I tend to flat medium strength hands that beat my opponents bluff range, but dont do great against his 4-bet call range. AJ/AQ/99/TT. Although of course I do get them in pre on occasion aswell Particularly TT.
Would obv depend on opponents tendencies, my image, point in tournament and the like.
How much did it influence your decision that you where very likely going to get to see if you made the right fold or not with the QQ hand, right after making the fold :)
Haha! I mean i'd like to say it hand none but might have affected it. Remember taking a while to decide, but also genuinely remember not liking Maria's 3-bet to begin with.
Great video as usual. I like the detailed analysis in the post flop situations a lot.
At 20:40 into the video when you shove 88 vs. the UTG open, what's your get it in range in a tough tournament like this? You probably weren't shoving too many pairs below 88, right?
This is a close spot for sure. It feels like this guy isn't raise folding much at all so we'd have to run some numbers. I'm in States at mo on a laptop so can't figure them out. But to be sure 88/77 bottom of our pair range. maybe AQ+ aswell but would mainly depend on what stats opponent is running at, structure of the tournament and the like.
Perhaps in my commentary i've made it sound a more straightforward rejam than it is. Given opponents stack size. I can think of some regs you should fold 88 to when they open off this stack size utg.
Tom M11 years, 3 months agoAwesome, thanks. Yeah, his stack size UTG plus having several rejam stacks behind him made me feel like our range needs to be really snug.
I feel like I would have made a really nitty fold in game so I was curious to hear your expanded thoughts on that one.
Sam, what are some adjustments made between your online game and live mtts? Had the pleasure of playing with you in Main event and got so see some of your tactics in person. Have stayed in tune with your vids since. Keep up with the great content!
Anyway sorry for delay in replying. Was in Vegas for 5-diamond and a little off the grid. Firstly live i think you can get a far stronger sense of players tendencies live than online and adjust your frequencies and change your ranges as a result. Like tilt for instance, someone can be steaming live and you can widen your flatting range as a result. Where as online even tho theyve just lost a big pot you've no idea of their emotional state. They could be laxxing on a beach or whatever. You also get a much more immediate sense of what the tournament means to them and whether you can be bluffing them etc. In general i play a way more expansive game live than i do online anyway.
One further thing that i try and bare in mind is how easy it is to play a shortstack, but how badly people play it. Live people (including good online regs) get super frustrated with shortstack cos hands take longer and everyone splashing around so it's frustrating. But in fact so many good spots come up if you're the least bit patient. So often it goes raise and there's 3 flats in a way that never happens online and if you find a hand you get an incred price, but infact some regs very reluctant to blind down. Cos stacks much deeper 14bbs seems withered and they just punt it off. Hope that helps.
In the KK hand, if you had AQ/AJ (These are the only Ax in your peeling range right?) there are you just check/calling it off against someone like Antesvante or would you ever consider folding at some point if he bet/bet/jams?
Against weaker players or against someone who has leaks in the game we can play an imbalanced. Stationing more against someone who bluffs to much etc. Against someone as tough as Anton I think we should be playing our ranges and not making any hero folds. I'm not advocating switching your brain off in any hand, even against the very best you can pick up a timing or sizing tell on occasion, but in general i'm not gonna be levelled.
So to take the example of this specific hand, say my range is 99-KK and AJs, AQo/AQs. Fold flop 99/TT, fold turn QQ/KK, fold river AJs maybe? So even here we're a little imbalanced as you should prob never be two barrelling vs me if this how i'm constructing my range. My basic point tho is I just wanna have a range where I'm tough to play down the streets and to get me to fold anything you going to have to invest a lot of chips. This requires having a decent range that we calling 3 with.
Hope that answers fully enough - shoot me a message on Skype if you want to chat more.
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that was a pretty great video! congrats!!
Oioi! Thanks mate so glad you enjoyed it.
AK call was sicker than sick.
Too kind!
Gj, i have question about this KK flat , what range could u flat like this ?
I tend to flat medium strength hands that beat my opponents bluff range, but dont do great against his 4-bet call range. AJ/AQ/99/TT. Although of course I do get them in pre on occasion aswell Particularly TT.
Would obv depend on opponents tendencies, my image, point in tournament and the like.
How much did it influence your decision that you where very likely going to get to see if you made the right fold or not with the QQ hand, right after making the fold :)
Haha! I mean i'd like to say it hand none but might have affected it. Remember taking a while to decide, but also genuinely remember not liking Maria's 3-bet to begin with.
Hey Sam,
Great video as usual. I like the detailed analysis in the post flop situations a lot.
At 20:40 into the video when you shove 88 vs. the UTG open, what's your get it in range in a tough tournament like this? You probably weren't shoving too many pairs below 88, right?
What about hands like KQs and AJo?
This is a close spot for sure. It feels like this guy isn't raise folding much at all so we'd have to run some numbers. I'm in States at mo on a laptop so can't figure them out. But to be sure 88/77 bottom of our pair range. maybe AQ+ aswell but would mainly depend on what stats opponent is running at, structure of the tournament and the like.
Perhaps in my commentary i've made it sound a more straightforward rejam than it is. Given opponents stack size. I can think of some regs you should fold 88 to when they open off this stack size utg.
I feel like I would have made a really nitty fold in game so I was curious to hear your expanded thoughts on that one.
Sam, what are some adjustments made between your online game and live mtts? Had the pleasure of playing with you in Main event and got so see some of your tactics in person. Have stayed in tune with your vids since. Keep up with the great content!
Hey pal - you were on my right Day 2?
Anyway sorry for delay in replying. Was in Vegas for 5-diamond and a little off the grid. Firstly live i think you can get a far stronger sense of players tendencies live than online and adjust your frequencies and change your ranges as a result. Like tilt for instance, someone can be steaming live and you can widen your flatting range as a result. Where as online even tho theyve just lost a big pot you've no idea of their emotional state. They could be laxxing on a beach or whatever. You also get a much more immediate sense of what the tournament means to them and whether you can be bluffing them etc. In general i play a way more expansive game live than i do online anyway.
One further thing that i try and bare in mind is how easy it is to play a shortstack, but how badly people play it. Live people (including good online regs) get super frustrated with shortstack cos hands take longer and everyone splashing around so it's frustrating. But in fact so many good spots come up if you're the least bit patient. So often it goes raise and there's 3 flats in a way that never happens online and if you find a hand you get an incred price, but infact some regs very reluctant to blind down. Cos stacks much deeper 14bbs seems withered and they just punt it off. Hope that helps.
The KK hand - Would you rather overbet rip it or 4bet to 8kish?
Over bet rip for sure! Dont really have 4 bet range in this spot except exploitatively vs very bad players.
No I believe day two and I was to your left. My name is Jeff and had the top two vs your top two nfd on aq9x board.
Oh yh Day 1! What a nit - top two and nut flush draw and bricking myself!
Anyways carry on beasting and keep up the good content.
In the KK hand, if you had AQ/AJ (These are the only Ax in your peeling range right?) there are you just check/calling it off against someone like Antesvante or would you ever consider folding at some point if he bet/bet/jams?
Against weaker players or against someone who has leaks in the game we can play an imbalanced. Stationing more against someone who bluffs to much etc. Against someone as tough as Anton I think we should be playing our ranges and not making any hero folds. I'm not advocating switching your brain off in any hand, even against the very best you can pick up a timing or sizing tell on occasion, but in general i'm not gonna be levelled.
So to take the example of this specific hand, say my range is 99-KK and AJs, AQo/AQs. Fold flop 99/TT, fold turn QQ/KK, fold river AJs maybe? So even here we're a little imbalanced as you should prob never be two barrelling vs me if this how i'm constructing my range. My basic point tho is I just wanna have a range where I'm tough to play down the streets and to get me to fold anything you going to have to invest a lot of chips. This requires having a decent range that we calling 3 with.
Hope that answers fully enough - shoot me a message on Skype if you want to chat more.
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