Hey, nice video. I'm interested in a lot more videos that take this kind of approach esp using CRev cause its a program I struggle a lot with.
Few questions:
At 10:53: you say cbetting is better at 164 vs 131, I assume those are numbers you read of the popup in CRev? Just a tip for future videos, make sure you dont hover over stuff too quickly (or alternatively present the numbers in a simple notepad or something), esp doing math cause its very hard for the viewer to see the conclusions the program makes.
In the 2nd hand, when we say he has no bluffrange and no valuerange(aka never jamming a hand like AQ, QJs, 33 and never jamming AA/KK/55), in the video you make it sound like the two cancel each other out when doing the math for a spot like this. However is this not extremely favourable for our exact hand when determining if we can raise or not?
Cause if he 3bet jams river with a range of AA/KK/55 and 33 and we call we loose a lot more chips on average.
And if he 3bet jams river with a range of AA/KK/55 and 33 and we fold we loose a bunch of chips due to the fact we get bluffed off the best hand a considerable amount where we would have won the pot with a call. Edit: also if we raise/fold we still lose a lot more vs hands that beat us cause we put in a 1000 chips more than we would have with a call.
really like integrating CRev into these videos. Think it's the best way to take your game up a level. As for the 22 hand....I know it's unlikely, bet is there any % of the time omygot is raising 34s utg there? or is it such a small % of the time it doesn't factor in. you said he's a good consistent reg, so i wouldn't expect him to be raising 34s utg, but if there is a non zero % of the time I am wondering how it would affect the calculations. Also as played, if he does jam, do you fold? I would assume he's only jamming hands >22. but at the same time it's a ridiculous price you are getting. I only ask because calling jam and losing has to be factored into calculations, not just losing the 1764.
Yeah I just feel it is very unlikely that he's cbetting flop with KK. That's the tailor-made hand to check here as it's crushed vs the range that continues vs a cbet and it needs very little protection vs the hands it is ahead of.
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Hey, nice video. I'm interested in a lot more videos that take this kind of approach esp using CRev cause its a program I struggle a lot with.
Few questions:
At 10:53: you say cbetting is better at 164 vs 131, I assume those are numbers you read of the popup in CRev? Just a tip for future videos, make sure you dont hover over stuff too quickly (or alternatively present the numbers in a simple notepad or something), esp doing math cause its very hard for the viewer to see the conclusions the program makes.
In the 2nd hand, when we say he has no bluffrange and no valuerange(aka never jamming a hand like AQ, QJs, 33 and never jamming AA/KK/55), in the video you make it sound like the two cancel each other out when doing the math for a spot like this. However is this not extremely favourable for our exact hand when determining if we can raise or not?
Cause if he 3bet jams river with a range of AA/KK/55 and 33 and we call we loose a lot more chips on average.
And if he 3bet jams river with a range of AA/KK/55 and 33 and we fold we loose a bunch of chips due to the fact we get bluffed off the best hand a considerable amount where we would have won the pot with a call. Edit: also if we raise/fold we still lose a lot more vs hands that beat us cause we put in a 1000 chips more than we would have with a call.
Hi Seth, good video. Are you able to give an explanation as to all of the numbers in your HUD? Thanks
Nice vid. I suggest that you go a little slow when you are comparing CRev results.
really like integrating CRev into these videos. Think it's the best way to take your game up a level. As for the 22 hand....I know it's unlikely, bet is there any % of the time omygot is raising 34s utg there? or is it such a small % of the time it doesn't factor in. you said he's a good consistent reg, so i wouldn't expect him to be raising 34s utg, but if there is a non zero % of the time I am wondering how it would affect the calculations. Also as played, if he does jam, do you fold? I would assume he's only jamming hands >22. but at the same time it's a ridiculous price you are getting. I only ask because calling jam and losing has to be factored into calculations, not just losing the 1764.
Hi Seth, good video.. Id also like to see more vids using CRev!!
In the last hand, you dont include KK in his range. Is that an omission, or do you just think he would check flop with that hand?
Yeah I just feel it is very unlikely that he's cbetting flop with KK. That's the tailor-made hand to check here as it's crushed vs the range that continues vs a cbet and it needs very little protection vs the hands it is ahead of.
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