1:40 table 3 QhJh on the 8h-2d-9h-Th Preflop HJ open, hero 3bet CO, btn cold calls. Cbet 1/3. Btn calls. Turn barrel and get raised. Given 3 bet pot and btn cold call I would not expect btn to have any flushes at all. Not sure I like the 3bet on the turn unless we are also jamming over pairs with a heart? Then hopefully button has a set. Really unsure what btn could be raising with here, makes no sense.
18 min I was considering cold calling BB with TT here to keep the btn in who appears to be a whale. Any thoughts on keeping him in the pot?
How come you don't turn on auto muck? Trying to pour salt in the wound and show the occasional bluff?
Overall video was really good. On the last segment would be curious of the percentage of times they are flatting AK AQ vs 3 betting AK AQ type hands. I know the overall 3 bet range is low for most players, just curious if they are mixing it 50/50 or like 80/20?
Yea the QJhh hand was weird; the button was some random whale I never thought he'd have pure air and basically expected a whale to always call off. He had 54cc just 2 napkins.
TT hand I never really considered cold calling. Not sure how good/bad it could be of a play but I don't like it too much.
The auto muck thing, maybe sometimes I'll show a bluff if I think it'll get me more action on that table hah.
I can look into those percents for the flatting range for you!
congratulations, beautiful hand played. I had the same reading, but I wouldn't have had the courage to put it into practice.
min 11:36 hand with AdTs, I'm pretty sure we should bet big on the river. Having the ace of diamonds is key here. It polarizes the opponent on a range that is almost never flash draw and very often double pairs or hands that call like pair + blockers (KT for example).
Thanks for the study vs cold callers. I was starting with Pio to see these situations and I really noticed many beautiful things. A bit tricky, because often we should also check raisare on 925r many 9x ... but we are studying to improve ...
Great video. Very good, I'm starting to love you. Could you make us some videos at the zoom which is faster?
For the ATo, I totally agree that in general we should big bet river with our combo, but his turn size just led to believe he was relatively weak and in game I felt like a large size would force him to fold all those middle-strength value hands.
I will definitely do a 200z video in the future for a faster pace!
Hello Tariq nice video, about the spot with TTs (18min) what hands did you put in his shoving range in order to make this call because give his stats who looks tight I expect him to shove JJ+ and AKx which we have 33% equity against. Is it a mistake to fold TTs preflop vs this player? I would probably fold even the low sample we have
In general I am not a fan of 4 bet/calling a hand as weak as TT but just given that table dynamic I decided TT would be the bottom of my range to get it in.
His range is definitely strong but I think it will contain a few more bluffs than normal just given the btn vs sb vs bb dynamic and the fact the button was a clear weaker player so ranges for 3 and 4 betting naturally increase!
I think you can have PT 4 auto generate the hand matrix for a spot based on hands that have gone to showdown and it will color code it based on how frequent each combo is etc.
Oh I'm not sure how it works on Iggy - I thought once you import the hands into PT4 from card catcher it gets the showdown data, but I guess that's not how it works?
@4:17 only thing i can think of is that your bet sizing looks like your turned a draw instead of made one and he is spaz shoving JJ-AA...or he 3 bet 77 or A7s.....he is polar to AXd or JJ+...i was thinking like bet $23 and shove river safe cards
Great video, loved the cold calling analysis on the end the games I play have a high % of cold callers, I had worked out the low pairs range and always was wary of cards around the Q when OOP but your figures show loads of Ax which I hadnt really factored in maybe barrelling on AK AQ & AJ will prove more profitable If i do get called. TY .
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1:40 table 3 QhJh on the 8h-2d-9h-Th Preflop HJ open, hero 3bet CO, btn cold calls. Cbet 1/3. Btn calls. Turn barrel and get raised. Given 3 bet pot and btn cold call I would not expect btn to have any flushes at all. Not sure I like the 3bet on the turn unless we are also jamming over pairs with a heart? Then hopefully button has a set. Really unsure what btn could be raising with here, makes no sense.
18 min I was considering cold calling BB with TT here to keep the btn in who appears to be a whale. Any thoughts on keeping him in the pot?

How come you don't turn on auto muck? Trying to pour salt in the wound and show the occasional bluff?
Overall video was really good. On the last segment would be curious of the percentage of times they are flatting AK AQ vs 3 betting AK AQ type hands. I know the overall 3 bet range is low for most players, just curious if they are mixing it 50/50 or like 80/20?
Yea the QJhh hand was weird; the button was some random whale I never thought he'd have pure air and basically expected a whale to always call off. He had 54cc just 2 napkins.
TT hand I never really considered cold calling. Not sure how good/bad it could be of a play but I don't like it too much.
The auto muck thing, maybe sometimes I'll show a bluff if I think it'll get me more action on that table hah.
I can look into those percents for the flatting range for you!
congratulations, beautiful hand played. I had the same reading, but I wouldn't have had the courage to put it into practice.
min 11:36 hand with AdTs, I'm pretty sure we should bet big on the river. Having the ace of diamonds is key here. It polarizes the opponent on a range that is almost never flash draw and very often double pairs or hands that call like pair + blockers (KT for example).
Thanks for the study vs cold callers. I was starting with Pio to see these situations and I really noticed many beautiful things. A bit tricky, because often we should also check raisare on 925r many 9x ... but we are studying to improve ...
Great video. Very good, I'm starting to love you. Could you make us some videos at the zoom which is faster?
Hi Mario V., thx for the kind words!
For the ATo, I totally agree that in general we should big bet river with our combo, but his turn size just led to believe he was relatively weak and in game I felt like a large size would force him to fold all those middle-strength value hands.
I will definitely do a 200z video in the future for a faster pace!
Hello Tariq nice video, about the spot with TTs (18min) what hands did you put in his shoving range in order to make this call because give his stats who looks tight I expect him to shove JJ+ and AKx which we have 33% equity against. Is it a mistake to fold TTs preflop vs this player? I would probably fold even the low sample we have
In general I am not a fan of 4 bet/calling a hand as weak as TT but just given that table dynamic I decided TT would be the bottom of my range to get it in.
His range is definitely strong but I think it will contain a few more bluffs than normal just given the btn vs sb vs bb dynamic and the fact the button was a clear weaker player so ranges for 3 and 4 betting naturally increase!
I think you can have PT 4 auto generate the hand matrix for a spot based on hands that have gone to showdown and it will color code it based on how frequent each combo is etc.
The thing is; like 80% of the hands don't go to showdown so I wouldn't be able to see the button's hole cards.
Oh I'm not sure how it works on Iggy - I thought once you import the hands into PT4 from card catcher it gets the showdown data, but I guess that's not how it works?
Very informative, TY.
@4:17 only thing i can think of is that your bet sizing looks like your turned a draw instead of made one and he is spaz shoving JJ-AA...or he 3 bet 77 or A7s.....he is polar to AXd or JJ+...i was thinking like bet $23 and shove river safe cards
Great video, loved the cold calling analysis on the end the games I play have a high % of cold callers, I had worked out the low pairs range and always was wary of cards around the Q when OOP but your figures show loads of Ax which I hadnt really factored in maybe barrelling on AK AQ & AJ will prove more profitable If i do get called. TY .
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