Enjoyed the video, u got a different approach and way of explaining thats very interesting.
@41.25min you autofold(even before there is an open) 44 with about 35BB from early midposition. What kind of stacksize(from you or table in general) would you like to have here to open the smaller pairs in this situation. What pair would you feel the decision is close? 66,77, 88 etc?
I have a tight and well defined range UTG. I like raising bigger UTG to prevent others from using their positional advantage vs. me and to get more value from my strong hands.
at 26minutes in the 6 max you get JJ in the big blind vs tight utg+1 opener with 50 bb effective and you elect to 3bet with the intention of getting it in. Two questions: One does anything change if he shoves vs making a small 4bet say to 13bb? Second do you think that getting it is really a good idea? I imagine his 4betshove or 4bet call range is JJ+ and AKo with 50bb effective especially considering he is a tight player. If you are in his position playing against yourself what is your play? Okay it ended up being 3 questions...
34:10 You 3 barells with AQs after a missed Cbet. I think you were only repping AJ with the big bets on flop and turn, but on the river your big bet makes it 0 value hand in your range, since you wouldn't play KJ with this sizing I guess. Can you explain it to me, please?
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Nice video, but quality could be better for the next time.
The quality of the video s***s. It's almost impossible to watch.
Enjoyed the video, u got a different approach and way of explaining thats very interesting.
@41.25min you autofold(even before there is an open) 44 with about 35BB from early midposition. What kind of stacksize(from you or table in general) would you like to have here to open the smaller pairs in this situation. What pair would you feel the decision is close? 66,77, 88 etc?
It's close to being an open. I am not sure if the SB having 3bbs makes it better or worse. I'd prob open 55 here
Really like this format as its both informative and entertaining, please keep them coming.
Is there a reason for 3xing utg q10s in the 2k at 14:11?
I have a tight and well defined range UTG. I like raising bigger UTG to prevent others from using their positional advantage vs. me and to get more value from my strong hands.
at 26minutes in the 6 max you get JJ in the big blind vs tight utg+1 opener with 50 bb effective and you elect to 3bet with the intention of getting it in. Two questions: One does anything change if he shoves vs making a small 4bet say to 13bb? Second do you think that getting it is really a good idea? I imagine his 4betshove or 4bet call range is JJ+ and AKo with 50bb effective especially considering he is a tight player. If you are in his position playing against yourself what is your play? Okay it ended up being 3 questions...
34:10 You 3 barells with AQs after a missed Cbet. I think you were only repping AJ with the big bets on flop and turn, but on the river your big bet makes it 0 value hand in your range, since you wouldn't play KJ with this sizing I guess. Can you explain it to me, please?
Even if you would play KJ this way, isn't it too few combinations of hands to represent?
Hey Sam, nice video and wheres the part 3??????
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