Really like your videos man!!
7:46: KQs flat on mp vs utg+1 open. What kind of hands do you like to flat on this spot balancing with premium hands? I usually don't have flatting range on this spot (just 3betting suited and offsuited broadways) but for sure its a leak.
Thanks for the kind words :)
I like to balance my flatting here by having a few top of range permutations (AA, KK sometimes) and some of the very strong midrange pairs that dont necessarily play very well vs his get in range when he opens utg and I 3b from utg 1. So I like to include 99-JJ here sometimes when there are a lot of squeeze stacks behind as they crush a lot of their ranges. Definitely depends on how you expect UTG player to react to your 3betting in this strange spot.
12:40 - can you explain why A9o is a standard call there? For me, it would be pretty situational/read based even though I know villain's range is pretty wide. It still comes back to tournament life and wanting to find a better spot where I'm the guy shoving with 15bb rather than calling off. But that could be a spot where I'm missing opportunities...
At 16:30 (JJ vs bb cr) you discuss calling down vs going all in. Is it basically impossible in tournaments of this structure type to ever fold an over pair on a relatively clean board?
Vs this range you have 52%: 8x4x,89,44,9x4x,jt,7xtx,6x7x,qxtx,jxqx,jx7x
What factors would have to be present for you to fold either on the flop/turn?? Would it just need to be against a super passive opponent who doesn't bluff enough? Just curious as primarily a cash game player I rarely see people make big folds (i.e. top pair+) in tourneys.
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Really like your videos man!!
7:46: KQs flat on mp vs utg+1 open. What kind of hands do you like to flat on this spot balancing with premium hands? I usually don't have flatting range on this spot (just 3betting suited and offsuited broadways) but for sure its a leak.
Thanks for the kind words :)
I like to balance my flatting here by having a few top of range permutations (AA, KK sometimes) and some of the very strong midrange pairs that dont necessarily play very well vs his get in range when he opens utg and I 3b from utg 1. So I like to include 99-JJ here sometimes when there are a lot of squeeze stacks behind as they crush a lot of their ranges. Definitely depends on how you expect UTG player to react to your 3betting in this strange spot.
12:40 - can you explain why A9o is a standard call there? For me, it would be pretty situational/read based even though I know villain's range is pretty wide. It still comes back to tournament life and wanting to find a better spot where I'm the guy shoving with 15bb rather than calling off. But that could be a spot where I'm missing opportunities...
Thanks for the video, Dylan.
how is fish's 4b small lol? sick wtf sizing no idea what hand are good for 4b/f 40% of stack omfg
At 16:30 (JJ vs bb cr) you discuss calling down vs going all in. Is it basically impossible in tournaments of this structure type to ever fold an over pair on a relatively clean board?
Vs this range you have 52%: 8x4x,89,44,9x4x,jt,7xtx,6x7x,qxtx,jxqx,jx7x
What factors would have to be present for you to fold either on the flop/turn?? Would it just need to be against a super passive opponent who doesn't bluff enough? Just curious as primarily a cash game player I rarely see people make big folds (i.e. top pair+) in tourneys.
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