Great timing for me as I'm trying to implement pot sizing Cbet on some boards, great way to check if u're ready to use it in practice, and see where u're making mistakes. Takes quite a bit of time especially when ranges are wider, but for sure worth the time, especially when u're trying new stuff, thx for vid:)
Ben Sulsky What do you think is the best next step in studying after you've completed studying 1 specific spot as shown?
Stated differently, are you more likely to alter the board texture/ranges/stacks/bet sizings/or lock a different node if you wanted to assign some kind of process to your learning?
So i'm the guy who punted off over 2% of the pot in my first attempt on that JT6 board. Can anyone beat that? Found this video really helpful, thank you for exposing me as being a nit. Don't know why I never tried doing this before.
When you are about to node lock a strategy do you always think about your global % and then sort of tweak the individual hands around that baseline?
Keep in mind the preflop inputs were no rake minraise vs big blind. The outputs would be significantly tighter against a 2.25x w/rake or a 2.5x rfi strat, because big blind plays dramatically tighter and many more of bb’s vpips connect with this board
I encourage viewers who did poorly (too tight) in the video sim to try inputs like 20% RFI from HJ but more like a 45% VPIP from big blind; I think you'll find your strats are a lot closer. The lesson might end up being to pay a lot of attention to RFI sizing, esp when constructing cbetting and defense ranges on flops.
Hey Ben Sulsky great video. I'm confused on why we only use one bet size here, I would have thought the overbet sizing would be used quite a lot on a connected board like this for c1.1x pot (or maybe that would be for a tighter BB range if RFI and rake is larger?). Does this exercise work well with multiple sizings and is there a big benefit to using multiple sizings? I only play low stakes and looking to move to mid-stakes so I'm potentially being inefficient trying to execute strats with multiple bet sizings if the higher stakes guys aren't even doing that. Thanks Ben :)
Hello Ben, any ideas how to speed up a bit? I mean this exercise especially when you are OOP for example and have x/R x/C and x/F. Pretty sure can spend about an hour for 1 hand, which is of course good but slightly time consuming.
So far I found out that going from nutted range to weakest speeding up process.
This video seems fantastic to me so far, but unfortunately there is something that I don't fully understand about pio and nodelocking.
Could you or anyone else perhaps answer my example below ? (which would in turn help me understand the video much better)
Here goes:
So I have a scenario, BB 3 bets BTN and BTN defends.
On the flop BB cbets 98%.
I locked the BB cb to 0% with 100% check and then re-solved..
BB’s Ev went down and IP Ev went up.
1.) Would this suggest that this is the max exploit strategy ? (Btn is now exploiting this 100% check leak as best as he can)
if Yes
2.) then if BTN was to continue playing his optimal strategy that was solved initially, should his EV stay the same vs the 100% check locked strategy of OOP?
If so:
3.) then how do we see/prove this with pio ?
Just to clarify, you said "Write down the gto strat or save it and then lock it against 100% check"
You mean write down the actual strategy ie each individual frequency of fold/call/raise for btn's gto strat and lock that vs a locked 100% check range ?
Since the gto range is already solved for and the locked range is well locked,If we push the "solve" button what is actually solving ?
Im purely looking for proof from the solver that:
Nothing any player does can increase his EV vs the optimal strategy of the other, however his changes in strategy can decrease his own ev and in turn increase the optimal pairs EV.
It’s computing ev. I believe the turn/river strats branching off the locked flop nodes will resolve as well, which may or may not confound the question you’re trying to answer
One more question. What % of the pot is fine to sacrifice as simplification in 2020 , in your opinion?
around 5bb/100 for SRP 5.5BB pot for example Which is almost 1%? Around that number?
1% seems fine. I wouldn’t worry too much bc u just want to pick a metric that causes improved performance on the table then let your mind and routine optimize for it
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Good night, Ben. Is there any way to recover the blog you had in Leggopoker?
I don’t know
Ben Sulsky How did the expiring makeup staking end up working out for you? Just saw the post again, was it profitable or a disaster?
Very nice video, love this way of testing our GTO knowledge. Where does that 4% come from, wouldn't it be 5.77%?
accidentally flagged this comment. mis-click. don't know how to unflag. sorry about that
Great timing for me as I'm trying to implement pot sizing Cbet on some boards, great way to check if u're ready to use it in practice, and see where u're making mistakes. Takes quite a bit of time especially when ranges are wider, but for sure worth the time, especially when u're trying new stuff, thx for vid:)
Ben Sulsky What do you think is the best next step in studying after you've completed studying 1 specific spot as shown?
Stated differently, are you more likely to alter the board texture/ranges/stacks/bet sizings/or lock a different node if you wanted to assign some kind of process to your learning?
Different board textures and different preflop ranges are the two most important inputs
Also, I really appreciate this video - "teach a man to fish..."
So i'm the guy who punted off over 2% of the pot in my first attempt on that JT6 board. Can anyone beat that? Found this video really helpful, thank you for exposing me as being a nit. Don't know why I never tried doing this before.
When you are about to node lock a strategy do you always think about your global % and then sort of tweak the individual hands around that baseline?
I lost 1% :ppp different board and position tho, it's quite fun and very easy to spot where you're leaking
I often think about global strat yes. I tweak and retweak around that baseline. U can see me doing this in the video
Keep in mind the preflop inputs were no rake minraise vs big blind. The outputs would be significantly tighter against a 2.25x w/rake or a 2.5x rfi strat, because big blind plays dramatically tighter and many more of bb’s vpips connect with this board
I encourage viewers who did poorly (too tight) in the video sim to try inputs like 20% RFI from HJ but more like a 45% VPIP from big blind; I think you'll find your strats are a lot closer. The lesson might end up being to pay a lot of attention to RFI sizing, esp when constructing cbetting and defense ranges on flops.
Hey Ben Sulsky great video. I'm confused on why we only use one bet size here, I would have thought the overbet sizing would be used quite a lot on a connected board like this for c1.1x pot (or maybe that would be for a tighter BB range if RFI and rake is larger?). Does this exercise work well with multiple sizings and is there a big benefit to using multiple sizings? I only play low stakes and looking to move to mid-stakes so I'm potentially being inefficient trying to execute strats with multiple bet sizings if the higher stakes guys aren't even doing that. Thanks Ben :)
Yep, you can practice with multiple sizings. It's probably a good idea to make sure the additional sizings are adding EV first.
Hello Ben, any ideas how to speed up a bit? I mean this exercise especially when you are OOP for example and have x/R x/C and x/F. Pretty sure can spend about an hour for 1 hand, which is of course good but slightly time consuming.
So far I found out that going from nutted range to weakest speeding up process.
You could do one of those 3 ranges instead of all 3. This is a slow way to study
Nice video Ben! Always very well explained and easy to follow. Thank you.
Hi Ben Sulsky
This video seems fantastic to me so far, but unfortunately there is something that I don't fully understand about pio and nodelocking.
Could you or anyone else perhaps answer my example below ? (which would in turn help me understand the video much better)
Here goes:
So I have a scenario, BB 3 bets BTN and BTN defends.
On the flop BB cbets 98%.
I locked the BB cb to 0% with 100% check and then re-solved..
BB’s Ev went down and IP Ev went up.
1.) Would this suggest that this is the max exploit strategy ? (Btn is now exploiting this 100% check leak as best as he can)
if Yes
2.) then if BTN was to continue playing his optimal strategy that was solved initially, should his EV stay the same vs the 100% check locked strategy of OOP?
If so:
3.) then how do we see/prove this with pio ?
Thanks in advance.
I appreciate the reply Ben !
Just to clarify, you said "Write down the gto strat or save it and then lock it against 100% check"
You mean write down the actual strategy ie each individual frequency of fold/call/raise for btn's gto strat and lock that vs a locked 100% check range ?
Since the gto range is already solved for and the locked range is well locked,If we push the "solve" button what is actually solving ?
Im purely looking for proof from the solver that:
Nothing any player does can increase his EV vs the optimal strategy of the other, however his changes in strategy can decrease his own ev and in turn increase the optimal pairs EV.
Thanks again
It’s computing ev. I believe the turn/river strats branching off the locked flop nodes will resolve as well, which may or may not confound the question you’re trying to answer
great ! thanks Ben !
One more question. What % of the pot is fine to sacrifice as simplification in 2020 , in your opinion?
around 5bb/100 for SRP 5.5BB pot for example Which is almost 1%? Around that number?
1% seems fine. I wouldn’t worry too much bc u just want to pick a metric that causes improved performance on the table then let your mind and routine optimize for it
Awesome video. Would love to see more of these how to study type videos.
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