-The very first hand you're autofolding KJ In SB vs Banansen(30BB) HJ-open. You wouldnt consider calling or 3B-folding vs Banansen & calling vs Naza behind. Considering how loose Banansen is opening here, it wouldnt surprise me if even jamming is profitable here from a chipEV-standpoint.
-@4.30min with A3s, you wouldnt consider flatting reelhugefish here getting 3.5:1 with a decent hand IP since he could be light here some of the time.
-@34min, QJs. You're not tempted to peel here against a small 3B OOP? Do you think people are 3B-folding vs less than 20BB much these days or do you think he should be really strong here? That he is jamming his middlish hands(midpairs) & trying to induce with the top of his range & basiclly not having any air here at all.
Very good content as usual, impressive to see how patient you are in a lot of spots. Looking forward to part 5.
Btw this type of video, live recording analysed afterwards is my favorite & I think it gives a nice pace of whats going on and the break down of the interesting spots.
- FIrst point, I am not the biggest fan of flatting here given that I have such a hard time playing lots of flops. I guess I am getting a decent price to play a fit or fold style of say continuing when I flop a gutshot+ with a check raise or something. What I dont like is that when naza rips on us(with a wide range now that there is a lot of $ in the middle) I almost never get to participate. I also have a fairly weak range when I flat here given how loose banana is. Your idea of jamming on him here carries a lot more merit and probably is +chipev. Definitely could be the way to go.
@4.30 We are getting quite a good price here. The problem is that our stack to pot ration is essentially 1 if we flat. So we basically have to flop a super strong hand to continue. We tend to lose the maximum on A high boards vs his Ax and win the minimum when he has say TT-KK because of the STP. There are also not that many hands I will have here that he cant play strongly vs on the flop. I essentially just have very weak hands Im peeling with maybe and AA. I think with a larger STP id like flatting the cold 4 more, but folding here still seems best to me.
@34min Yes, I am definitely pained by folding here. Vs someone who I could give a slightly wider range to Id definitely peel. Somewhat of a player specific spot. You hit the nail on the head with talking about what I percieve he will do with his range. Hes going to jam his hands that I have the most equity vs and induce with say JJ maybe TT+ and AQs+ or something. Just with this dynamic of me having played more solid and raising utg vs his sb 3b, Im just gonna give it to him rather than be in a crappy situation where Im both hoping to flop a draw and have him bet snall enough where I have fold equity.
Thanks for the positive feedback man, really enjoyed doing this style of video. I might try a pure live video as my next one, but I make no promises as Ive already failed to do it 3 times(I keep forgetting to talk when Im in hard spots lol).
Just finished part 5 and am kind of cringing about it, I definitely made some mistakes!
You think AQo folding on 37:33 is OK. for me it looks like a huge mistake. Its so obvious they will be putting their 3bet and 4bet mega light, that I cant understand how do you justify folding this hand ?
Tournament situacion is also like you dont have fish at the table and everybody have almost the same stack sizes.
I think in this situation it could be as close as AQs being a shove and AQo being a fold. Yes, Ineedmoney has been quite aggressive throughout this tournament, but he is also quite smart. Hixx will be 3 betting here relatively light, sure, but Ineedmoney isnt going to show up with bluffs a gigantic % of the time. When he cold 4 bets here, he is giving himself about 2:1 odds to call my shove which leads me to believe he is going to be very value weighted. Now if we can assume that, I must also think that some of his value hands he isnt 4 betting like that. Say hes probably jamming his 99, TT combos and probably 4b jamming some of his bluffs instead of sizing it in this way as well. Hands like KQs that have too much equity vs my value hands to fold after putting that much $ in pre. So we are about 30% vs JJ+, AQs+ for value (we only gain about 3% even if we give him all combos of TT which I dont think he always sizes this way).
If we take this all into account, combined with icm considerations (he cant fold much getting 2-1 here), we probably need to fold here most of the time in my opinion. Also, I didnt even factor in the times when Hixx has a hand as well.
Cant we sometimes 2barrel turn and shove river representing AK? We can have it easily, while IneedmoneyXX's range is capped at Kx or he might even have some weaker holdings like 2 pair (QJs, QTs, JTs - though he might not call them pre, cause Fenix has 20bb restealing stack, so we possibly have to discount 2pair a little bit). Or is it too optimistic to hope that IneedmoneyXX would ever fold Kx to river jam on a brick (lets say we make it around 60k on turn, and then shove 230k into 240k on the river)?
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-The very first hand you're autofolding KJ In SB vs Banansen(30BB) HJ-open. You wouldnt consider calling or 3B-folding vs Banansen & calling vs Naza behind. Considering how loose Banansen is opening here, it wouldnt surprise me if even jamming is profitable here from a chipEV-standpoint.
-@4.30min with A3s, you wouldnt consider flatting reelhugefish here getting 3.5:1 with a decent hand IP since he could be light here some of the time.
-@34min, QJs. You're not tempted to peel here against a small 3B OOP? Do you think people are 3B-folding vs less than 20BB much these days or do you think he should be really strong here? That he is jamming his middlish hands(midpairs) & trying to induce with the top of his range & basiclly not having any air here at all.
Very good content as usual, impressive to see how patient you are in a lot of spots. Looking forward to part 5.
Btw this type of video, live recording analysed afterwards is my favorite & I think it gives a nice pace of whats going on and the break down of the interesting spots.
Hey man :)
- FIrst point, I am not the biggest fan of flatting here given that I have such a hard time playing lots of flops. I guess I am getting a decent price to play a fit or fold style of say continuing when I flop a gutshot+ with a check raise or something. What I dont like is that when naza rips on us(with a wide range now that there is a lot of $ in the middle) I almost never get to participate. I also have a fairly weak range when I flat here given how loose banana is. Your idea of jamming on him here carries a lot more merit and probably is +chipev. Definitely could be the way to go.
@4.30 We are getting quite a good price here. The problem is that our stack to pot ration is essentially 1 if we flat. So we basically have to flop a super strong hand to continue. We tend to lose the maximum on A high boards vs his Ax and win the minimum when he has say TT-KK because of the STP. There are also not that many hands I will have here that he cant play strongly vs on the flop. I essentially just have very weak hands Im peeling with maybe and AA. I think with a larger STP id like flatting the cold 4 more, but folding here still seems best to me.
@34min Yes, I am definitely pained by folding here. Vs someone who I could give a slightly wider range to Id definitely peel. Somewhat of a player specific spot. You hit the nail on the head with talking about what I percieve he will do with his range. Hes going to jam his hands that I have the most equity vs and induce with say JJ maybe TT+ and AQs+ or something. Just with this dynamic of me having played more solid and raising utg vs his sb 3b, Im just gonna give it to him rather than be in a crappy situation where Im both hoping to flop a draw and have him bet snall enough where I have fold equity.
Thanks for the positive feedback man, really enjoyed doing this style of video. I might try a pure live video as my next one, but I make no promises as Ive already failed to do it 3 times(I keep forgetting to talk when Im in hard spots lol).
Just finished part 5 and am kind of cringing about it, I definitely made some mistakes!
You think AQo folding on 37:33 is OK. for me it looks like a huge mistake. Its so obvious they will be putting their 3bet and 4bet mega light, that I cant understand how do you justify folding this hand ?
Tournament situacion is also like you dont have fish at the table and everybody have almost the same stack sizes.
Hey San4ouz,
I think in this situation it could be as close as AQs being a shove and AQo being a fold. Yes, Ineedmoney has been quite aggressive throughout this tournament, but he is also quite smart. Hixx will be 3 betting here relatively light, sure, but Ineedmoney isnt going to show up with bluffs a gigantic % of the time. When he cold 4 bets here, he is giving himself about 2:1 odds to call my shove which leads me to believe he is going to be very value weighted. Now if we can assume that, I must also think that some of his value hands he isnt 4 betting like that. Say hes probably jamming his 99, TT combos and probably 4b jamming some of his bluffs instead of sizing it in this way as well. Hands like KQs that have too much equity vs my value hands to fold after putting that much $ in pre. So we are about 30% vs JJ+, AQs+ for value (we only gain about 3% even if we give him all combos of TT which I dont think he always sizes this way).
If we take this all into account, combined with icm considerations (he cant fold much getting 2-1 here), we probably need to fold here most of the time in my opinion. Also, I didnt even factor in the times when Hixx has a hand as well.
Thanks for the question :)
Was enjoying alot this series, no more parts? And betudontbet live sunday as well?
13:10 A7s hand
Cant we sometimes 2barrel turn and shove river representing AK? We can have it easily, while IneedmoneyXX's range is capped at Kx or he might even have some weaker holdings like 2 pair (QJs, QTs, JTs - though he might not call them pre, cause Fenix has 20bb restealing stack, so we possibly have to discount 2pair a little bit). Or is it too optimistic to hope that IneedmoneyXX would ever fold Kx to river jam on a brick (lets say we make it around 60k on turn, and then shove 230k into 240k on the river)?
Lol, just watched how the hand progressed and possibly IneedmoneyXX's range is not capped at Kx at all))
Great series and analysis Dylan. What happened to part 5 though? How did you end up finishing?
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