That was a great video. It opened my eyes to more effectively use a tool like GTO wizzard. Also I am going to read every post in IamNeos journal. Thanks for pointing that out. We have such a solid community at RIO.
Hello Steve, interesting approach for a warmup, certainly something I'll try! I like the idea of drilling a few hands from a few important spots - I guess this inspired by the pareto principle? Will check out the journal too. At ~9 minutes you switch to facing a 75% cbet - are these from sims where IP plays cbet 75% or check, or sims where IP has multiple cbet sizes including 75%?
I thought the bigger cbet sizing having more of the very strong hands might affect the defence response. I would imagine that if the total defence % is not too different, at least the raise % would be quite different?
Comparing a BBvsBTN pio sim I have on 982r, one where solver is using a pretty even mix of b30, b67, b120 and check, and one where IP is only allowed to b120 or check the defences are basically identical.
When solver splits, it's range composition changes a little bit, but not much because most hands get split between all the ranges. Below is a range explorer breakdown of IP range after betting 120, on the left is the 3 size sim, on the right is the one size sim. You can see there are many more combos in the one size sim but the relative breakdown is quite similar and the equity graphs are near identical
These drill videos are great. A lot to learn. I hope you continue this with the turn spots.
14:10 calling a J that is 2nd pr vs 15:40 calling a 7 that is 2nd pr. With the 7 we always call. Is this because of range assymetry and just having cleaner outs?
45:05 we raise some qx. Is this a bluff? Are we looking to barrel? Similar spot 44:30 we raise jx.
Good questions.
1. I'm not sure to be honest but I suspect it has a lot to do with our outs being cleaner and there being fewer second pairs and draws (gutshots in particular) in both players' ranges.
2. These kinds of plays are super non-intuitive to me. It seems to be a mix of equity denial and semi-bluff. It looks like there are a few better hands that fold, some worse hands that float and some barrel opportunities on certain turns.
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That was a great video. It opened my eyes to more effectively use a tool like GTO wizzard. Also I am going to read every post in IamNeos journal. Thanks for pointing that out. We have such a solid community at RIO.
Glad you liked it and that journal is a great read!
Hello Steve, interesting approach for a warmup, certainly something I'll try! I like the idea of drilling a few hands from a few important spots - I guess this inspired by the pareto principle? Will check out the journal too. At ~9 minutes you switch to facing a 75% cbet - are these from sims where IP plays cbet 75% or check, or sims where IP has multiple cbet sizes including 75%?
This is all from GTOw so they are multi-size sims. In my experience the defense thresholds don't change very much though compared to single size sims
I thought the bigger cbet sizing having more of the very strong hands might affect the defence response. I would imagine that if the total defence % is not too different, at least the raise % would be quite different?
Comparing a BBvsBTN pio sim I have on 982r, one where solver is using a pretty even mix of b30, b67, b120 and check, and one where IP is only allowed to b120 or check the defences are basically identical.
When solver splits, it's range composition changes a little bit, but not much because most hands get split between all the ranges. Below is a range explorer breakdown of IP range after betting 120, on the left is the 3 size sim, on the right is the one size sim. You can see there are many more combos in the one size sim but the relative breakdown is quite similar and the equity graphs are near identical
Wow, almost exactly the same! Thanks for the pic!
These drill videos are great. A lot to learn. I hope you continue this with the turn spots.
14:10 calling a J that is 2nd pr vs 15:40 calling a 7 that is 2nd pr. With the 7 we always call. Is this because of range assymetry and just having cleaner outs?
45:05 we raise some qx. Is this a bluff? Are we looking to barrel? Similar spot 44:30 we raise jx.
Good questions.
1. I'm not sure to be honest but I suspect it has a lot to do with our outs being cleaner and there being fewer second pairs and draws (gutshots in particular) in both players' ranges.
2. These kinds of plays are super non-intuitive to me. It seems to be a mix of equity denial and semi-bluff. It looks like there are a few better hands that fold, some worse hands that float and some barrel opportunities on certain turns.
Enjoyed the video. Would like to see the turn play as well in this style of video.
Hey Steve is this post still up somewhere I can’t find it?
I'm not sure, I looked briefly and didn't find it but I suspect it must still be around somewhere
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