Hey Paul, like your videos, I just have one question. I haven't played poker for like two or three years, I'm back now and I've been wondering - what's up with all the preflop minraising? Is there any math behind it or is it just a question of preference?
advenje10 years, 11 months agoIt basicly has to do with people realising that you dont have to risk three big blinds to steal the blinds because even against a minraise its hard to profitably defend out of position. Also, by minraising there is more room for postflop play. So, basicly lower risk and same reward.
11' AT: If you have a hand as AKo, do you decide to peel only turn, or you prefer transform you hand as bluff in project to do fold PP in the range of the BU?
Hey Paul, nice video as always, just a few things:
3.17- 55 btn vs sb, I would like a 3bet a lot more than a call here, his button range is pretty wide and we´re not gonna stack him when we flop a set super often, while he´s gonna fold to the 3bet very often and if not we´re gonna win the pot pretty often by cbetting. And also we build a pot in case we flop a set
14 min - 99 from BB; I would also lead the turn, Id say he´s gonna pot control a lot of hands and there are many draws we can rep. Also it looks kinda aggro/bluffy, and from experience I can say it works much better than going for the old check/call flop check/raise turn line.
19 min - KK from SB, I really dont like your sizing against two players 45bb+ deep, think we should be making it 700 at least. Its pretty amazing that they both folded to such a small sizing though. :)
Btw your stats seem not very true, I´ve played with you some on ps.fr and you definitely dont play 19/14 with 5% 3bet.. are those stats somehow filtered or do you just play nittier on microgaming?
Rizyk, advenje has answered your question well. I'd also mention that when the preflop minraising began it didn't alter peoples defending ranges too much (so was far more profitable than larger opens) but in the last few months people are defending a much wider range (almost anything suited for some people). Also people are starting to defend from a much shorter stack (like 10-15x) prepared to have very little maneuverability post flop. I still find this logic on the whole to be a more difficult and higher variance route to building our stack, so unless our post flop edge is sufficient I'd rather be the player in position playing against this strategy.
grandjean, that's a good question which I feel comes down to the villain. If he has a high 2-barreling frequency then he will have a reasonably high number of bluffs, but also may decide to barrel mid pairs to check back river. So against this range I feel check raising turn works better as we stop him from barreling us off our winning hand on the river (or improving on the river) and also can fold out some of his mid pairs. However, my check raise didn't push him off his mid pair so possibly not as good a play as I thought.
3.17m 55, I agree. You are right and 3-bet is the far superior play.
14m 99, Also agree. I think its good to take both lines in this spot as leading turn will almost always get a call/fold, and give us little chance to win a big pot. But like you say he's checking back often enough its probably better to aim for 2 decent barrels than going for the kill. Also by check raising we may even fold out KQ etc. which will almost definitely call us down X2.
19m, finally disagree ;), I think the flatter being a 31/16 (albeit only 99 hands) we want to ensure he gets to the flop with us with a tonne of crushed hands. There's plenty of time to get the stacks in and any larger sizing here will look too scary imo.
Regarding my stats on microgaming I play a few 6k starting rebuys (10/20) with 4k addon which I don't do much in till the ante stages =).
playingfor4, that's a nice option which I didn't mention/consider. The argument against would be that I feel if we connect we'll end up having to ch/call x3 with a somewhat face up hand (unless we balance AA/KK too which could be nice bringing the 3xer along). I just feel by flatting we rep the 'pairs you mention and therefore on K-hi boards could level our self into calling down. Certainly don't dislike it, just playing devils advocate =).
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Hey Paul! I like ur videos
Thanks Paul another great video really feel I'm learning a lot from them !
Liking the vids, keep it up.
Hey Paul, like your videos, I just have one question. I haven't played poker for like two or three years, I'm back now and I've been wondering - what's up with all the preflop minraising? Is there any math behind it or is it just a question of preference?
Nice vid.
tHANKS For your vid.
11' AT: If you have a hand as AKo, do you decide to peel only turn, or you prefer transform you hand as bluff in project to do fold PP in the range of the BU?
Hey Paul, nice video as always, just a few things:
3.17- 55 btn vs sb, I would like a 3bet a lot more than a call here, his button range is pretty wide and we´re not gonna stack him when we flop a set super often, while he´s gonna fold to the 3bet very often and if not we´re gonna win the pot pretty often by cbetting. And also we build a pot in case we flop a set
14 min - 99 from BB; I would also lead the turn, Id say he´s gonna pot control a lot of hands and there are many draws we can rep. Also it looks kinda aggro/bluffy, and from experience I can say it works much better than going for the old check/call flop check/raise turn line.
19 min - KK from SB, I really dont like your sizing against two players 45bb+ deep, think we should be making it 700 at least. Its pretty amazing that they both folded to such a small sizing though. :)
Btw your stats seem not very true, I´ve played with you some on ps.fr and you definitely dont play 19/14 with 5% 3bet.. are those stats somehow filtered or do you just play nittier on microgaming?
Hi guys, thanks for your nice comments!!
Rizyk, advenje has answered your question well. I'd also mention that when the preflop minraising began it didn't alter peoples defending ranges too much (so was far more profitable than larger opens) but in the last few months people are defending a much wider range (almost anything suited for some people). Also people are starting to defend from a much shorter stack (like 10-15x) prepared to have very little maneuverability post flop. I still find this logic on the whole to be a more difficult and higher variance route to building our stack, so unless our post flop edge is sufficient I'd rather be the player in position playing against this strategy.
grandjean, that's a good question which I feel comes down to the villain. If he has a high 2-barreling frequency then he will have a reasonably high number of bluffs, but also may decide to barrel mid pairs to check back river. So against this range I feel check raising turn works better as we stop him from barreling us off our winning hand on the river (or improving on the river) and also can fold out some of his mid pairs. However, my check raise didn't push him off his mid pair so possibly not as good a play as I thought.
3.17m 55, I agree. You are right and 3-bet is the far superior play.
14m 99, Also agree. I think its good to take both lines in this spot as leading turn will almost always get a call/fold, and give us little chance to win a big pot. But like you say he's checking back often enough its probably better to aim for 2 decent barrels than going for the kill. Also by check raising we may even fold out KQ etc. which will almost definitely call us down X2.
19m, finally disagree ;), I think the flatter being a 31/16 (albeit only 99 hands) we want to ensure he gets to the flop with us with a tonne of crushed hands. There's plenty of time to get the stacks in and any larger sizing here will look too scary imo.
Regarding my stats on microgaming I play a few 6k starting rebuys (10/20) with 4k addon which I don't do much in till the ante stages =).
I upgraded my subscription to see your vids!
THanks for your kind explanations. very helpful to me.
I have a microgaming id and was saw you in Sunday showdown a month ago :)
(6th place at that time :D )
23:10, is flatting not an option here ? how would you play 99-qq ?
Hi guys,
Thanks 9Rind3r!
playingfor4, that's a nice option which I didn't mention/consider. The argument against would be that I feel if we connect we'll end up having to ch/call x3 with a somewhat face up hand (unless we balance AA/KK too which could be nice bringing the 3xer along). I just feel by flatting we rep the 'pairs you mention and therefore on K-hi boards could level our self into calling down. Certainly don't dislike it, just playing devils advocate =).
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