and MP though against weaker players who are more fit or fold. In a more robotic strategy I guess folding is fine. Curious if you are showing profit with 65s+ from MP. Maybe explain some of your opening ranges if you don't mind. If you do not wish to share lmk, i'll share mine with you and then maybe you can offer some feed back.
I am playing on pokerpros app 100NL mostly, which is 5% rake up to $4.
14:45 you also fold AJo utg. This is definitely a pure open. I can see ATo being a mix, but I don't see AJo being -EV here. Why are you folding AJo?
I was surprised by those folds as well, especially with a bunch of weaker players behind. Is this purely a "bodog has really bad rake" thing? (which is true, I know they have quite high rake without any rakeback)
40min mark when you do this hand review you mention you expect villain to fold AsQs a couple of times, but you have KxQs in your hand, so that removes a lot of spade combos villain can have. I know a hand like AcKh is a good triple barrel here blocking bdfd and unblocking front door flush draw. I think barreling your exact combo here blocking front door flush draw can be over bluffing. I wanna say PIO would check this combo on the turn as you want to unblock front door flush draw, block bdfd if i'm not mistaken. This is a hand that requires a lot of blocker details, maybe a better player can chime in here and explain it a bit better. I think this triple barrel is a leak and prefer red AK hands to triple with, of course they make a straight, but if river was a brick, say a board pairing card, then AK makes for a decent triple unblocking front door.
I do think over bluffing can be a good exploit on 100NL as they will play pretty face up. As you said shoving turn with QQ+ for value here then choosing smaller sizing with your bluffs. I think QQ+ no spade makes great shoves then with spade would use smaller sizing.
Apologies for so many comments or lengthy comments. I think this spots are very crucial to beating these games for a decent win rate.
You really are printing money with some of these plays. Nice video! What kinds of adjustments do you make when you play 200nl? Would you call more often with KQo vs the large turn bet on that last review hand or is your read still the same vs regs in that group?
Thanks for the comment and sorry for the delayed response I was out of town.
When playing 200nl, the main adjustment I make is 4 betting more and calling rivers more. The pool still under-3-bets and under-bluffs but not nearly as much as the 100nl pool.
The KQo hand I would likely call turn at 200nl but still look to make an exploitive fold if the river blanks out and villain goes large.
dude.....you are really really good at bet sizings and their interpretation.
also, how do you get the hands the next day from ignition?
i would love to be able to review the plays of others.
There's a software called like "Ignition hand converter" and it converts the ignition hands into a readable format for Pt4. Let me know if you have any other questions!
I really love these last two videos, thabk you! And your graph was inspirational. It helps alot to see how you approach playing on ignition vs similar playerpool that i play against. Is there much difference between 25ml 50nl and 100nl would you consider doing a 25nl or 50nl video if there is?
Hello, Tariq Haji - I agree with pressto88 and really enjoy and benefit from your content so far. I would for sure be interested in seeing a 25nl video from you, though I would definitely prefer to not get stacked by you in the process ;) Thanks, Tariq!
Hey Tariq Haji, been enjoying your videos. I'm pissed because I've been waiting for someone to do Ignition videos but I just recently left Ignition for a different site! O well.
On the KQo tight fold vs stab on turn hand. Not perfectly apples to apples, but I played a lot of $0.50/1.00, $1.00/2.00 9max and 6max FAST. I agree with your conclusion of pool 3bet lots of suited connector type stuff in that spot, however, I also think this pool stabs a mergey range. I've seen many odd stabs (even larger sizing) with obvious type of check down to river type hands. Also, I know you have a blocker, but couldn't V have QJ, QT, Q9 here? Pool sometimes has a hard time folding even the offsuite variety of these as preflop caller.
I know in hindsight it was a great fold, just wondering if it was a little to tight.
I perceived villain to be a relatively tight regular so I don't think he'd ever have Q9. It's possible he has QJ/QT but I just felt in game those hands would choose a smaller sizing.
I've had PIO for quite some time now maybe 3.5 years but honestly haven't used it as much I'd have liked to.
However, my main method of study is reviewing my database looking at spots that occur frequently to see what my population is showing up with and learning from that to improve my game every single day.
12:41 54cc > What sizing would you make versus regular?
16:40 table 3 utg vs bu > As bu player seems to be a weaker player, I understand that utg didn't 3th barrel.
Super sorry for the delay. I usually respond quite fast but I seemed to have missed a few.
12:41: I think I'd do the same thing here vs a regular. If you're curious, villain folded KJo with a diamond to me.
16:40 hand: Yea I guess this is true, but honestly that might make me bluff more here since I think any weaker player for sure would have fast played their top of range hands and not be protected at all.
So given that I'd probably still go for a bluff with A2s!
Loading 44 Comments...
27:35 "Hopefully he doesn't snap call with Ace 10"
snap calls with Ace 10
I've really enjoyed your first two videos. Looking forward to more!
Haha that was fun wasn't it....
I'm really glad you enjoyed the first 2 videos. Comments like these bring a smile to my face so I appreciate it.
I look forward to creating more content!
1:49 mark I thought for sure you would shove this river based on your first video and river over bet sizing, then saying villain should feel confident with some Q kicker on the board. I was surprised you didnt' shove this river for 1.5x pot. Do you think you missed value here or do you think he folds AX vs a shove? In the video you said you think you got max value.
Would you bluff a hand like J10 or KJ here? If so are you using 90% sizing as well?
Hey man! Love the depth of your comments I appreciate them.
Honestly, I am not too sure. I would not bluff here very often since villain is clearly weaker player and almost certainly has an Ace.
You could be right that I missed some value. I was really debating whether to jam or just pot it. I think I may have missed out on some EV!
I would add I would jam other hands like AXS here in my range to get villain off a chop as well. If you do this enough times, then villain is going to call more often hoping for a chop and you pick up a lot of value with AK.
I think this is a classic value only spot because villain's hand is relatively face up. I'd also just go for max value and go all-in. Assuming he always calls Ax vs 0.9*psb, he'd have to fold ~42% of the time vs all-in to make that worse.
A priori that seems kind of unlikely to me so I'd be jamming for sure. But maybe the recs are very elastic once you start overbetting. Honestly not really sure, I don't have the knowledge of lots of hands here.
radtupperware something I've noticed is that recs will fold if you put them all-in... maybe something about not wanting to rebuy?
I think you could bet 80% of their stack (vs 100% of their stack) and get called much more frequently.
10:05 mark you fold ATo utg I used to do this on aggro tables where I face a lot of 3 bets, but once I started 4 bet bluffing more often, this has become a profitable open imo. Do you have a data base that shows you are losing money with this hand? I know Snowie recommends ATo+ & KJo+ I am actually folding KJo utg but opening from MP (HJ).
Also right before this you folded 54s MP, which I think is a good fold. Before I was mixing T9s+ from UTG and 76s+ from MP. I use 2.5bb opens. I think 65s+ can be opened from UTG and MP though against weaker players who are more fit or fold. In a more robotic strategy I guess folding is fine. Curious if you are showing profit with 65s+ from MP. Maybe explain some of your opening ranges if you don't mind. If you do not wish to share lmk, i'll share mine with you and then maybe you can offer some feed back.
I am playing on pokerpros app 100NL mostly, which is 5% rake up to $4.
14:45 you also fold AJo utg. This is definitely a pure open. I can see ATo being a mix, but I don't see AJo being -EV here. Why are you folding AJo?
I was surprised by those folds as well, especially with a bunch of weaker players behind. Is this purely a "bodog has really bad rake" thing? (which is true, I know they have quite high rake without any rakeback)
That AJo fold is something I never do. I think I just wasn't thinking since I was still talking about the previous hand.
Hey! Sorry in the delayed response I was out of town and just got back a few minutes ago.
PM me and we can discuss some nitty gritty preflop stuff together!
I've gone back and forth between opening marginal hands and found that it doesn't really affect my win rate one way or another.
40min mark when you do this hand review you mention you expect villain to fold AsQs a couple of times, but you have KxQs in your hand, so that removes a lot of spade combos villain can have. I know a hand like AcKh is a good triple barrel here blocking bdfd and unblocking front door flush draw. I think barreling your exact combo here blocking front door flush draw can be over bluffing. I wanna say PIO would check this combo on the turn as you want to unblock front door flush draw, block bdfd if i'm not mistaken. This is a hand that requires a lot of blocker details, maybe a better player can chime in here and explain it a bit better. I think this triple barrel is a leak and prefer red AK hands to triple with, of course they make a straight, but if river was a brick, say a board pairing card, then AK makes for a decent triple unblocking front door.
I do think over bluffing can be a good exploit on 100NL as they will play pretty face up. As you said shoving turn with QQ+ for value here then choosing smaller sizing with your bluffs. I think QQ+ no spade makes great shoves then with spade would use smaller sizing.
Apologies for so many comments or lengthy comments. I think this spots are very crucial to beating these games for a decent win rate.
KQ*hh doesn't like to bet flop or turn, this hand is much better ( because it is able to bluff so many different runouts)
Yes if you could magically change your hand to red KQ* on the river it would be a decent bluff combo; its not going to take this line though
EDITED: (AK actually got there lol... but same idea with red KQ like KQhh)
Hey Tarig awesome video! I really like it .What kinda hud do you use for ignition?
Hey! Thanks for that. I just use pokertracker4
Awesome Video!!
Thanks :)
Gold, I really like the explanation of exploitative thought process (take video down please ?
how many shekels and cookies would it cost ??)
Haha thank you!
Awesome video. Can't wait to watch the next one.
Cheers thank you!
What are your vpip pfr 3bet statistics?
Hey! Sorry for the delayed response I was out of town.
I play 23vpip 18.5pfr and 9 3bet. Hope that helps!
You really are printing money with some of these plays. Nice video! What kinds of adjustments do you make when you play 200nl? Would you call more often with KQo vs the large turn bet on that last review hand or is your read still the same vs regs in that group?
Thanks for the comment and sorry for the delayed response I was out of town.
When playing 200nl, the main adjustment I make is 4 betting more and calling rivers more. The pool still under-3-bets and under-bluffs but not nearly as much as the 100nl pool.
The KQo hand I would likely call turn at 200nl but still look to make an exploitive fold if the river blanks out and villain goes large.
dude.....you are really really good at bet sizings and their interpretation.
also, how do you get the hands the next day from ignition?
i would love to be able to review the plays of others.
Thanks man!
There's a software called like "Ignition hand converter" and it converts the ignition hands into a readable format for Pt4. Let me know if you have any other questions!
thanks!!...will do
I really love these last two videos, thabk you! And your graph was inspirational. It helps alot to see how you approach playing on ignition vs similar playerpool that i play against. Is there much difference between 25ml 50nl and 100nl would you consider doing a 25nl or 50nl video if there is?
Haha thanks alot for the kind words!
Maybe I'll do a 25nl or 50nl video in the future.
I haven't played those stakes in a while so I don't have any reads on those pools but certainly will keep in mind for a future video
Hello, Tariq Haji - I agree with pressto88 and really enjoy and benefit from your content so far. I would for sure be interested in seeing a 25nl video from you, though I would definitely prefer to not get stacked by you in the process ;) Thanks, Tariq!
Hey Tariq Haji, been enjoying your videos. I'm pissed because I've been waiting for someone to do Ignition videos but I just recently left Ignition for a different site! O well.
On the KQo tight fold vs stab on turn hand. Not perfectly apples to apples, but I played a lot of $0.50/1.00, $1.00/2.00 9max and 6max FAST. I agree with your conclusion of pool 3bet lots of suited connector type stuff in that spot, however, I also think this pool stabs a mergey range. I've seen many odd stabs (even larger sizing) with obvious type of check down to river type hands. Also, I know you have a blocker, but couldn't V have QJ, QT, Q9 here? Pool sometimes has a hard time folding even the offsuite variety of these as preflop caller.
I know in hindsight it was a great fold, just wondering if it was a little to tight.
Hey! Sorry to hear you recently moved sites.
I perceived villain to be a relatively tight regular so I don't think he'd ever have Q9. It's possible he has QJ/QT but I just felt in game those hands would choose a smaller sizing.
Maybe like half pot seems more natural?
Yea thats fair. Would you fold hands like KK/AA here?
Great video. Do you use PIO to improve your game?
Hi Tobias!
I've had PIO for quite some time now maybe 3.5 years but honestly haven't used it as much I'd have liked to.
However, my main method of study is reviewing my database looking at spots that occur frequently to see what my population is showing up with and learning from that to improve my game every single day.
I really enjoy the video. Very clear and concise. Thank you! I hope you do more :)
Thank you!
Comments like these go a long way. Appreciate it. More to come :)
Great video, definitely looking forward to more. Do you have any general tips for constructing overall 3 bet strategies vs an anonymous player pool?
I'd say your 3 bet ranges can be relatively 'standard' I don't think this is a big adjustment I make at all.
If you want, PM me and we can discuss 3 bet ranges by position
Thanks a lot for that video. great content!
12:41 54cc > What sizing would you make versus regular?
16:40 table 3 utg vs bu > As bu player seems to be a weaker player, I understand that utg didn't 3th barrel.
Hey. Thanks for the kind comment!
Super sorry for the delay. I usually respond quite fast but I seemed to have missed a few.
12:41: I think I'd do the same thing here vs a regular. If you're curious, villain folded KJo with a diamond to me.
16:40 hand: Yea I guess this is true, but honestly that might make me bluff more here since I think any weaker player for sure would have fast played their top of range hands and not be protected at all.
So given that I'd probably still go for a bluff with A2s!
Great video! Tariq Now you are my new favorite coach other than Sauce haha.Can't wait to see more. Please keep it coming asap.Thanks so much!!!
Thank you so very much for this unbelievably nice comment!
I'm really happy you're enjoying my videos thus far.
I'll do my best to get out more videos ASAP haha! Once again, thanks for the wonderful comment it motivates me.
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