I would like to make another one of these at 50 (and then probably one at 100) so if you like the video and would like to be in the next one, pm me some footage!
I have an idea for these session review videos. I was wondering if you could make a video when you review two players simultaneously: a total crusher and another player that is struggling (at the same limit OFC).
I think it would be super interesting to see them one next to the other playing styles pointing out :player A is doing this super good decision here because x,y,z .... player B is making a mistake here because...
I personally never seen such a video before and to be honest I think it would be super cool and helpful.
If I could get some footage of different players I would be more than happy to trow them together and sent it to you for analysis. I would really like to see something like that.
Any NL 25 crushers and struggling players willing to send some footage?
I think the difference should be like +8bb/100 winner and >2bb/100 (or even better would be loosing player) at 25NL over a sample of like 60k hands+.
Question 1: which pp's are you calling in MP against an UTG raise? I was thinking about your points, which seemed to be a) calling isn't great if we face 3bets often, b) we don't stack villain as often as we probably think when we hit, and c) set over set is a real possibility once we get to villain's felting range.
I agree with you about 44 being too weak, but I think I'd call 55+, and I was wondering if you think this is a big leak. The game I play in is mostly passive, which to me means that
-I'm facing fewer squeezes,
-When I do face a squeeze it often ends up multiway and I still can setmine (also, since it's more passive this means I'm playing a much stronger and defined range that will pay my sets off more often)
-My implied odds are just generally better when setmining
So, in settings where I'm not often facing appropriate, polarized aggression, does this seem like a reasonable process?
Could one make an argument for leading turn with the AQs hand on AKxx? Against a range of Axs, FDs, air and nuts, this seems like it could have some utility to me. I guess it would be a little sticky balancing, but we could sprinkle in a few nutted combos of AA, AK and then maybe some bluffs like KQ without a spade that we'd turn into a bluff? Just thinkin..
Had a few people express interest in sending footage, I'm not picky on site or hud vs no hud. I have a slight preference for zoom or equivalent just because it moves along so smoothly and it's what I play but not essential. If I get footage from more than one person I'll choose between them giving some preference to whatever I receive first.
Will answer your video questions in a few minutes below...
I don't have a clear idea of what is and isn't good enough to flat there, but I draw the line somewhere around 66. But as you point out it is quite table dependent. With passive opponents preflop and people who just auto stack off top pair 22 is probably a good call.
18 minutes, you could try to develop a leading range I suppose but I don't think I would. Small point you don't need any AA, KK, AK hands (I'd have 4bet all of those pre anyways), having AQ as very close to the top of your range isn't a problem with this SPR. But I think most people's (very reasonable) turn strategy is to barrel all AJish+, most/all draws and occasionally random air. Vs this strategy you're not really incentivized to do much betting because the hands you want to protect vs are going to bet themselves. If you were to do it, I'd lead my AQ, A8s, A4s/44 if you flat pre and use some gutshots as bluffs. Then make sure you don't start way overfolding when you check though.
Also, watching that I kind of disagree with myself on the AT hand at 18 minutes, I don't think hero should bluff the river. Think he has enough worse Axs that were complete give ups that make better river bluffs.
I can understand reasoning behind betting flop/turn with TT, but im quite confused about river play and how we got there valueship vs. unknown regular.
Playing check and facing bet also sucks, but i cant see really hands that villain's calling to make our river bet profitable.
I guess my response to that would be are you just barreling off with all of your air? Because if he folds all of his 9x, 88, 66, etc then you have an absolute fist pump bluff jam with your bluffs. It's possible that regs are playing super explo and folding so much that TT is not a good jam, but otherwise I think this is a good jam.
Well, it really surprise me that u think that way. Now im not entirely sure if im underrating NL25 regs or u are heavily overrating their level of thinking, coz ill be really super surprised after seeing 88/66 on showdown from unknown.
Its slightly diffrent with 9x, but i also dont think that people on these stakes are defending many 9x vs. blinds. We even saw this in this review when Hairy folds K9s vs. resteal.
You may be right that vs the 25NL population it's a bad shove. I think I mentioned this in the video but I have absolutely zero knowledge of the population tendencies of 25NL. Vs opponents playing reasonably I think TT is a good value jam.
Sometimes its really hard to adapt lines and thinking level of good midstakes players to games at 25NL. I think you could make some adjustments to it in next videos. Or mb we should just move up with stakes? ;p Anyway, thx for replies Steve, im definitely waiting for next part.
I think there's a common misconception here. Let's say your opponent plays badly such that TT is a bad shove. Say he gets to the river with a bunch of 9x, 88, 66, all of which he folds and then some 87s, 76s, 86s he doesn't fold. So then you could increase your EV by not shoving. In fact the EV of all of your value hands is significantly lower vs this guy than it is vs someone who's playing well. But the EV of your bluffs is astronomical and the EV of your whole strategy is significantly higher than it is vs most players at higher stakes. The solution isn't to move up in stakes, it's to bluff constantly vs this guy until he adjusts such that TT becomes a reasonable shove.
Yeah, that 'moving up' comment wasnt completly serious, but im really happy that you cleared this up coz you really bright up my thinking in these types of spots.
Thank you guys for the back and forth comments.
At first look I was like wtf? Why is TT a value shove in such a spot when villain is most likely just going to be folding everything worst and calling with JJ+... it looked like we`re actually turning our hand into a bluff just to make villain fold, JJ-QQ which I think would be very ambitious.
However, I understand now what Steve is saying... but I`m not 100% that is correct at this limit simply because I don't think villain's going to get to the river with 9x, 88,66 in the place in a sq spot.IMO his range is much much tighter than expected so unless we know he is folding JJ-QQ in such a spot I think triple barreling with our bluffs won't be a profitable play.
If QQ-JJ are in his range then TT is not a good value shove. Caller called a CO open then flatted our squeeze I'd expect QQ to be 3bet 100% of the time and JJ very close to 100%, but if that's not true of the player pool then adjust accordingly
Hey, so I was the guy in the video. Thanks to Steve for doing this! Expected to have a lot of questions but you explained everything pretty well.
Definitely exposed a couple of big leaks I seem to have. I think I have a generally weak tight mindset in my spots. There were a few times when you said you would consider bluffing/calling when I was snap checking/folding and wasn't even considering doing that.
Also you said I should be defending K9s after opening BTN and getting 3b from BB and folding was too tight. I checked my database and notice my fold to 3b from BTN is 80% which seems pretty awful. So definitely some things I know I need to work on.
Also thanks for the tip for including steal stats on my HUD. Very useful, lots of guys folding way to much.
Hi Paul,
very nice Video!
I have two questions!
min 30:37 bottom left: you would defend AJo vs a 3bet from a guy, who 3bets 3.3% overall over 145 Hands. So how do you expect to win money? if you don´t hit,and he bets,you have to fold, if you hit, you start a guessinggame.
min:39.07 top left: you would defend K9s vs an unknown guy. So my approach is, as long as i know nothing about villain, i don´t start to 3bet them light from sb or bb. Now, imagine you hit TP and he barrels flop and turn. Do you call 2 times?
I am asking these questions, because evertime i call vs an unknown villain with a weaker hand, i always face a better hand.
30:37 145 hands means he's probably 3bet 2/60 hands. From that you can pretty confidently conclude he's not a super active 3bettor and likely a tighter than average 3bettor but that's about it. We're also bvb so his range here is going to be much wider than his overall 3bet %. I'm just not willing to make such a huge adjustment and fold AJo based on that. Postflop you're going to have some difficult situations but I don't think playing to avoid tough spots is playing correctly.
39:07 - I would absolutely call two barrels with top pair after defending K9s, yes. If my opponent plays a strategy where calling two barrels with top pair in this spot is bad, I'm very happy to play vs him.
Excellent video Steve thank you! Re: Min 26:24 table 2. Hero in bb has 99 on flop 49Thh. Without breaking out crev, with our x/r hands can you give me general thoughts on setting up barrelling strategy on turns and rivers. Obv we are barrelling the value so what's a good way to set up barrelling turn and river with semi bluffs on turns and rivers that miss? Do we just give up with most missed semi bluffs and barrel off on a low percentage to stay balanced?
my very vague general rule is to give up the worse semi-bluffs that don't improve their equity and to barrel the better ones/ones that improved their equity. So for my bdfd I give up unless I turn a fd, bet if I do; for my gs I generally give up unless I turn a double gutter, etc. Generally continue to barrel my flush draws and a couple other stronger semi-bluffs (e.g. KhQ on the T94hh board on a 5s turn) By no means a perfect rule but a reasonable place to start.
You said we could 3b or flat... I would never 3 bet that hand vs an unknown, if Im 3betting suited connectors Im usually doing it with higher cards like 87+. I think I`m folding that 45s PF. - Do you think that is too tight?
As played? I agree do agree with your reasoning to go for the check/raise semi-bluff but I'm usually reluctant to do so in game. Isn't it better to make check/raise bluffs when we do have Ah in our hand so we are not facing reverse implied odds in case the flush comes. Could you give us a bit more info on why is better to check/raise 45s compared to A5s?
I think it's probably a bit too tight, but I can't say for sure. Postflop A5s is just a better hand, it will have a higher EV xr than 54s will but it will also have a higher EV call. You want to have some NFD in your range so xr-ing A5s is certainly fine. Your nfd's do have some small amount of showdown value and can call again on 100% of turns, whereas 54s has 0 sdv and may not have a good call on a bunch of turns so that's one reason why you might have some extra incentive to semi-bluff the weaker draws.
Hi Steve, great video as usual. I've some questions for you:
5:50, A6 on 343 flop. When my opponet X/R me in a spot like this, I'm always in the same situation; why he raise his strongs hands here?!? Ok, he can raise for value some PP that needs protection too, but is correct to discount mostly of his bluffing range? And eventually, against this range, is better to B/C to exploit OTT or OTR or to 3bet OTF?
39:40, K9s OTBN vs. BB3bet. How much it should be tight his 3bet range to make correct our fold?
46, squeeze w/ TT. Based on your experience, what is the caller's range? And how does it change OTT and OTR?
Sorry if my english wasn't perfect and, if I'm not explain clearly, let me knoe and I'll try to reformulate it in a better way.
Glad you liked the video. This is a pretty old video so going to just give pretty general replies.
I don't think you should call planning to exploit turns/rivers vs someone who you don't think is bluffing very often. Same with 3betting. Generally I think most people who x/r here are going to be pretty polarized (mostly 3x, air, maybe a few pairs for protection) and so I'm not going to be doing much 3betting.
I have no idea really. If someone 3bets <10% bb vs button it's probably reasonable to fold.
Super player dependent obviously, but I'd expect to see some mix of pairs, suited pretty hands and a couple very strong offsuit hands. On the flop all pairs, a couple gutshots, overs+bdfd and some AQ. On the turn all pairs improved so don't expect them to fold mostly, flush draws will call, missed overs fold. On river he calls all better and then will call some of his 9x, 88, 66, etc.
22:00 Q9s-> Why the river value? Imo most times, the only worse hands that pay us are some pp's that didnt bet for protection OTT and some random A high.
By x/c we let him bluff his Asx, some Ksx and some Ax that floats OTF and sees a chance to stab the pot after a double check, aint villain going call range making it less +EV than just x/c vs his whole range? Ofc I didnt do the math(tried), I watched some theory videos but it seems to hard for me right now, just a grosso modo appreciation.
45:00->Wouldnt be better to x/c OTR since there're more missed FD's and A high bluffing combos than hands worse than ours with some showdown value? If we're committing ourselves to the pot anyways, I see more value on a x/c, even if both could be profitable(not really sure at this stakes tho, I dont see that many worse hands paying off our shove, but it could be nice for balancing purposes)
Excuse me for my fish point of view, just throwing random thoughts :D
22:00 I think Asx and Ksx are quite likely to bet turn and when they don't are reasonably likely to just take the showdown (especially Asx). As I said in the video I think there are more worse hands that call than bet.
45:00 There really aren't that many combos of missed flush draws (we have Tc) and the ace high ones may not bluff. I think he has a lot more combos of pair+gs that are always checking back but will sometimes call a jam. Likely pretty close but I think jam is best.
Alright, thanks for answering so quickly. Nice video btw.
22:00-> I guess you're right about Asx and Ksx betting OTT, that kinda tears down my line : D
45:00>Didnt taking into account that we were blocking.
hey steve, not read all the comments so not sure if you've touched on this but what do you think of llama raise folding AJ sb v bb and do you think folding the K9s was more of a mistake than folding AJ sb v bb ?
Hey love to see some small stakes reviews. What do you think of betting small on the river with the Q9 hand at 13:40 to give him a chance to go over the top with his missed draws? I feel like that might work at the micros. You'd also protect your TT+ a bit for the future. Thanks for the vid
I see quite a bit of zoom tables on videos and have a general question about zoom in general. I am a US based player and play on the WPN network that doesn't have zoom type games. Is the strat on zoom games different than regular ring games?
Not really. I mean it takes longer to get reads on players, but if you're making drastic changes to your strategy based on zoom/regular tables I think you're doing it wrong. Zoom is great for videos because the action is fast while only needing a few tables, you can start/stop ~instantly, and there's no waitlists/tables breaking.
@40:38 45hh Top Right
We should have some XRaising bluff hands OTF that should go 3 streets, and I think almost any turns or at least with a high frequency we would continue with our XR range unless the board pairs.
So on blank rivers 5h4h is a good candidate to bluff right (not on this particularly river now that we at least beat the A high FD)
@ 46:00
Of our bet bet range I think we should have some check-calling range right? So TT is our weaker overpair, so which hands would be best to check-call there? 9x ? (98s, T9s, K9s, A9s)
46min we don't necessarily need a check-call range unless we have some set of hands that need to be protected from being bluffed. I think this spot is going to be pretty close to nuts/air vs bluffcatcher plus traps, in which case we have no need to have a x/call range
Loading 43 Comments...
I would like to make another one of these at 50 (and then probably one at 100) so if you like the video and would like to be in the next one, pm me some footage!
The video was great. Thank you!
I have an idea for these session review videos. I was wondering if you could make a video when you review two players simultaneously: a total crusher and another player that is struggling (at the same limit OFC).
I think it would be super interesting to see them one next to the other playing styles pointing out :player A is doing this super good decision here because x,y,z .... player B is making a mistake here because...
I personally never seen such a video before and to be honest I think it would be super cool and helpful.
What do you think?
If you get me the footage I'll make the video :)
If I could get some footage of different players I would be more than happy to trow them together and sent it to you for analysis. I would really like to see something like that.
Any NL 25 crushers and struggling players willing to send some footage?
I think the difference should be like +8bb/100 winner and >2bb/100 (or even better would be loosing player) at 25NL over a sample of like 60k hands+.
oooh, I'm down. Is it okay if I don't use a HUD?
Thanks for the vid, Steve.
Question 1: which pp's are you calling in MP against an UTG raise? I was thinking about your points, which seemed to be a) calling isn't great if we face 3bets often, b) we don't stack villain as often as we probably think when we hit, and c) set over set is a real possibility once we get to villain's felting range.
I agree with you about 44 being too weak, but I think I'd call 55+, and I was wondering if you think this is a big leak. The game I play in is mostly passive, which to me means that
-I'm facing fewer squeezes,
-When I do face a squeeze it often ends up multiway and I still can setmine (also, since it's more passive this means I'm playing a much stronger and defined range that will pay my sets off more often)
-My implied odds are just generally better when setmining
So, in settings where I'm not often facing appropriate, polarized aggression, does this seem like a reasonable process?
Could one make an argument for leading turn with the AQs hand on AKxx? Against a range of Axs, FDs, air and nuts, this seems like it could have some utility to me. I guess it would be a little sticky balancing, but we could sprinkle in a few nutted combos of AA, AK and then maybe some bluffs like KQ without a spade that we'd turn into a bluff? Just thinkin..
Had a few people express interest in sending footage, I'm not picky on site or hud vs no hud. I have a slight preference for zoom or equivalent just because it moves along so smoothly and it's what I play but not essential. If I get footage from more than one person I'll choose between them giving some preference to whatever I receive first.
Will answer your video questions in a few minutes below...
I don't have a clear idea of what is and isn't good enough to flat there, but I draw the line somewhere around 66. But as you point out it is quite table dependent. With passive opponents preflop and people who just auto stack off top pair 22 is probably a good call.
18 minutes, you could try to develop a leading range I suppose but I don't think I would. Small point you don't need any AA, KK, AK hands (I'd have 4bet all of those pre anyways), having AQ as very close to the top of your range isn't a problem with this SPR. But I think most people's (very reasonable) turn strategy is to barrel all AJish+, most/all draws and occasionally random air. Vs this strategy you're not really incentivized to do much betting because the hands you want to protect vs are going to bet themselves. If you were to do it, I'd lead my AQ, A8s, A4s/44 if you flat pre and use some gutshots as bluffs. Then make sure you don't start way overfolding when you check though.
Also, watching that I kind of disagree with myself on the AT hand at 18 minutes, I don't think hero should bluff the river. Think he has enough worse Axs that were complete give ups that make better river bluffs.
~46 spot with TT.
I can understand reasoning behind betting flop/turn with TT, but im quite confused about river play and how we got there valueship vs. unknown regular.
Playing check and facing bet also sucks, but i cant see really hands that villain's calling to make our river bet profitable.
I guess my response to that would be are you just barreling off with all of your air? Because if he folds all of his 9x, 88, 66, etc then you have an absolute fist pump bluff jam with your bluffs. It's possible that regs are playing super explo and folding so much that TT is not a good jam, but otherwise I think this is a good jam.
Well, it really surprise me that u think that way. Now im not entirely sure if im underrating NL25 regs or u are heavily overrating their level of thinking, coz ill be really super surprised after seeing 88/66 on showdown from unknown.
Its slightly diffrent with 9x, but i also dont think that people on these stakes are defending many 9x vs. blinds. We even saw this in this review when Hairy folds K9s vs. resteal.
You may be right that vs the 25NL population it's a bad shove. I think I mentioned this in the video but I have absolutely zero knowledge of the population tendencies of 25NL. Vs opponents playing reasonably I think TT is a good value jam.
Sometimes its really hard to adapt lines and thinking level of good midstakes players to games at 25NL. I think you could make some adjustments to it in next videos. Or mb we should just move up with stakes? ;p Anyway, thx for replies Steve, im definitely waiting for next part.
I think there's a common misconception here. Let's say your opponent plays badly such that TT is a bad shove. Say he gets to the river with a bunch of 9x, 88, 66, all of which he folds and then some 87s, 76s, 86s he doesn't fold. So then you could increase your EV by not shoving. In fact the EV of all of your value hands is significantly lower vs this guy than it is vs someone who's playing well. But the EV of your bluffs is astronomical and the EV of your whole strategy is significantly higher than it is vs most players at higher stakes. The solution isn't to move up in stakes, it's to bluff constantly vs this guy until he adjusts such that TT becomes a reasonable shove.
Yeah, that 'moving up' comment wasnt completly serious, but im really happy that you cleared this up coz you really bright up my thinking in these types of spots.
Thank you guys for the back and forth comments.
At first look I was like wtf? Why is TT a value shove in such a spot when villain is most likely just going to be folding everything worst and calling with JJ+... it looked like we`re actually turning our hand into a bluff just to make villain fold, JJ-QQ which I think would be very ambitious.
However, I understand now what Steve is saying... but I`m not 100% that is correct at this limit simply because I don't think villain's going to get to the river with 9x, 88,66 in the place in a sq spot.IMO his range is much much tighter than expected so unless we know he is folding JJ-QQ in such a spot I think triple barreling with our bluffs won't be a profitable play.
If QQ-JJ are in his range then TT is not a good value shove. Caller called a CO open then flatted our squeeze I'd expect QQ to be 3bet 100% of the time and JJ very close to 100%, but if that's not true of the player pool then adjust accordingly
Hey, so I was the guy in the video. Thanks to Steve for doing this! Expected to have a lot of questions but you explained everything pretty well.
Definitely exposed a couple of big leaks I seem to have. I think I have a generally weak tight mindset in my spots. There were a few times when you said you would consider bluffing/calling when I was snap checking/folding and wasn't even considering doing that.
Also you said I should be defending K9s after opening BTN and getting 3b from BB and folding was too tight. I checked my database and notice my fold to 3b from BTN is 80% which seems pretty awful. So definitely some things I know I need to work on.
Also thanks for the tip for including steal stats on my HUD. Very useful, lots of guys folding way to much.
Hi Paul,
very nice Video!
I have two questions!
min 30:37 bottom left: you would defend AJo vs a 3bet from a guy, who 3bets 3.3% overall over 145 Hands. So how do you expect to win money? if you don´t hit,and he bets,you have to fold, if you hit, you start a guessinggame.
min:39.07 top left: you would defend K9s vs an unknown guy. So my approach is, as long as i know nothing about villain, i don´t start to 3bet them light from sb or bb. Now, imagine you hit TP and he barrels flop and turn. Do you call 2 times?
I am asking these questions, because evertime i call vs an unknown villain with a weaker hand, i always face a better hand.
30:37 145 hands means he's probably 3bet 2/60 hands. From that you can pretty confidently conclude he's not a super active 3bettor and likely a tighter than average 3bettor but that's about it. We're also bvb so his range here is going to be much wider than his overall 3bet %. I'm just not willing to make such a huge adjustment and fold AJo based on that. Postflop you're going to have some difficult situations but I don't think playing to avoid tough spots is playing correctly.
39:07 - I would absolutely call two barrels with top pair after defending K9s, yes. If my opponent plays a strategy where calling two barrels with top pair in this spot is bad, I'm very happy to play vs him.
P.S. Paul is my last name :)
Ty for your reply Steve :-D
Sorry for confusing your Name:-D
ha don't worry about the name, there are people who I've known for years who still occasionally call me Paul :/
Excellent video Steve thank you! Re: Min 26:24 table 2. Hero in bb has 99 on flop 49Thh. Without breaking out crev, with our x/r hands can you give me general thoughts on setting up barrelling strategy on turns and rivers. Obv we are barrelling the value so what's a good way to set up barrelling turn and river with semi bluffs on turns and rivers that miss? Do we just give up with most missed semi bluffs and barrel off on a low percentage to stay balanced?
my very vague general rule is to give up the worse semi-bluffs that don't improve their equity and to barrel the better ones/ones that improved their equity. So for my bdfd I give up unless I turn a fd, bet if I do; for my gs I generally give up unless I turn a double gutter, etc. Generally continue to barrel my flush draws and a couple other stronger semi-bluffs (e.g. KhQ on the T94hh board on a 5s turn) By no means a perfect rule but a reasonable place to start.
Hi Steve,
I have some questions as well. @40 with 45s.
You said we could 3b or flat... I would never 3 bet that hand vs an unknown, if Im 3betting suited connectors Im usually doing it with higher cards like 87+. I think I`m folding that 45s PF. - Do you think that is too tight?
As played? I agree do agree with your reasoning to go for the check/raise semi-bluff but I'm usually reluctant to do so in game. Isn't it better to make check/raise bluffs when we do have Ah in our hand so we are not facing reverse implied odds in case the flush comes. Could you give us a bit more info on why is better to check/raise 45s compared to A5s?
I think it's probably a bit too tight, but I can't say for sure. Postflop A5s is just a better hand, it will have a higher EV xr than 54s will but it will also have a higher EV call. You want to have some NFD in your range so xr-ing A5s is certainly fine. Your nfd's do have some small amount of showdown value and can call again on 100% of turns, whereas 54s has 0 sdv and may not have a good call on a bunch of turns so that's one reason why you might have some extra incentive to semi-bluff the weaker draws.
Very interesting, thank you.
Hi Steve, great video as usual. I've some questions for you:
5:50, A6 on 343 flop. When my opponet X/R me in a spot like this, I'm always in the same situation; why he raise his strongs hands here?!? Ok, he can raise for value some PP that needs protection too, but is correct to discount mostly of his bluffing range? And eventually, against this range, is better to B/C to exploit OTT or OTR or to 3bet OTF?
39:40, K9s OTBN vs. BB3bet. How much it should be tight his 3bet range to make correct our fold?
46, squeeze w/ TT. Based on your experience, what is the caller's range? And how does it change OTT and OTR?
Sorry if my english wasn't perfect and, if I'm not explain clearly, let me knoe and I'll try to reformulate it in a better way.
Glad you liked the video. This is a pretty old video so going to just give pretty general replies.
Thank you.
One more question about n° 1; are there some situations where you 3bet or C vs X/R OTF because his raise doesn't make any sense?
Hi Steve, I have some doubts about a a few hands:
22:00 Q9s-> Why the river value? Imo most times, the only worse hands that pay us are some pp's that didnt bet for protection OTT and some random A high.
By x/c we let him bluff his Asx, some Ksx and some Ax that floats OTF and sees a chance to stab the pot after a double check, aint villain going call range making it less +EV than just x/c vs his whole range? Ofc I didnt do the math(tried), I watched some theory videos but it seems to hard for me right now, just a grosso modo appreciation.
45:00->Wouldnt be better to x/c OTR since there're more missed FD's and A high bluffing combos than hands worse than ours with some showdown value? If we're committing ourselves to the pot anyways, I see more value on a x/c, even if both could be profitable(not really sure at this stakes tho, I dont see that many worse hands paying off our shove, but it could be nice for balancing purposes)
Excuse me for my fish point of view, just throwing random thoughts :D
22:00 I think Asx and Ksx are quite likely to bet turn and when they don't are reasonably likely to just take the showdown (especially Asx). As I said in the video I think there are more worse hands that call than bet.
45:00 There really aren't that many combos of missed flush draws (we have Tc) and the ace high ones may not bluff. I think he has a lot more combos of pair+gs that are always checking back but will sometimes call a jam. Likely pretty close but I think jam is best.
Alright, thanks for answering so quickly. Nice video btw.
22:00-> I guess you're right about Asx and Ksx betting OTT, that kinda tears down my line : D
45:00>Didnt taking into account that we were blocking.
hey steve, not read all the comments so not sure if you've touched on this but what do you think of llama raise folding AJ sb v bb and do you think folding the K9s was more of a mistake than folding AJ sb v bb ?
Folding AJo is probably worse, both pretty significant mistakes though I think.
yeah it was just because u didn't say to much on it you prob missed it at the time , thanks.
Hey love to see some small stakes reviews. What do you think of betting small on the river with the Q9 hand at 13:40 to give him a chance to go over the top with his missed draws? I feel like that might work at the micros. You'd also protect your TT+ a bit for the future. Thanks for the vid
I see quite a bit of zoom tables on videos and have a general question about zoom in general. I am a US based player and play on the WPN network that doesn't have zoom type games. Is the strat on zoom games different than regular ring games?
Not really. I mean it takes longer to get reads on players, but if you're making drastic changes to your strategy based on zoom/regular tables I think you're doing it wrong. Zoom is great for videos because the action is fast while only needing a few tables, you can start/stop ~instantly, and there's no waitlists/tables breaking.
I have been contemplating playing Bovada. It be alright to keep the same BRM on zone tables?
I don't see why not
Catching up with some videos I haven't seen.
@40:38 45hh Top Right
We should have some XRaising bluff hands OTF that should go 3 streets, and I think almost any turns or at least with a high frequency we would continue with our XR range unless the board pairs.
So on blank rivers 5h4h is a good candidate to bluff right (not on this particularly river now that we at least beat the A high FD)
@ 46:00
Of our bet bet range I think we should have some check-calling range right? So TT is our weaker overpair, so which hands would be best to check-call there? 9x ? (98s, T9s, K9s, A9s)
46min we don't necessarily need a check-call range unless we have some set of hands that need to be protected from being bluffed. I think this spot is going to be pretty close to nuts/air vs bluffcatcher plus traps, in which case we have no need to have a x/call range
great video steve really enjoying the reviews!
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